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SPIDER 12-16-2001 09:55 PM

Us Men do have a bit of a brain;How else would we send
messages to our seemingly uncontrolable sexual
love weapon? Diva ; I Loved that quote;By Robin.

Lovediva 12-16-2001 10:00 PM

I have no idea!!!!.....I have always been told that the certain love weapon HAS A BRAIN OF IT'S OWN!! LOL.in others words..."it's not my fault the dam thing is hard, it just happens!!! "......LOL :D :D

I liked the quote too...it's soooooo true!!!!!!!!!! :D

Prophet Reality 12-16-2001 10:13 PM

So what do you say to those few guys who can control it then?

Lovediva 12-16-2001 10:15 PM

Come and talk to me......LOL :D

SPIDER 12-16-2001 10:26 PM

What do you mean it just happens? guys are magic...you just have to listen to there lies to get the pinochcio effect....right girls LOL , boing!!!

Bilbo 12-16-2001 11:06 PM

So what do you say to those few guys who can control it then?

They are commomly refered to as : EUNUCHS


SPIDER 12-16-2001 11:14 PM

Last thread
Twas two weeks before christmas; given I am the host
My old lady brenda put , up the last post ;merry christmas to
all and to Diva good luck; Enjoy the holidays ,because your
a great {chef }; You make the best turkey!!

Love Dave & Brenda
Alberta Beach


Lovediva 12-17-2001 09:14 PM

Twas two weeks before christmas; given I am the host
My old lady brenda put , up the last post ;merry christmas to
all and to Diva good luck; Enjoy the holidays ,because your
a great {chef }; You make the best turkey!!

Hmmmm.....wouldn't it have been better like this????

A week before Christmas,
And I am the host,
I will let my old lady Brenda,
Put up the last post.

Merry Christmas to all,
And to Diva good luck,
Enjoy your holidays,
Cause Turkeys don't give a fuck!

At least mine rimes...LOL :D :D

Happy Holidays Spider and Brenda!!! :D

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