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Old 09-18-2002, 01:33 PM
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jaida jaida is offline
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 57
mmmmmm mmmmm mmmm, I feel the moans rumble from deep inside me .... feel the world kind of tilt, then realize you are rolling us so I am on top of you. I press down hard as you thrust upward, going deep inside me. Ohhhhh it feels so good, so incredibly satisfying to feel you filling me completely.

I lightly grind my pubic bone against you, feel the tingle of sensation as I rub against you ... mmmmm mmmmmm your body arching against me to push deeper still .... I arch my back as well, coming partially upright, my neck extended back in the sheer physical pleasure of the touch of our bodies.

My body does a kind of back and forth grinding rock on yours where we meet, I try to raise a bit and come down on you again, over and over repeating this incredibly pleasurable motion..... it feels so good with you filling me as you do.

My breath is coming in quick shallow waves, and the tingle at my clit is intensifying. I feel your thumb there as you start to rub... rub with a bit of hard pressure. Ahhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmm oh that feels sooo gooooood!

You are thrusting powerfully up into me, pressing and rubbing on my clit and I am hanging on for all I'm worth .... feel the orgasm just there at the tip of my fingertips .... or maybe it would be better to say just at the tip of my clit....
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