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Old 08-23-2016, 03:11 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
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I lay back on my bed and savoured the sensation of climaxing by someone else's hand, until,

"Oh FUCK! Lindsay! Baby, I'm SO sorry I let you do this to me! What kind of fath . . "

My exclamation ceased in mid-flow as Lindsay placed a finger across my lips.

"Ssshhh, dad," she whispered, "you needed it, I was here and I wanted to. That's all, and that's fine. Now," she went on, "I'll clean you up, then you can get back to sleep".

Not really thinking about what Lindsay had just said, I simply lay back with my eyes closed, silently berating myself hugely for allowing the situation to develop as it had. Why did I not lock my door? Why did I not at least wear some underwear? Why, oh why, had I never gone to the doctor to see if I could get the nightmares to stop?

Back to the 'here & now' - why had there been no movement from Linz as she went to get a cloth, or some tissue, to clean me up?

I opened my eyes and looked down as I felt Lindsay scoop up the largest glob of spunk on my skin, wondering what she'd found to clean me up with. The answer, as I'm sure you've already worked out by now, was - nothing! She used her forefinger as some kind of cleaning blade, the rigid probe covered in a thick layer of dripping man-cream, 'Father-Cream', which she lifted almost immediately to her open mouth and slid inside, full lips closing around her finger as she sucked my essence from it, her own eyes closed as she savoured my taste.

I watched, entranced, as Linz's tits seemed to expand on her chest with the deep breath she then took, then was further mesmerised as I watched her smooth throat ripple once, twice, as she swallowed my seed. Lindsay's eyes opened slowly after a few seconds, her gaze finding mine as her mother's smile appeared on her lips.

"Mmm, you taste gorgeous dad," she said, "positively yummy, in fact!", not seeming to notice me shudder with the shock (and horror?) of hearing such words from my own daughter.

So it was then, that I was still sort of frozen to my spot on the bed when Linz bent over my belly, one hand smoothing my cock out of her way as her mouth and tongue licked and sucked the remaining globs of spunk from my skin. Quickly sitting back with a huge smile on her face before I could reach out to - I don't know what I was planning to do actually - she whispered,

"Good night daddy, sleep well!", pecked me on the cheek and disappeared from my room, leaving only her drying saliva on my stomach and a memory of full breasts and a gloriously rounded posterior covered only by the thin material of her panties.

I had no idea what I was going to do now so I laid back on the bed, pulled the covers over myself, and finally fell asleep still trying to think.


Once again the following morning arrived all too early, and I dragged myself out of bed with an unusual lethargy to go and walk the dog. And once again Charlie was downstairs before me, only this time, instead of large t-shirt and slippers (what was a 24-year old woman doing wearing slippers anyway?) she had on what must have been her own t-shirt so tightly did it cling to her body, jeans and a pair of serious hiking boots.

"Hi Mr. G!" So bright and alert so early in the morning. "I thought you could do with some company this morning; do you mind if I tag along?"

"Well, I . . . no, I guess not" I stumbled over my reply, amazed by the effect this diminutive, yet very sexy, female so often had on me. "Feel free - IF you can keep up!" I smiled at her, somewhat patronisingly I admit, her bright blue eyes darkening briefly before she smiled back at me.

"Oh, I think I can keep up with you Mr. G," she replied, "I'll go and fetch Bodies' leash and we can go, OK?"

I don't usually take a leash for Bodie, because he does what he's told, but I was happy enough for Charlie's bright eyes to be away from me for a short time as she went to find the leash.

We set off along the short road towards the local woods, and I was surprised Charlie kept up with me so easily. When I looked towards her I could see she was taking easily five steps to every three of mine, but she didn't look like she was in any way out of breath or finding the pace at all uncomfortable. She had put on a fairly thick fleece to combat the chill of the morning, but her head was uncovered, allowing her hair to move in the light breeze. She'd had her hair coloured a few days ago, so now it was a dark, almost purplish blue on top with a bright, electric blue on the underside; blowing in the breeze it actually looked pretty cool, the bright blue colour matching her eyes wonderfully.

After about half a mile we reached the path into the woods and I gave Bodie the signal allowing him to run free through the trees. We started up what I knew to be a long, though relatively shallow hill, Charlie still keeping up with me easily. We'd been chatting about trivia thus far, all quite unchallenging and pleasant, when Charlie abruptly changed the subject.

"So Mr. G." she began, following a short hiatus where we'd had to negotiate a rather large fallen tree. "Actually, I'm going to call you Martin now, like you've been asking me to. After all," she went on, "now I know just how yummy you taste, it'd be kind rude not to I reckon!"

I think that's probably the quickest I've ever gone from a lengthy striding walk to a complete stop in, well, years. My head whipped round and down to look into Charlie's face, the question (and shock, I expect) very evident on my face, my eyes seeming to almost pop out of their sockets when I saw what had been going on behind me as we walked.

It seemed that Charlie had got quite warm as we climbed the slope and undone her fleece. When the path had evened out a few hundred yards back she'd cooled down quickly in the cool morning air, which had affected certain of her bodily parts rather noticeably; specifically, her nipples, which I had noted one or twice to be substantially larger than her petite frame would have suggested, were poking against the tight material of her shirt like bullets, the slight convexity of her tiny tits merely serving to accentuate the rigid buds even more.

I looked up from the mesmerising sight into Charlie's smiling eyes as she continued,

"Martin, Lindsay came back to bed last night with a mouthful of your cum. I don't think she planned anything," I think my mouth must have been gaping open like a gutted fish at this point, "she just kissed me and gave me some of your spunk. It's delicious" she added, her expression turning more serious now she'd gone down a previously unimagined road.

"Well, umm, I'm glad you liked it!" A pitiful response, really, but all I could manage in the circumstances.

"Oh, I DID!" she exclaimed, "and Lindsay said if you will let me, I can taste you for myself. From the source".



Ok, what the fuck was I going to say to that?

I'm ashamed to say, the answer was 'nothing'. I could only shake my head in wonderment, a movement Charlie took as a negative answer to her query. I watched, gutted, as her face fell the bright smile disappeared and her eyes suddenly appeared to be glistening far more than was her norm; tears, and my fault they were there.

I reached out to her and managed to grip her tiny shoulders in my hands, drawing her slight frame close to me.

"Oh, Charlie" I said, "I'm really very flattered, and I can't deny I would love for you to do that. But . . . . "

A small, delicate finger across my lips silenced me then, Charlie staring into my eyes again as if to check if I was teasing, or not. Not, she decided, and she slowly blinked those beautiful eyes closed, two fat, yet happy tears rolling down her cheeks in her joy. She lifted her hands to push me backwards until I was leant against a tree at the side of the path, whereupon her hands dropped to my waist, nimble fingers quickly undoing my belt, then the button of my jeans before grasping the zipper tab and easing it slowly downwards.

I was watching her bright eyes burning into mine as she did this, then her gaze dropped to my groin as she took hold of the waistband of my jeans and pulled them down over my hips and thighs, taking my boxer shorts with them so my already semi-hard manhood jumped up and slapped her underneath her chin!

"Oohh," Charlie exclaimed, "looks like someone's happy to see me!"

With that she knelt so her mouth was level with my cock, one small hand almost reaching round my girth and pushed down against my pubic bone, with the other butted against it; despite this, the head of my shaft protruded love her clenched hands, allowing Charlie to poke out her tongue and delicately lick the length of my penile slit.

I learned long ago that (most) women aren't like porn stars, where their head is grabbed and forcefully pulled back & forth as the man fucks the woman's mouth/throat; rather, to allow the woman to find her own rhythm has always proved to be far more sensual and rewarding for us both in my experience.

And so it seemed to be on this occasion too. Charlie took her time licking round the edge of my glans, the sensitive flesh reacting by swelling even more than it had already! I could feel a slight weakness in my legs too, and I allowed a small moan to escape my lips as Charlie finally opened her jaws wide enough to take my smallest head fully into her mouth. I looked down to see Charlie's lips making a seal around my shaft, her bright blue orbs staring back up at me, both of them shiny with delight as she started to suck while still tonguing my slit.

One hand dropped to find my balls, still loose and heavy at this point, cupping them so they overflowed her tiny hand. Then, as her mouth widened to accommodate my thickness, her hand moved so the fingers curled gently round the 'neck' of my ball-sack, tugging very lightly which served to enhance the amazing sensations she was creating in my body. Charlie had obviously done this before to some lucky . . . well, anyway, I was very fortunate to be on the receiving end of her very accomplished oral ministrations.

As she began to bob her head up and down my shaft, Charlie alternated sucking and licking the bulb of my penis, even so often tugging on my balls and generally driving me ever more rapidly towards a huge orgasm, wide blue eyes still fixated on mine. Suddenly her movements ceased as she felt the tensing in my groin, over half my cock swallowed down so I was sure I could feel the muscles in her throat working on my hypersensitive glans and her hand now pulling almost painfully on my balls to try and hold back my forthcoming explosion.

To no avail.

Other than the orgasm brought about by Lindsay last night (Oh my God, Lindsay! How was I ever going to face her, especially after this?!), I had not been with a woman sexually, and successfully, for nearly a year. So it was that, a mere few minutes after first taking my cock in her tiny hands, Charlie was trying to swallow down what felt like the several, thick geysers of hot sperm that shot from my balls, up the length of my shaft and into her waiting mouth, the first powerful jet almost choking her, so quickly did it spurt out of me.

Confirming her past experience to me, she managed to swallow it all, though in fairness it did seem to be a bit of a struggle. Much as I'd tried to keep quiet, I couldn't help but utter several loud groans as I shot my seed into the petite, sexy girl in front of me, now leaning back so she could stroke my cock firmly and squeeze every last drop of cum from me, licking round the edge of my glans one last time, just to be sure.

"Oh Charlie," I breathed, panting rather more heavily than I would have liked, "that was utterly, totally amazing. Thank you. I mean it. That was fantastic".

"Mr. G. . . . Martin . . . I've wanted to do that pretty much since I met you".

That shocked me more than I can say, even now.

"After last night, when Lindsay let me taste you, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. She knows I fancy you," she went on some more, "and she gave her blessing for me to do this. And," she added further, "I fucking LOVED it! You taste SO good, like I knew you would. I'll do this for you any time you want from now on!"

Making that comment about Lindsay brought back my discomfort from last night; weirdly though, to me at least, I had no qualms about my daughters' lover sucking my cock! In fact, the thought of having her do it again, maybe with both us naked; well, that was something I could find myself looking forward to immensely.

Once I'd recovered the strength in my legs I straightened and pulled my jeans back up, but not before helping Charlie off her knees and back on to feet. I was acutely aware of how ridiculous I must look, a middle-aged man with jeans round his ankles helping a twenty-four year old girl to stand up! I didn't care though, especially as there was still no-one around to see (Bodie would have alerted us if anyone was nearby) and Charlie still seemed entranced by my eyes, as was looking straight at me any time I glanced in her direction.

Once I'd got myself sorted again, Charlie reached up to take me by the arm and we continued our walk through the woods. Now though, I noticed that Charlie was much more relaxed than she'd been earlier, which I could only put down to her having done what she set out to do; she was walking along with her arm through mine, without speaking, and I was really quite enjoying the feeling of walking in one of my favourite places with a lovely girl holding on to me. Believe it or not, the fact that not ten minutes earlier she had sucked my cock dry had little to do with that feeling; the mere fact of having a sweet, lovely female who was not my daughter holding me with (at the very least) great affection was very . . . exhilarating.

Of course, that last thought then brought Linz to the forefront of my mind, both what I had allowed her to do to me last night then, what I had allowed her girlfriend to do to me just now. It really hit home to me right there in the middle of the forest exactly what letting Lindsay stroke me to climax meant; OK, we hadn't actually had sex, and she was an adult, but; I knew at the time it was wrong in every way, and if anyone ever found out we'd go to jail, we'd lose everything, and . . . . but, wait a minute. Charlie knew and, rather than run off to fetch the police or recoil in horror and disgust at me, instead she had taken things a step further - and that was with my daughters' blessing.

My daughter; her girlfriend. This was starting to make my brain hurt.

I must have been in a sort of unconscious reverie, as I was suddenly aware Charlie had been speaking for a good few seconds now.

" . . . so I know she wouldn't want you feeling bad about it" I heard her finishing her sentence.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that" I apologised.

"I said," Charlie mock-scowled at me, "Lindsay was all for me sucking you. I know she'd thought about doing it herself last night, but she was too chicken. She still wouldn't want you feeling bad about me doing it though, d'you see?

She loves you, she loves me, and she wanted us both to be happy. I know I am, and I think you are, right? So, it's all good".

"I'm sure you're right Charlie" I replied, not really sure at all, "but what she did . . . what I LET her do, to me, was wrong. It shouldn't have happened and we both, all, know it!"

"Martin, you're the one who's wrong, not Lindsay!" Charlie had withdrawn her arm from mine and turned to face me on the path, forcing me to a halt as her voice raised. Within seconds, Bodie appeared from nowhere and placed himself directly between us so as to, I thought, protect me from her in his own wee doggie way.

When I looked down though, he was facing up to me instead; no growling, or bared teeth, but still something he'd never done in his life before. Unless it was Lindsay, then all bets were off; that defensive posturing around my daughter had obviously rubbed off onto Charlie! And she was the one who'd raised their voice! Jeez, if you can't trust your own dog . . .

"Martin," she reached out to take my hand. "Lindsay and I both heard you screaming last night, and it's not the first time we've heard you in the wee small hours. She didn't set out to wank you off," so erudite, these youngsters! "but she was dressed as she was cos that's all she had time to throw on - we were just settling down to some lovin' when we heard you.

"So," she seems to be nearing the end of her mini-lecture by now, "she was feeling really horny when she went through to help you, you've got a really nice cock, and she just got . . a bit carried away!" she ended her explanation in a rush, quite breathless by now.

"OK, I believe you" I said, thinking to myself that there was probably a bit more to it than that, but I wasn't going to argue any longer. Especially in light of the heinous betrayal by this mans' best friend!

"Good," Charlie smiled, lighting up her face as she caught hold of my arm again and headed back along the path towards home. "So, does that mean I get to fuck you then?"

Once again I stopped dead on the path, this time utterly speechless! Looking down at her, I saw Charlie was laughing silently to herself, so I joined in.

"Oh, Martin!" she exclaimed, somewhat breathlessly. "You really should have seen your face! Mind you," she went on, "it's not such a daft question really, now I think about it . . ."

I made no reply to that, if only so I wouldn't embarrass myself again by any misunderstanding. Not that there was much TO misunderstand really, was there?

I started walking again, Charlie quickly catching up and linking her arm through mine once more. This time we talked of more mundane things, including how her work was going - well, it seemed. I still wasn't exactly sure what it was she did, so she explained how the main part of what she did was related to fashion, but she wasn't quite a designer as such but nor was she merely a seamstress; well, suffice to say all I really knew was it was something to do with the fashion business, lots to do with drawing and late nights (not all her nights were spent with my daughter it seemed!) but, most importantly, meant she had a good, though somewhat erratic, income at a time when many younger folk are struggling these days.

Soon enough we arrived back at the house, whereupon Charlie shucked off her boots and fleece before disappearing upstairs, Bodie following close behind. I took off my own boots before making myself a coffee and wandering through to my office; ostensibly to do some work, but really to lie back in my chair to try and resolve what had happened this morning.

On the one hand, a very attractive, much younger woman had offered, then carried out, an amazing blow job on me, which seemed to have turned her on quite a lot too! On the other, that amazing blow job was the direct result of my own daughter wanking me off last night then licking my cum off me, letting Charlie taste it while confessing she wanted to suck me off too . . first, in fact, but had been too nervous of my reaction! Then add the statement that Charlie had wanted to do that to me pretty much since she'd known me - that and more, if I read her right - and my mind was very much blown. Of course, it didn't hurt - or help, really - that Charlie was a stunning looking girl in her own right, and that I found her incredibly sexy! Damn it all, you really couldn't make this stuff up!

I eventually decided my brain was far too full of conflict to think rationally about my predicament any longer, so I turned to my computer and tried to do some work. I found it too difficult to remove thoughts of Charlie's expert mouth on my cock from my mind however, and was too distracted to concentrate on even the simplest emailed query from work. As I sat back in my chair again, my thoughts went back to last night and the sight of my own, admittedly very attractive and sexy, daughter stroking me to climax, then licking from me what she had caused to spill from my loins all over my body.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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