Thread: Larger people
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Old 02-13-2004, 05:49 AM
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nikki1979 nikki1979 is offline
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oh sharni i get that to i hate it and have been reduced to tears before bc of it. im not HUGE but i am real fluffy (im not allowed to say the f** word anymore i get yelled at) i weigh 70lbs over what the docs say i shud and every time i go tin they tell me "u know the base does have a free gym" FUCKERS i tell them they are more than welcom to watch my child while i go ! i also dont eat alot of junk food. every now n then i do get lazy and get take out. or ill eat some choc (MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM chocccccccccccc) but ive decided that id rather be fluffly and happy than skinny and hungry!!! i refuse to starve myself! tried that once lasted 4 days (worst 4 dizzy days of my life) and by the forth i decied it sucked and went home and ate! fuck the ppl who look down on us they will never know what its like to be heavy or how hard it is to get it off so they can either be nice to me or go to hell!

(ok now MY rant is ove TY for lisening)

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