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Old 04-25-2008, 06:59 PM
Mojoel Mojoel is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Las Vegas Nv.
Posts: 17
MY CUCKOLD TORTURE' ; My sex trial

In the living room...there was a spare floor tile 12 inches square in the middle of the room. I was standing at attention, gagged with the awful ball gag, on this tile and ordered not to move, My hands were cuffed behind me, my ankles cuffed together, and My wife had added a couple of other torments as well. A wide leather collar encircled my neck, forcing my head up high and me looking straight ahead. I was naked except for two old pair of her 6 inch open toed high heels, and tied around my crotch was a pair of Becky’s bikini bottoms....the kind that covered almost nothing and tied on my hips with little bows. My cock was pushed down between my sore balls, almost tucked into my butt!

I stood there for nearly 20 minutes before Karen, Becky and Tom entered. Karen was the Judge tonight and I knew I was already in trouble. I didn't want to look at Tom. and I didn't dare look at Becky!! Through the corner of my eye I could see Becky laughing at me and whispering to her dad as she pointed at my crotch!!

"The accused has entered a guilty plea" Karen began.

I grunted in protest, and was promptly ordered to be quiet!! Karen then read my "charges" which included peeping, luring, stalking, indecent behavior, inappropriate conversations, lewd and improper suggestions and conduct, and even soliciting!! Again I began to grunt in protest and was again ordered to be quiet or I would be subject to further punishment!

Becky took half an hour to completely blow everything I
ever said to her out of proportion, and twist everything I ever did into a perverted insinuation!! All my old porno magazines, dvd's and even some condoms I had were introduced as evidence against me! Lastly....Karen got her shot at me...bringing up our old kinky lifestyle.

"Did YOU purchase the very cuffs you are wearing right now?” she asked.

I just moaned without the chance to either answer or explain.

"Isn't it true, you like tying up women?"

"Have you ever had sex with a woman who was tied up and helpless?"

"Have you ever made a woman have perform oral sex on you while she was tied up?"

"Did you complete this act, ejaculating into her mouth?"

"Did you make her swallow your cum before letting her go?"

"Did you ever spank or whip a woman while she was tied up, causing her physical pain or discomfort?"

"Did you ever tie up a woman and leave her when you were finished with your own selfish satisfaction...ignoring her satisfaction....only to return at a later time and continue with your pleasure and not hers?"

"Have YOU..." she finally finished with.... "Forced a woman to drink your bodily fluids from your body...and in addition, force her to drink her own?"

I was guilty of all these things.....but only with Karen, and most of it was her idea...however...I had no defense at that time...and it certainly sounded a lot worse hearing it described out loud!!! I was taken back to my closet then, but stood in the dark with a rope around my neck,,,tied to the horizontal clothes pole.

"We’re going to deliberate'll be notified of our decision when were ready"

I was there for hours...while they laughed and drank margaritas in the kitchen. I had to pee so bad it hurt, but I could do nothing with my cock curled under me and the tight Bikini tied onto me!! Pizza was ordered and the smell was so goooood. Karen actually put a slice in the closet with me and informed me that I would be fed once I was sentenced!!

Three hours later I was brought back to the living room.

"After careful deliberation and consideration of your both residential and financial situation" she began..... "You have been found guilty of all charges, and it is the decision of this court, with recommendations from the victims in this case...that you be sentenced to confinement at this location, for a period of life with a review of your behavior and consideration of a reduction of the charges or a change of sentence in no less than 10 years!!!

I just growled, not in surprise, but in anger at the entire process!!

"Your sentence begins immediately" Karen then explained. "However there are special conditions to this be explained to Becky!!"

At that point I was forced to my knees facing Becky! My face was less than three feet from her tight blue jean shorts covered crotch!

"Beginning immediately, the following conditions apply to your sentence" she began. "You shall remain naked at all times with the exception of cuffs, collar, and a small covering of your genitals, consisting of female panties, to be provided by your mistress or an agent of her choosing.
"You shall remain gagged, at all times unless ordered otherwise by your mistress. This means meal times, or oral service to be provided by you to your mistress or anyone she chooses. "

I stared right into Becky’s crotch and my imagination ran wild for a second!!!

"You are not allowed outside contact with either male or females, you are not allowed visitors either male or female. You are not allowed telephone or internet contact with anyone either male or female.

"You will provide the following services at this or any other location your mistress chooses while you are in confinement. You will perform ALL cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard and gardening work, to include keeping BOTH bathrooms spotless and fresh at all times.

"You will perform ALL sexual duties as ordered by your mistress, however these duties will be LIMITED to non-physical contact with anyone male or female, with the EXPLICIT exception of total ORAL service to your mistress, and ANYONE she chooses to receive said serviced from you. This service will be expected and performed by you at ANYTIME, or ANYPLACE, for as long as desired by the requesting party. This service WILL INCLUDE at all times...consumption of ANY and ALL bodily fluids, secretions, and ejaculations.”

By now my cock was trying desperately to become erect!!! Next Becky read the part...about MY sex life!!

"Sexual conduct by the accused will be limited.... to NONE!!”

I groaned she read on!! As she continued...Karen placed a small box on the coffee table next to me.

"The accused will submit to total chastisement, by means of a supplied CB-3000 Cock Cage. This device will be installed immediately, be padlocked on and said keys will be distributed to ONE: Your mistress, and TWO: my father. The optional lock will require BOTH keys to unlock it. Once a month, a performance review will be conducted and at that time it will be decided if the accused shall be allowed one hour of SUPERVISED freedom from the cage. No sexual activity shall be allowed between these sessions and no masturbation will be tolerated unless under the direct supervision of your mistress."

I managed to turn my head and stare at Karen with tears in my eyes!!! ONE MONTH?? She interrupted Becky for a moment...and added another detail.

"There’s a magnetic one year calendar on the wall in the dining room' she explained. “On there is a small round magnet....that shall be placed on the NEXT scheduled date for your one hour release. Written in red will be the LAST time you were allowed to cum!! Any discipline problems, complaints, objections by you, or failure to pass my DAILY cleaning inspections...will result in that magnet being moved two days beyond your next freedom date....and if your failure to that of an oral sexual will be moved ahead one week."

"Finally" Becky finished......."you will eat whatever leftovers there are from each meal, when fed to in your bowl on the floor. Your water bowl will be next to it. You are NOT allowed to use dishes, glasses or eating utensils of any kind unless you are cooking with them. You are NOT allowed access to the refrigerator or any cupboards containing food. You are NOT allowed sodas, or alcohol of any kind, however you will be required to prepare and serve them as ordered."

Finally Becky put down the list and Karen stepped in.

"This is only the basics" she said. "I reserve the right to change and/or amend these rules at any time, and YOU will follow my instructions to the letter, and that includes RIGHT command that you will follow TOM’S, and BECKY’S every word as you would mine, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

I nodded in total defeat. I was stood up then and led to the bathroom. My panties were finally removed and I was allowed to pee. Becky entered mid stream but I had to go so bad I didn't care!

"He has a really nice cock!!" she complimented to Karen, rather to me!

"It won't matter once he's in THIS!! " Karen said, handing Becky the cock cage!! I just stared in terror at my new prison...Becky dumped out the parts...but played with the actual cage part while staring at my cock!!

"Reach down....give yourself one last feel" Karen said...."In just a minute all you're gonna be able to look at it!!'


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