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Old 12-10-2002, 01:51 AM
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Vigil Vigil is offline
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I'm not so sure that you can dismiss thousands of years of cultural influence outside the United States and other more modern cultural melting pots of course.

Being different isn't a competition to say that one is better than another. Diffferences should be understood respected and enjoyed.

Men's and women's attitudes to themselves and each other varies greatly across the cultures, this undoubtedly will affect the sexual habits and expectations of both sexes.

Stereotyping always says more about the people who hold them than the objects of their prejudice. It is why I come to this site, that most people here are able to go beyond the soundbites that we are fed by our western political system to understand that we should deal with each other on a personal and individual level when we have this opportunity.

Oh, and American women have the best Tits.
Vigil, if you were my husband, I would give you poison.

Madam, if you were my wife, I would take it.
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