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Emzo 04-27-2007 10:10 AM

Squirting and the girl-cum phenomena.
When I cum I often squirt, usually from masturbation and oral stimulation, not so often whilst a guy is fucking me but sometimes that also.

Ive seen it dotted around on the internet and people's opinions seem fairly even between liking it and not.

So my general musing is, do guys like the fact that i squirt cum when i orgasm (usually enough to fill a shotglass) or does it repulse them?

Comments, questions and opinions greatly accepted.

Coastie 04-27-2007 10:27 AM

Myself I wouldn't mind it at all wet and messy isn't and problem.

Having talked with other guys I think that it's a mixed reaction, for the most part I don't think they care.

One guy in particular told me a about a time he was going down on a girl and when she was about to cum she pushed him away and nearly gave him a facial. Not having expected that kinda thing he was kind of freaked out at the time. As a guy it's not necessarly something you think about ahead of time. Not sure when the proper time to bring the subject up. But I'm pretty sure most guys are accepting of it. :)

WildIrish 04-27-2007 10:37 AM

I'm not sure what they think.

Perhaps if you send me a video of the entire encounter, I will be able to see his face & make a determination. Then I'll post my findings.

Purely for research purposes, of course. :p

Emzo 04-27-2007 11:26 AM


PantyFanatic 04-27-2007 11:38 AM

Your signature is MY answer.

:69: :cheers: :slurp:

cavegirl 04-27-2007 11:46 AM

I'm really curious about this whole thing...:)

Emzo - what do you do to make yourself squirt?

Is there like a particular way of touching yourself and stuff? What does it feel like?

I mean it's only ever vaguely happened to me once and I can't remember what I did to make me do it, lol

Aqua 04-27-2007 12:35 PM

I absolutely love it! I've had the pleasure of experiencing this and it's :hot:!

Just realized that might come across as saying I experienced this with Emzo, but it is sadly not the case.

Cobalt 04-27-2007 08:50 PM

I absolutely love it!

Jax 04-27-2007 09:22 PM

Honestly, don't think I've ever been on the receiving end of it, but wouldn't have a problem with it. Wet is good.

cherrypie7788 04-28-2007 01:41 AM

It's never happened for me before....honestly I always thought it was a myth lol but if you say it's true, then I'll take your word for it.

As for it happening to me (on the receiving end, even though I'm a girl) I will say, no thank you please :)

On the giving (is this the right word to use here? LOL) end, I would be too afraid of getting it in his eye :p

scotzoidman 04-28-2007 09:52 PM

My guess is that some guys would be repulsed, some would find it very hot, & some would prob be indifferent...I would expect that some kind of warning would be the proper thing, just as we guys are expected to do...hell, most guys would wanna see ya do it, just because we love to see things explode. :rolleyes2

Emzo 04-29-2007 05:47 AM

To do it I just have to frantically rub my clit when im about to and when I am cumming and just sort of.... i dont really know how to explain it... push internally? Sounds kinda disgusting when I phrase it like that but its hard to manifest the right words.

dm383 04-29-2007 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by Emzo
To do it I just have to frantically rub my clit when im about to and when I am cumming and just sort of.... i dont really know how to explain it... push internally? Sounds kinda disgusting when I phrase it like that but its hard to manifest the right words.

:faint: :wish:


ReaperWoman 04-29-2007 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Emzo
So my general musing is, do guys like the fact that i squirt cum when i orgasm (usually enough to fill a shotglass) or does it repulse them?

Did you measure it? :p

I'll take one of those shots... ;)

PantyFanatic 04-29-2007 11:56 AM

Make it a double :slurp:
(we can do it twice ;) )

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