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Intoxication 05-22-2007 01:40 AM

University Project
Ok im doing a Project for University on sexuality and I was hoping some of you (if not all of you) would mind filling in this form.

Please fill in form with red writing!



Location(just a country will do fine):


Sexual Orientation:

Sexual Styles(bdsm, normal, etc):

Sexual Frequency-
How often you get it?:
How often you want it?:
How often do you think about it?:
How many Sexual partners have you had?:
How Often Do you masturbate?:

Do you have any sex toys? If so, how many?:

Favourite Sexual Position:

Most frequent sexual position:

What kind of car do you drive?:

What colour is your car?:

Have you modified your car?:

Pictures I would like but dont need:
Face, Car, and your Sex Toys:

Thank you in advance, No names required, all participant will remain anonymous.

Mark Vieth 05-22-2007 01:53 AM


Mark Vieth 05-22-2007 01:54 AM

Age: 29

Gender: male

Location(just a country will do fine): australia

Status: partnered

Sexual Orientation: straight

Sexual Styles(bdsm, normal, etc): normal

Sexual Frequency-
How often you get it?: once a day at least
How often you want it?: happy with what I get
How often do you think about it?: once a day in bed
How many Sexual partners have you had?: 6
How Often Do you masturbate?: maybe once a week

Do you have any sex toys? If so, how many?: well a couple of vibrators to use on my partner.

Favourite Sexual Position: doggy

Most frequent sexual position: doggy

What kind of car do you drive?: n/a, don't have one

What colour is your car?:

Have you modified your car?:

Loulabelle 05-22-2007 02:52 AM

Sorry but you've not been around here very long, and I'm a little suspicious of some of your terminology. If you are a University student doing any kind of course with a sociological slant (which you must be to be researching sexuality) you would not use the word "normal" as it has no scientific value whatsoever.

Also, the majority of the information you require is available in our profiles or in the 'what car do you drive' thread....although almost all of us don't have sex with our cars in ANY position.

Intoxication 05-22-2007 03:16 AM

By normal I mean.. just male and female having regular sex.. so no bdsm or no fetishes.. just regular sex..

Loulabelle 05-22-2007 04:55 AM

I know what you mean, but your use of terminology makes me suspicious that your motives aren't genuine. I don't buy that this is for a Uni project.

If you're curious, if you're looking for someone compatible, if you're just wanting to get to know us better, just ask.

Lilith 05-22-2007 05:08 AM


wyndhy 05-22-2007 08:10 AM

what's the hypothesis you're working from that connects sexual practices and cars?

Intoxication 05-22-2007 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by wyndhy
what's the hypothesis you're working from that connects sexual practices and cars?

spot on.. I think there may be some sort of connection between sexual practices and car/car colour choice.. modifications? that was just cos i wanted to know who modifies cars out there :P

I am going to be entering all the information into a database.. and see if I can find any connections.

wyndhy 05-22-2007 09:06 AM

interesting but i am curious ... what's your hypothesis exactly? what is the connection between the two that you believe exists?

Intoxication 05-22-2007 09:16 AM

Well my hypothesis is that there May be a Connection between Sex and Cars, Not sure what it is.. But I intend to find out!

IowaMan 05-22-2007 09:33 AM

I'm betting you will probably find more of a correlation between the ages of people and their sexual practices in cars. Mostly that the younger you are, the more likely you are to have sex in a vehicle.

May be interesting though to see if the amount of sex in cars increases the older you get depending upon what color of car you drive. Maybe a bit of, "mid-life crisis, I need to get laid in my hot red sportscar," kind of sex.

wyndhy 05-22-2007 09:40 AM

this is intended as advice, not a cut, so please take it as such: if you are truly serious about finding a connection and exploring that connection, you need an idea to work with. something more specific than just "a connection," otherwise, you won't know what questions to ask or how to apply your data set to support or disprove your hypothesis. not to mention it flies in the face of the scientific method. you need to gather data in a way that is both quantitative and qualitative. and your prof … if they are worth their tenure … in my opinion should never accept such a study as worthwhile, valid or scholarly in any way. as a university student you should demand more - and get more - from your education. use it for all it’s worth. this isn’t grammar school, this is an opportunity for you to explore all the methods, tools and knowledge that are at your disposal, and use them to their fullest potential. i think you should do whatever it takes to do exactly that.

Intoxication 05-22-2007 10:16 AM

I suppose you have a Point.. OK so I am going to work on a new hypothesis.. But its still going to have something to do with sexuality...

Scarecrow 05-22-2007 10:16 AM

My freind you have entered a hornets nest. You just come in here and thinking this is just a sex site people will answer your guestions without know you. You could not be more wrong. The people on this site have seen all kind come and go, so they are very suspicuous of anyone just poping in and asking pointed questions. Since you are in University we will take it as youth and inexperiance, so we will not be to harsh on you this time. In the future learn a little about the people you would like to quiz.

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