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Old 10-02-2004, 10:38 AM
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Pita Pita is offline
~a little bit naughty~
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Georgia
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Sal and I enter the house laughing like school girls. She stops and looks around the entryway and the living room that lies straight ahead. “Oh, this is a beautiful home you two have.” She exclaims. I smile and thank her promising the grand tour soon. Just then an attractive Latin woman walks up to us. “Carlotta this is Ms. Morgan our houseguest for the weekend” “Sal this is Carlotta, she takes care of everything around here and makes my life easy.” I say smiling to her. Carlotta greets Sal and looks back to me and says, “I have set up for you to have lunch on the terrace since it’s such a beautiful day.” “Wonderful, why don’t you show Ms. Morgan her room so she can freshen up,” turning back to Sal, “Carlotta will get you settled and then we can have some lunch, just come back to the living room when you’re ready. I need to make some phone calls real quick and check on everything for Mike’s party at the club.”

Carlotta leads Sal up the stairs, as I watch her go I feel desire in me for this lovely woman. Smiling as I think of how surprised and happy Mike is going to be when he sees what we have done. This is going to be a birthday he will never forget. I hurry into living room to make my calls before Sal can come back down. I was looking forward to spending the afternoon alone together getting to know her better.
Just when the caterpiller thought the world was over, it became a butterfly!

Owning Pita, by my JassWolf!!
My Story~ Friday Night Spanking
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