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Old 09-28-2002, 08:13 PM
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jjjjbo jjjjbo is offline
the Lusty Wench
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: sunny california
Posts: 1,113
Leaving the hot tub and the brooding highwayman, I pull my costume back on .... not so easy with my skin still rather wet and the costume so tight. I smile at the highwayman as I leave, but he is already lost in his own thoughts, ah well .... fun while it lasted! I roam back into the party to see what is happening there. The lights are all off it seems, oh wait, I pick my way across the room toward the light coming from the open closet door ... but then it is shut suddenly. I stop to let my eyes adjust better before moving forward toward the bar. I see the beautiful Lady Godiva, an amazing costume on an amazingly beautiful woman! See the Sheik lay claim and up the stairs they go .... hope they have a grand time!

A glowing beautiful naked woman comes to answer the door and usher through men in work suits to set up some new BIG toys out in the grave yard area ... I think it looks like those guys got a rather unexpected tip as they seem almost drunk with the wonder of gazing upon our hostess in RADIANT glory!

I grab a soft drink and pull up a chair to see what happens next.
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