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Old 10-01-2005, 10:57 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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maddy...TY for the whole lot! I love to know the feeling behind each pick. Faith in the Eagles makes me a bit nervous though. I "HAVE" to be a Philly fan (due to my proximity...or so they say!) but I feel that their recent injuries and the full steam approach of late is about to slide to the odds. I almost never "bet" against the Eagles...but the odds said I had to this week. I might bow in shame come Sunday evening! (((maddy)))

fredchabotnick...Yes! Just picking winners here! I haven't gone ass over tin cups and decided to bet everything coming up and down the! I don't feel all that confident with my decision to bet against Philly...I don't trust that game either! McNabb is a miracle worker with this team...yet I feel that his injury prays on his mind and it's so early in the season that a loss wouldn't break them. This pick (I picked KC), this week, is the most stressful for me too! TY for the good thoughts hun!

BIBI...I can't stand and pee precisely either...but I'll be damned to hell and back if I won't give it a go and tell them I did it with no residue! *shake, shake, shake* (((((BIBI))))) TY for your "input"!
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