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Old 09-27-2002, 04:17 PM
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jaida jaida is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 57
hmmm ... well now I'm in a real quandary! I love the deep kissing and enthusiastic touching! Enjoy the kissing so much that I wasn't paying attention when Coach walked us into that closet ..... ooops, if I hadn't been so into the kiss, well I would have thrown out my arms or feet and stopped us in the doorway, but ..... speaking of butt .... his hands on mine, ahhhhhh that feels so good, I think it feels so good to him too ..... I try to bring myself back to the here and now, remind myself to pay attention and wonder how to get out of this closet without either submitting to the hunter or losing all chances to do soon real soon.

But the Coach hasn't quite come to understand that I am not so easily maneuvered ... or am I ... I wonder, the call of this wild animal in him is very strong! His hands stroking and squeezing are almost beyond my ability to resist. I kiss him back, deeply..... my hands join in .... trying to touch him everywhere .... I press and pull on his butt ... wanting to feel my effect on him. I widen my stance until he puts both hands low on my backside and lifts me. My legs try to wrap around his waist, but my costume fits too tightly.

Realizing this, Coach lowers me back to the floor ... releasing me in order to bend down to lift the skirt of my costume ..... breathing space helps me find that ounce of reason and strength ... just as he is about to lift my skirt I step backwards, grabbing the door handle and pushing outward I step back out into the main room ..... I turn and smile sweetly at him saying .... "I'm not just a fast fuck buster .... you'll have to think up a new tactic!"

I risk one more thing, I kiss my fingertips and then touch his lips, counting on him being surprised enough not to grab my hand and pull me back into the closet ..... withdraw quickly and shut the door just as I see him about to react. I move as quickly as my shaky legs will take me away from the door, not wanting to get knocked off my feet when the door bursts open.
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