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Diver Down 07-21-2001 02:48 AM

Female Orgasms?
I was a virgin ( I know guys aren't supposed to admit this ) before I met my wife about 8 yrs ago so I am very naive in many areas.
I can usually get her to come 5-10 times in an hour or so, and about half the bed is soaked when we are thru.
My question is, is it normal for a woman to cum like that. What is normal?

Dunchad 07-21-2001 03:40 PM

I don't know if that is normal or not. I used to get my ex off at least 15 or so times within an hour and the bed was drenched when we were done. My current girlfriend gets off a lot more and the bed is more than drenched, I htink there are puddles underneath when we are done.

Hispet 07-22-2001 09:52 PM

I'm definetly normal and I orgasm almost non-stop during sex. In fact I wish I wouldn't cum so many times. (lol My husband says Im weird for that)

SkyFaller 07-22-2001 10:15 PM

Hispet, hun... your not weird.... just incredibly fortunate! lolol

Helixhunter4 07-27-2001 11:11 AM

my new girlfriend that i met last week is like that; and it's the best sex i've ever had. enjoy what you have, diver, and don't let her get away!!!

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