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Old 06-30-2003, 11:55 PM
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Irish Irish is offline
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Scarlett---FYI,Wal*Mart makes a canned drink,that Back-to back
can comparisons,is about exactly the same as Slim-Fast.It is about
a $1.00 less per 6pk.It is called"Weight Loss"shake by equate.In
our store,it is in the pharmacutical(sp?) section.
I bodybuild as a hobby.The so-called experts,tell you to injest alot
of protein!My diabetic diatician told me that with my age,diabetes,
&history of high blood pressure,that I was asking for kidney dialy
sis(sp?)My father-in law had that&I wouldn't wish it on my worst
enemy.The diatician suggested Slim-Fast instead of Protein.At BJ's
wholesale store,you can also get Slim-Fast Powder,to mix with
Skim Milk. Irish
P.S.Always trying to save a $1.00.
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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