Thread: Dear Santa Lil
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Old 12-06-2004, 08:08 PM
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Dear Santa Lil,
I've been a very naughty, oops, errr..ummm.. NICE girl this year. I've played well with others and even made some new friends. I share my favorite things with my new friends, such as my dragon and the hills that he rests upon. I even decorated for Christmas this year, even though my favorite holiday is Halloween.

So Dear Santa Lil, I ask that this upcumming year, that all my friends are happy, healthy, and horny. And for myself, I would like safety in my travels this summer to go play with MY naughty, damn it, i mean, NICE Pixies Man! He's been very Very GOOD! (sorry for that bit of drool on the computer screen) Oh, and for the meantime before I get to be with him, I would like a big basket full of replacement batteries for my assorted toys. (It's really bad when you have to borrow the TV's remote control batteries, because all of the other batteries in the house are used up!)

Thank You Very Much Santa Lil!!! And this year I'll be setting out an assortment of flavored condoms and edible panties, instead of the usual cookies and milk.

Love, Lizz
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