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ashkeyana0418 01-07-2004 09:33 AM

(OOC - Casting Call) An Unlikely Match
Martin is the sort of man that everyone either hates or loves...but most of the time, people tend to stere clear of him. Although rather good looking, Martin isn't overly concerned with what people think of him. He's blunt, to the point, sometimes a little too honest and harsh for most people's fragile egos and feelings. It's not that he's cold hearted or mean, just that he sees no point in telling white lies or trying to dance around truths. He never quite understands why people are so easily offended. But instead of changing, Martin has opted to just shrug off those that don't want to be around him, giving them the cold shoulder. His attitude? You don't like me, well fuck you. This is until he meets...

Bethany, who just moved into his apartment complex. He can't quite place it...she's not really his type. Short, with shoulder length wavy hair and big bright eyes, he has only caught glimpses of her here and there. An awkward moment in the elevator. A chance encounter in the hall way and yet there is something about her shy looks and coy little friendly smiles that tugs at him. They were like silent promises of long drugging kisses under rumpled bed sheets where naked flesh met naked flesh and left you breathless and aching for more.

His problem now...how to approach the quiet girl only doors down without looking like an ass? And why did he want to bother...he preferred to love'em and leave'em...why did Beth make him want more and they hadn't even spoken?

If this thread sounds interesting to you - please PM me if you'd like to play. I will be playing Beth, but I need someone to play Martin...I left some details out so you can make him your own character and develope him as you want! When I find my 'Martin' -we can get the fun started!! If anyone wants to play some other characters to make the plot a little thicker, feel free to post your ideas...I was thinking Beth could use a few friends...male or female! Or even Martin! Just let me know!

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