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Lilith 01-13-2007 10:17 AM

Anybody love the man? If so, what is your favorite song?

I'm pretty psyched because we just scored tickets to his concert here, nosebleeds. His concerts here sell out faster than major rock groups like the Eagles or Aerosmith. There is a huge Parrothead Club in town.

He's apparently pimping some new beer and putting on a charity show. Should be a blast!

jbh3 01-13-2007 10:24 AM

Nosebleeds?? Who cares, it'll be great just to be there!!!

"Cheeseburger In Paradise" :)

Lilith 01-13-2007 10:25 AM

We, well Aqua started it, actually call my youngest child Cheeseburger and sing him that song all the time.

IowaMan 01-13-2007 12:38 PM

Yep, that one's my fav too. :D

Can't go wrong with many of them though. Wouldn't mind doing a bit of wasting away right about now. You'll have an awesome time at that show Lil. :thumb:

nikki1979 01-13-2007 01:42 PM

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very envious!!!! u rock girl !! cheap seats are great to , i LOVE Buffett! all his songs rock . Jeeping hates it when we go to New Orleans cuz we have to go to Margarittiaville and buy lunch and fun stuff before we go anywhere elase ! LOL

Lilith 01-13-2007 01:51 PM

nosebleeds but not cheap $$$$$$ I told Mr. Lil that just being present will be good enough.

scotzoidman 01-13-2007 04:51 PM

Let's see, favorite Buffet songs? Where to begin?
A Pirate Looks at 40
Pencil-Thin Mustasche (makes me think of my late brother, who was of Buffett's generation, & shared the memories of the first-line Boomers)
Come Monday (his 1st hit, recorded here, still evokes fond memories of my first summer out of high school)

Is there any better sing-along than "Why Don't We Get Drunk (and Screw)?

I wanna see pics of Lil with her hands over her head, doing "Fins to the left, Fins to the right..."

Lilith 01-13-2007 05:22 PM

I've never seen him in concert before. He's Mr. Lil's very most favorite, for some of those very same songs you mentioned Scotz.

Maybe you could take some pics of you model the appropriate moves for me Scotz, naked.

scotzoidman 01-14-2007 12:48 AM

Never been to one of his shows either, but I've known a couple of ParrotHeads over the years...they're like religious fanatics without all the guilt trips ;) I'm more of an agnostic ParrotHead, myself...I just enjoy the music & his outlook on life, plus 2 of his books I've read, "Tales from Margaritaville" & "A Pirate Looks at 50" are some of the best reading I've done in the last few...

Before I last visited FL, I decided that I needed his greatest hits to get me into the beachbum mode during the 10 hour drive to Panama City, & I must say it seemed to work...sadly, we haven't had the werewithal to return to the Sunshine State since (since we somehow managed to increase the family by one during that last trip :hump: :sperm: :eek: )...

When he does "Fins", everybody puts their hands together in the shape of a shark's fin over their heads...then wave to the left & right for the chorus...

BigBear57 01-14-2007 02:28 AM

Lil I'm envious, I'd love to catch a Buffet show. I've been close but no cigar as yet. I'd have to say my alltime fav song is "God's Own Drunk" but there are so many others I've heard thousands of times. I read "Salty Piece of Land" too and enjoyed it thoroughly. The man's just a gifted artist.

Oldfart 01-14-2007 02:43 AM

Envy doesn't touch it.

Before the next teardrop.

1nutworld 01-14-2007 09:53 AM

I gotta admit some Buffett envy here as well. I've never been fortunate enough to attend, but I've got 2 "live" CD's and a concert DVD that I pop in the player regularly.

My favorite Buffett songs:
Come Monday- just because everyone needs somethng to look forward to

One Particular Harbor-ya gotta have a place to go un-wind, and this song takes me there, even if it is just mentally


Fruitcakes- if that doesn't give an accurate description of society, what the hell does???

Oldfart 01-14-2007 11:24 AM

I've been looking for the copy of the Fender song I was sure was Jimmy. No luck.

Come Monday.

rabbit 01-14-2007 11:55 AM

OMG, I love Buffett. If I had a dollar for every time I was smashed listening to his stuff, I would never need to work again.

My favorite? Tough question. For me, it depends on the moment. But there's one song I always enjoy no matter the mood..."Pencil Thin Moustache".

Enjoy the concert, Lil!

osuche 01-15-2007 01:05 AM


Funny...for a minute I thought you meant Warren Buffet. And yes, I am a fan.


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