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Jeava 10-03-2001 12:49 AM

Rumor or is it really true?
Ok my girlfriend got some info from a coworker yesturday that I would really like to know if it's true or not.
The coworker said he read a news article that stated that several teenagers broke into Brittney Spears house (she lives with her boyfriend from the group N'Sync) and they managed to steal several home videos of them that reportedly shows without a shadow of a doubt that she (Spears) isn't a virgin afterall. Has anyone out there heard of this? I would imagine if this is true copies of this are already out on adult websites...if anyone can confirm or deny, please post (also if you have a URL for a site that has the vid's pelase let me know, I would be very interested in seeing them for myself)

TDK 10-03-2001 03:26 AM

wow, didnt know Britney was a virgin, thought she would have slept with past b/fs??

TazzMan 10-03-2001 09:59 AM

On the local news cast last night the had a segment on about what you were talkin bout. Supposedly that is in fact true according to news stations. Though I havent seen anything on the site yet.


Oldfart 10-04-2001 07:54 AM

Who gives a Rat's?

If she's not bonking, then she's either hyper-controlled

or emotionally lacking, or maybe she doesn't want to.

Does it really matter?

Life intrudes.

TDK 10-04-2001 08:37 AM

im sure ull have a look at it, if it was posted here im sure u would give her good comments :p, hehehee
so im sure u would give a Rat's :p

or mayb u really dont give a toss?? coz i certainly dont like Britney at alll......

Originally posted by Oldfart
Who gives a Rat's?

Does it really matter?

Life intrudes.

ROCKHARD 10-04-2001 12:51 PM

I agree with old fart. If shes a virgin than theres something wrong. Shes old enough and look how she looks. Im sorry but now and days it just doesnt happen where you stay a virgin long. I would like to be her first though!

scotzoidman 10-04-2001 06:11 PM

A co-worker & I have decided, based on her lastest video, that no virgin would know how to work it like she does... but that's just an opinion

Lovediva 10-04-2001 08:09 PM

Ok...Sorry guys...but I really have to ask this...

What do you all see in Brittney??? What makes her so special to drive so many men wild???

Is it the plastic boobies????:D ;)

TDK 10-05-2001 12:00 AM

me dont know?? im not wild about her at all.....plastic boobies are yucky......too look at and feel

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u

What do you all see in Brittney??? What makes her so special to drive so many men wild???

Is it the plastic boobies????:D ;)

connie's man 10-09-2001 03:10 AM

In the paper this weekend it was reported they found the tape. According to the police the tape was extremely boring.

I also agree, She does not turn me on in the least!

PurpleLayc 10-17-2001 10:56 AM

Spears thing
I have two boys (10 and 15) that can't stand to hear her sing let alone see her. I personally don't know what the hype is all about!!

Mercury_Maniac 10-17-2001 06:58 PM

yeah i really don't like her either, but Christina Aguilera gets me hard, just thinking about her, she is just that much hotter than most young singers, Mandy Moore is a decent dish also.

nutworld 10-26-2001 12:10 PM

I guess I 'm just gonna have to admit that I'm a member of the "dirty old man" group that just finds her appealing.

Its not the huge boobs..but there is something about her that just gets the blood flowing, virgin or not.

I don't find it with some of the other "starlets" of her genre.

jaymz 10-27-2001 02:28 PM

I'm 16 and a few months and find her positively ugly.

pje 11-13-2001 03:34 PM

I think shes a hott girl.It really doesn't matter if she has plastic tits or not i mean what counts anyway is her looks and who she is.Take Christina for example.Every since her first hit came out she has blown up into this 24/7 on the rag bitch.She has changes 360 degrees from when she first came out and looks nothing like she use to.

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