Thread: Simon Says
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Old 11-21-2003, 08:16 PM
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Messalina Messalina is offline
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Helene hadn't noticed that Max even had a video with him when he came into the room. She smiled inwardly at first, thinking that the synchronicity was nice -- after all, she had intended to make popcorn and call him down to watch one with her. Before...

Frankly, she didn't understand Max's reluctance to show the man she was beginning to think of as Simon the tape. What harm would it do? "Please do it," she said quietly. It just wasn't worth him being hurt over a lousy movie.

Max tossed the video in Simon's direction, which he obviously caught by the sound of it. She wondered if it was the last Harry Potter or the second Matrix, both were out and she hadn't seen either. Given her druthers, she would have chosen one of those to watch tonight.

Simon's voice startled her from the mundane thoughts she was having despite their situation. "Let's see... Best of Interracial III. Hmmm. Not exactly your typical cartoon is it, kid?"

He had to be saying that to taunt her, but when she felt Max stiffen and move slightly away from her, Helene knew that Simon was serious. About the title of the movie, at least.

Simon kept on, spewing ugly insinuations that she struggled to shut out. Helene wasn't stupid or naive, but what mother wants to know that their child is sexual? And to realize that he was masturbating. She tried to hide her feelings, placing her hand gently on her son's knee and giving it a squeeze.

It was probably the same way Max would feel -- if he thought about it at all -- about her having sex with his father. Okay, maybe not often. Rarely, in fact. But even so. The thought of that must be just... yuck.

As for Helene, she didn't want to think of her son that way at all. Period. To her, Max would always and only be her little boy. Besides, maybe it belonged to one of his mates and he'd borrowed it out of curiosity. There was always that possibility.
Glistening moonlight caresses the dewed silk petals of a luscious blood red rose, yearning to be experienced, her sweet lusty fragrance uninhibited and irresistible. ~Donovan~
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