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Old 09-25-2002, 01:47 PM
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jaida jaida is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 57
I arrive at the party ... go to knock on the door, but it opens with the first push of my hand against it ... I look down at my costume and take a minute to adjust it .... making sure everything is in its proper place. The clingy skin colored fabric blends with my own skin tones .... but upon very close inspection, I know my nipples are visible, it is only at my waist where the costume changes to the appearance of ocean waves that the peek-a-boo show ends.

The cool night air has made its way through the fabric and left my nipples hard and even more visible. I pinch them once, just to make sure the effect lasts and walk through the door - Aphrodite rising from the Sea - newborn, but full grown --- has arrived.
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