Thread: Who Cares
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Old 07-31-2003, 06:39 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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Originally posted by Loulabelle
And btw, do any other English people remember the OLD Alphabet song - the one I learnt at school before we were all tarnished with the likes of Sesame Street?

"Tarnished with the likes of"...........???????????????

Lou? What's wrong with Sesame Street? Many children have grown up with that show (not me....I'm too old.....but I watched it when it first came on TV)........and for the kids of parents who have little time to spend with is a world of knowledge that they might never recieve if not plopped in front of the tube for that show! I just had to beg to differ here (normally I agree with you).

My fave Sesame Street of all time...............Paul McCartney singing......"Letter B, Letter B, (pause) Letter B, ohhhhh, Letter B......whisper words that start with.......Letter B, Letter B".......LOL! I loved that one!

Sesame Street.........No Tarnish!
Priests molesting children.......TARNISH!

Anywayyyyyyyyy......LMAO for the thread db! *hugs*
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