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Old 04-18-2004, 11:33 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617
Setting things straight:

Originally posted by Tibvo
Welcome everyone to the Inn's first dunking event. As you can see, we have managed to track down the infamous (and evil) Maid of Marvels and have tied her up to the Ye Olde Dunking Chair.

Mr Graybread has very kindly offered to be the Dunker for the evening while I will make sure that no jiggery pokery takes place.

Drum roll please!!!

*Sounds of 100s of drums rolling*

Mr Graybread, please proceed and dunk...

First of all, I am nefarious as well. (Or did you forget?)

Secondly, I thought you liked jiggery and pokery, Tib.

Thirdly -- Gray, do I get to wear my crown? And where's the kawfee for dunkin' the crullers?
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