Thread: Aftermath
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Old 05-26-2003, 12:04 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Posts: 449

In the large waiting hall of Central State Hospital's fertility clinic, Mark sits silently as he waits for his number to be called. His apprehension has grown since last night, after having a restless night and now he is feeling its affects.

He looks around the crowded hall, looking to see if Sunil and his sister are there (as his father had told him) but there are no sign of them.

Maybe they have already been.

"You sure you are alright?" His mother asks him what appears to be the umpteenth time.

"Yeah." He replies solemnly, looking up at her.

"You look a little peaky, dear." She says to him, her eyes scrunitizing his face.

"Just a bit tired is all." He tells her.

She gives him a nod and a loving smile, before pulling up her reading glasses (she is allergic to contact lens) and returns to her book.

For a moment he looks at her and then his eyes dip and to his horror he finds he is looking at her full chest.

Fucking pervert!

Disgusted with himself, his face flushing, he quickly turns away.

"Calling Number 759! Will Janice and Mark Fleming report to Examination Room 109! Calling Number 759! Will Janice and Mark Fleming report to Examination Room 109! Thank you."...
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