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Old 05-22-2007, 01:54 AM
Mark Vieth's Avatar
Mark Vieth Mark Vieth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 482
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Age: 29

Gender: male

Location(just a country will do fine): australia

Status: partnered

Sexual Orientation: straight

Sexual Styles(bdsm, normal, etc): normal

Sexual Frequency-
How often you get it?: once a day at least
How often you want it?: happy with what I get
How often do you think about it?: once a day in bed
How many Sexual partners have you had?: 6
How Often Do you masturbate?: maybe once a week

Do you have any sex toys? If so, how many?: well a couple of vibrators to use on my partner.

Favourite Sexual Position: doggy

Most frequent sexual position: doggy

What kind of car do you drive?: n/a, don't have one

What colour is your car?:

Have you modified your car?:
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