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Old 11-19-2019, 05:26 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Central MD, USA
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In last night's hockey game between the Washington Capitals and Anaheim Ducks, Erik Gudbranson (Ducks) sucker-punched Garnet Hathaway (Capitals), well after the play had been stopped, while the latter was being restrained. Hathaway's response was to spit on Gudbranson.

Hathaway got a game misconduct, and faces further disciplinary action from the league for spitting, and after the game said, "It has no place...It was a quick reaction and unfortunately the wrong one for me after getting sucker punched."

Gudbranson got a 10 minute misconduct, and because he was "only" assessed 10 minutes, might not face further league action. After the game he said, "...That's what this game is all about is guys fighting to win hockey gms & sometimes that's what happens. But going to that level is wrong."

Now, I'm not saying that league shouldn't discipline Hathaway. They would be right to do so.

But if they don't also discipline Gudbranson, that's complete bullshit.
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