Thread: The Void
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Old 01-25-2004, 05:48 PM
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Graybread Graybread is offline
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She continued to snore lightly. In all her short years, this was one of the many things that Frank had found so much pleasure in, his little girl curled up on his lap. Whenever she was lonely or afraid or just needed the security of his nearness, she would crawl onto his lap. He would hold her for a while longer.

He held her as he listened to the Loons calls fade in the distance and the lonely call of a Whippoorwill off in the trees. He watched the sparkle of the moon light off the waves, the silver fish dancing under the light. He sat in the darkness, gently swinging, as a million fireflies flashed off and on in the quiet of the evening. It was a perfect evening a perfect time. His heart was filled with tremendous happiness and sadness at the same time. He nuzzled his face in the top of Roxie hair, kissing her lightly.

“Time for bed sweetie,” he whispered as the attack of the mosquito’s began.

He cradled her in his arms as he stood up and carried her through the door, kicking it shut with his foot. He laid her on the bed and untied her sneakers, pulling them off and dropping them on the floor. He gently massaged her feet bringing the circulation back into them. She mumbled softly in her sleep. He moved up to her waist and flicked the button on her shorts and pulled the zipper down, then tugged them off her. The top of her white panties rolled down as he did. He knelt on the bed and raised her T-shirt, pulling each arm through before gently raising her head and pulling it off.

“Mmmm, Daddy,” she murmured in her sleep.

“Shhhh, baby, sleep,” he said softly, tossing her T-shirt on the floor.

He looked down at her beautiful face, her dark hair splayed across the white pillowcase. Her eyes closed and a slight curve at the corner of her lips.

Is she dreaming of me? he thought. Silly old man. he chided himself.

He looked down her body, at the dark nipples showing through her lace bra, at the tuft of pubic hair showing above her rolled down panties. His cock began to stir in his underwear. He climbed off the bed and began to undress, kicking his shoes off, and dropping his pants. He pulled his shirt over his head and got a waft of his own body odor. He thought of jumping in the shower quickly but decided he could do it in the morning, before she woke.

Maybe they could shower together again. he thought smiling.
He lifted each foot in turn and pulled his socks off, then pulled his underwear down. His cock slapping against his hard belly.
Give it a rest. he told himself.

He turned the lights off and slipped into the bed beside his daughter, pulling the blankets up over them. The moonlight playing softly across her face. He lay on his side watching her sleep as he had done so many many times in the past, laying on his side propped up on an elbow. He loved his daughter, always had, but now he was ‘in love’ with her. And it was that same love that would force him to let her go one day, to find her own life, but not to soon he hoped. He would love her forever, and ‘make love’ to her as long as she wanted.

She mumbled again in her sleep, rolling toward him. Her knee banging into his before finding it’s way over the top, her foot gripping the back of his calf. She threw her arm over his side and pushed her head onto his arm, forcing him to lay it out straight laying her head on it.

Her face just inches from his. He inhaled her sweet breath as he smiled at her sleeping. He reached up and unhooked her bra, he wanted to feel her warm breasts pressed against his chest while his cock pressed into her hard belly. He tried desperately not to wake her as he struggled to slide her bra strap over her arm. Crumpled on the bed between them, he pulled her closer pressing his chest to hers.

“I love you Roxie,” he whispered quietly, kissing her nose then lightly on the mouth, “I’ll love you forever.”
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