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Old 03-30-2004, 05:46 PM
Bestrafer Engel's Avatar
Bestrafer Engel Bestrafer Engel is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Ohio
Posts: 50
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Originally posted by Spellcaster73au
grabs a glass of scotch for myself and lights up a cigarette..

*Thinks that sounds pretty good....Engel orders a glass of scotch,chilled, neat, waits for the machine to finish and lghts a red.....*


Hey know using these little gadgets i had installed for you (free of charge I might add) you could have all your waitresses *ahem* attending to matters commencing in the restroom(s)....Line would move faster...and other such beneficial fringe effects.

Ich bin zurückgekommen
Rufen Sie mich Zerstörer an
Sie fallen vor meiner Klinge

I may die tomorrow, let today be the best day of my life.
Du darfst mein Bestrafer sein ja.
Fear death? I welcome it like a long gone lover, with open arms and a smile.
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