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Old 02-07-2003, 07:11 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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LMAO milktoast! OK....I'd like a sock monkey!

I watched this special while chatting here with a Pixie friend. It was the same feeling you get when you see a horrible accident! You don't really want to look, but you can't look away either!

Throughout the entire almost every question posed to him........just after his answer........he would rub his nose. Experts have indicated that this body language is a true sign of a lie!

I almost felt sorry for him at certain points during the interview. Not that I believed a word he said........but that I actually think he thinks "WE" believe him.

But just as I felt the pang of sorrow for we go on a shopping spree where Michael spent approx. one million dollars on urns and gawdy paintings and lamps and a shit load of totally ridiculous stuff. I couldn't help but think of all the homeless people out there who could live for a year or more on the money it took to purchase one really, really fugly giant hallway entrance urn! WTF does one need with 50 urns?

So fucking what, that he earned all that money and should be able to buy what he wants. I agree he should as a matter of fact! But I am saying........these urns were pieces of crap personified and their price tag was off the ludicrous scale! And Michael even had the balls to mention that he, like all celebrities, love a bargain and that the proprietor of this "shit shop" would give him a good deal on his purchases! And Michael was totally oblivious to the fact that this was an abomination of money waste!

I heard that he was shocked at the way the special was aired and that he felt betrayed by Martin Bashir. I think Michael Jackson's brain has jumped ship. They say if you are rich it would be called eccentric......but Michael is far beyond eccentric..........he's in another world of which most people will never visit. Worst part of that is..........he thinks all he says and does is his attempt to have some normality in his life since his upbringing was nothing near "normal".

And........don't get me started on the way he tried to feed his baby a bottle! I was about to jump through my TV screen and snatch that baby from him! Gawd! He is clueless to anything but being in the spot light. That, he does well!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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