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Old 09-25-2002, 03:31 PM
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As I hand out my drinks I look over by the door and see that the mighty CK has found him something lovely to nibble on. I weave my way through the dancers getting a stange vibe as I pass the vampyre dancing with the demoness. I go back in the kitchen and see that the demoness has left her whip on the counter and it gives me and idea. I put down my drinks and take off my spider-man mask. I walk back out the the party and see that the demoness has left the dance floor and is heading outside. I walk towards her and stand right behind her. I whisper in her ear "I need you to feel something" as I guide her hands down to my crotch. When her hands get there and she willingly begins to rub my crotch through my pants I quickly tie them together with the whip.

"You are mine now I'm afraid, if you fight all the better" I whisper to her, sticking my tongue out licking her ear lobe. Then I walk her outside and around the corner of the house in the dark...
Love...the slowest form of suicide.
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