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Old 01-04-2009, 09:11 PM
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rtctfield rtctfield is offline
gangster of love
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: ohio
Posts: 254
After a baby almost three years ago (we'd been together, dating and all, 19 years before we had a baby), sex for my wife and me looks totally different than it used to. I'm sure we're not alone in that area.

While the frequency is nowhere near what it was, the quality is the best it has ever been. While we never really communicated about sex before, we now subtly let each other know what we want.

For instance, I would have guessed that she would have thought it awfully immature, but I just learned that my wife's favorite way to climax is for me to slowly stimulate her with one hand while her breasts are being kissed. And here I thought I had to be a world class acrobat to get the job done!

We both agree that we should have been more open ages ago, but we're sure enjoying ourselves now!
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