Thread: Aftermath
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:17 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617

Janice was more sore than she expected she'd be when Mark thrust into her. Unable to stop herself, she cried out for her son to be more gentle. She knew he'd used the lubricant -- she'd felt it when she touched his... But even so.

Jan struggled to relax her body as Mark eased up and then slowly began to enter her again. Realizing being tense wasn't helping matters and was more than likely adding to her discomfort, she closed her eyes and tried to just let it happen.

Concentrating on anything and everything other than what was going on, a low-pitched, quiet mewling breached her thoughts causing her to open her eyes slowly. It took a moment to gather her wits, but no longer than that.

Jan was horrified to realize that with her mind in a different place, her body had stopped resisting and her hips had been meeting his gentle thrusts subconsciously. Sweet heavens! She was aroused! And because of this, her son was gliding in and out of her steadily. Easily. And he was ready to ejaculate.

Resisting the urge to push him off and scramble away, she encouraged him instead -- just wanting it to be over. Needing it to be over. She needed to think. How could this be??

"Cum for mommy," she whispered. "Please... "
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