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Old 01-29-2004, 02:04 AM
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Southern Charm Southern Charm is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Posts: 205
all this time people keep looking at the figures trying to determin whether thay are male or female at least, and those who look closely enought notice that they have no facial features. They ignore everything said by the patrons except drink orders, which they bring to the proper person quickly.* [/B]

Brilliant...and OH so true. Are these like Oompa Loompa's Tib? Should I call immigrations about your retaining illegal immagrants from LoompaLand for cheap labor?

*grabs one of the faceless by the back of the shirt and pulls out a pen and draws him/her a HIM face* I'll have another Guinness....uh....Martin. *smiles sweetly*
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