Thread: Circle Sex
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Old 11-08-2003, 06:24 PM
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like something was there..

oh yeah the other bit, she was shapely too, once caught a glimpse of her g-string riding-up from behind and then while reading a big spreadsheet, as she leant over, her blouse fell open. I got a quick tantalising view of her breasts, just the upper slopes and the lace cups holding her beatiful tits.

well i never did anything, until one night at the project end everybody went on a drinking session.

We were all supposed to meet at about 7 pm, i arrived at the meeting point and no one showed, i was feeling kinda thick and dumb and an idiot, when she arrives - What you want to know her name?

Well i'm not going to embarrass anyone, let's call her J.

J arrived and breathlessly told me that it was off but she was meeting some girlfriends and i was more than welcome.."to tag along".

I wanted to say No - thanks but No, but she looked so natural and great and horny, dressed in black slacks - tight across the hips and her cute bottom, heck i could see the line of her thong, simple white blouse and black short jacket. Her hair a tousled mane of deep hues and those eyes, so compelling.

So I went, only realising after ten minutes walk and aimless chatter that we were leaving the bar area and moving into suburbs J quickly said that it was at her friend Amber's house. Amber had moved into a new place and everyone was gathering to see it and gossip ..did I mind "Hearing girls talk?" J said, her eyebrow raised in curious and cryptic meaning. "Oh no, fine - I prefer listening to girls than guys, guys only talk about one thing."

J smiled "You'd be surprised, so do girls."

"Great" I quipped back.
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