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WildIrish 01-26-2006 05:43 PM

Do you feel sexier?
Do you feel sexier now than you did five years ago?

Why or why not?

Aqua 01-26-2006 06:50 PM


Because I get (a lot) less sex than I did 5 years ago.

bobbachman 01-26-2006 08:27 PM

Definitely not
I am older, fatter, uglier and generally I dont feel as good as I did about most things now compared to five years ago. I think I am a better person now though.

Lilith 01-26-2006 09:09 PM

Yes, much. Pixies.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-26-2006 09:13 PM

I'm with Lil on this one. Pixies alone has made a dramatic impact on my life, allowing me to more fully explore a side of me I'd kept hidden for many, many years.

Not even taking Pixies into account, I feel sexier now simply because I *like* myself more than I did five years ago. I like the person I've allowed myself to become, slowly but surely, over the last five years. Major external changes, major internal changes = someone who's happier, more self-assured, and more willing to open herself up to great sexual enjoyment.

~Da_NufNuffess~ 01-27-2006 02:26 AM

Well, I have to say yes I do, I am only 21 so that may explain alot, but I was a very mature 16yr old, maybe hard to beleive but true lol

Loulabelle 01-27-2006 02:36 AM

Five years ago wasn't a particularly sexy part of my life, but I feel a lot less sexy than I did, say, 8 years ago, or 3-4 years ago.

Mainly because I'm a lot fatter and therefore don't receive anything like the male attention I used to. I've never been the kind of woman who gets whistled at by builders, but being at this weight, I notice that I don't even get smiled at/doors opened for me. I've learned that being an unattractive woman is the same as being invisible to men who don't know you.

maddy 01-27-2006 06:42 AM

I'd have to say no, five years ago I was at a lower weight and much more confident in myself. Hopefully in the next five years I will be able to say I feel sexier than I do today.

Cobalt 01-27-2006 08:07 AM

I'd say no. Looking alot older, feeling alot older, have lost alot of wieght due to stress and other things. Also alot of the reasons mentioned above. Way out of shape. :(

wyndhy 01-27-2006 08:38 AM

i feel sexier, i'll chock that up to maturity and confidence.

i don't look sexier...i'll blame that on the kids. :p:D

WildIrish 01-27-2006 09:43 AM

Very interesting replies, and I love the candor.

I feel older. My back acts up way too often, my hair is greying almost as fast as it's thinning, I've lost the "tightness" that my body once had from martial arts, and in general...I feel tired.

But damn, I feel sexy! And a great deal of that is because of Pixies.

Lou - I'd smile and hold the door for you. And you can bet I'll respectfully appreciate your body as you pass by.

And maddy...you made quite a move leaving Texas for CT! Pardon the expression, but that takes real balls. You look great, from what I remember of the old pictures (hint, hint, hint :D ) and you've got a lot to be confident about. Rumor has it you polish up nice for holiday parties too. :)

Aqua - You're still a sexy beast in my book. ;)

NHKG - Wait until corn season hits! Mr. NHKG will freak out! :hot:

wyndhy - I beg to differ...you look sexy as hell! :slurp:

Cobalt & Bob - Growin old ain't for sissies! :D

Da-Nuff - OMG...21 years old? I didn't feel sexy at all when I was 21! You're way ahead of the game!

wyndhy 01-27-2006 11:50 AM

awww. ty. ~x~

but...how do you know that? you've never seen my nekkid bod. *blink*


WildIrish 01-27-2006 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by wyndhy
awww. ty. ~x~

but...how do you know that? you've never seen my nekkid bod. *blink*


I have a de-blurrifier that I applied to your AV. :D

wyndhy 01-27-2006 12:02 PM

but that's not us. :p:D

Neige 01-27-2006 12:28 PM

I feel much sexier now than I did five years ago. Of course, that would have put me too at 16... At 16, I had never been kissed (only got my first kiss at 19). At 16, I was ugly, or at least I perceived myself that way... Since then I have learned to love myself, and have been loved. Pixies has been a tremendous help for me in my road to sexiness.

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