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Bardog 05-26-2003 02:56 PM

Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day in the US. This is a day where we pay respects to the members of our military who served and died for our country. I would like to say Thank You to any members here who are serving and have served in the military. Your service and dedication to preserving the rights we Americans enjoy should never be forgotten

Thank You

Rockfish56 05-26-2003 05:50 PM

I am a Canadian but I too want to thank all the U.S. Vets and servicemen and women. They do a great job.
We also have great people in the Armed Forces in Canada but unfortunately they are not in the top priority of our Gov't. What a shame that is.
If it were not for our Armed Forces we would not have the comfortable life we have.
MIA-POW Never forget!!

PantyFanatic 05-26-2003 08:46 PM

"MIA-POW Never forget!!"
And one more statistic for today.:) We have posted 2,733 times to our “million” thread. That's a lot.;)

Today they added 5 more names to the wall for a total of 58,265.:rolleyes:


lostintexas 05-26-2003 11:46 PM

thank you for you service to this country. i know that what this day stands for, no one can read. but to the families and friends of our fallen heroes, you will never be forgetton!!



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