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fzzy 01-19-2003 09:01 PM

Masturbating for Mark
Approaching my front door nervously, is this going to change things? My friend is on the outside waiting to be let in, we have come to an agreement. Til now, our friendship has never crossed the boundaries into sexual except in some of our verbal discussions and even then it was just in testing the water kind of forays, that is until last week …. Mark opened up and told me about one of his biggest sexual fantasies, to be able to watch a woman masturbate, but also to be able to tell her what to do as she is bringing herself to orgasm.

In the middle of a risqué discussion it seemed like a simple enough thing and so I volunteered …. But, in the cool light of day (or actually early evening) it feels a bit nerve wracking as I open the door.

Mark walks into my apartment, he’s been here dozens of times, is usually very comfortable in my place, gets his own drink from the fridge, doesn’t bother asking if it’s ok if he uses the bathroom, etc., but obviously he, too, feels a bit nervous about the coming events.

Go through the usual pleasantries, nice day…good weather …. Soft drink? …. Something to snack on? …. Etc. Once all that is taken care of, swallow hard and lead him into my bedroom, the one room in my place he hasn’t been in much. Show him to the comfortable chair, positioned currently near the end and side of the bed. Several of my “toys” lay at the bottom of the bed so he can see what I have, he pulls a few new toys from the bag he’s been carrying, I look at them and nod, nothing I find unacceptable. He knows the stipulation, he can ask me to do what he’s wanting, but I have full and complete veto power.

Sitting on the bed, I remove the wrap around robe to display my sexy bra and panties, matching set …. Deep purple lace and silk … the bra is a demi cup and doesn’t quite cover the top of my areolas, my nipples are hard and standing out stiffly …. Helped by my rubbing ice against them for several minutes before donning the bra and robe and opening the door to Mark. I cup both my large breasts from underneath and push up slightly, pushing the nipples free and letting them hang over the top of the lace. Leaning forward toward Mark I allow him to hook his index finger in the lace and pull downward exposing first one breast completely and then the other, but the bra remains on, it is a good visual effect, framing my tits and also keeping sag to a minimum.

Shimmying my shoulders a bit, I watch the effect my motion has on Mark and reach my fingers up from underneath to pinch and roll each nipple between thumb and finger, pinching hard at them several times, before I pull and twist, my back arching at the pleasure I’m feeling from the exquisite torture to my nipples. Feeling a throb begin lower in my body.

Hand moves lower to rub at my pussy on top of my bikini thong panties, pushing hard enough to push much of the small triangle of fabric at the front of my panties into my pussy lips and rub at my clit, ohhhh that feels so good, my eyes close and I am a bit lost in the world of pleasure.

Mark can touch me, but he is not allowed to push into me beyond his first knuckle …. And he is only allowed to touch me with his fingers. He is also NOT allowed to touch himself, all of this until after I have had a full orgasm … after that we have left things open for whatever may happen.

I move to lay fully on the bed, my knees pulled up and then pushed down toward the bed, legs spread wide – all to allow a very good view for Mark who is leaning as far forward in his chair as he can without landing on the floor.

My finger finally delves below the panties and slides up and down against my clit … I am so lost in sensation that I jump slightly when Mark speaks …. “let me help you remove those panties.” I nod and feel his fingertips slowly sliding them off my hips and down my legs, which have straightened to make it easier for him. Looking up at me again he sees me slip two fingers into my pussy lips, this time a bit lower and pushing inward. I am getting quite wet now.

Fingers on my other hand continue to pull and pinch at my nipple, each tug or hard press inward feels like my clit is being pulled from the inside. I reach now for the bright yellow knob looking things, they have a dome top, are about an inch or so high and are hollow inside, I apply first one to a nipple, pressing hard inward on the bulb before attaching it to my nipple, arching my back a bit at the hard suction I feel from it, my breathing becomes a bit labored and shallow… I follow the same course as I apply the other bulb to the remaining nipple, freeing my hands completely for the moment.

I hear Mark take in a sharp breath and he hands me the lifelike vibrator he has brought with him and asks if I will be willing to use it. I swallow hard because it is a bit larger than the one I’m used to, but this is an adventure and I want to seek some new thrills in the process.

I ask if he will put a bit of lubricant on it first, yes I am wet, but just in case, I want to make sure that I can get it in easily. I watch as he carefully applies the astroglide stuff and hands it to me. It is a silicone type material and feels similar to the real thing, it is also that same kind of dark reddish purple color that seems to happen often when a man has all that blood pooling in his cock. It is a beautiful sight! I lick my lips unconsciously as I take hold of the base and position it at my pussy entrance. Pushing, I find I need to apply a bit more pressure than usual to get it past those inner lips, but finally I feel it sliding in, stretching me, filling me very full, so full that the pressure of it being inside of me seems to pull slightly on my clit and I feel the throb there increasing.

Once I have worked it in and adjusted the clit tickler against myself I ask Mark if he would like to turn it on for me, he swallows and nods and then leans forward, getting his face really close to my pussy before his hand reaches in to turn the switch, he turns it to full fucking power and I nearly fall off the bed with the impact against my internal muscles. He grins as I try to breathe, the slamming gyrating motion of the vibrator sends me almost immediately into a heavy duty orgasm. I feel Mark’s finger push up against the button of my clit and rub and I go over the edge immediately. The problem is that I need Mark to turn it off, the intensity of the orgasm has my body fully tensed and back extended… I breathe the words out barely, begging him to turn it off.

His finger continues to stroke me for several more seconds, doing nothing about the motion of the vibrator before he finally complies and turns it off. Immediately he stands, sliding off his jeans and boxers, throwing his shirt in the same general direction and pulling the vibrator from me, he positions himself to enter me and begins a slow deep thrust, pushing off the suction cups from my nipples and enjoying how large they have grown, he sucks one deep in his mouth…. I jerk, nipples are very sensitive after the cups … he sucks hard and uses his teeth to let me know he is aware of my need for some pain in my nipples, but I nearly come unglued at his actions, pressing hard up against his thrusting cock and bringing my legs to wrap around his hips, trying to pull him deeper, feeling another glorious orgasm building in my body.

We both know our relationship is changed forever, now I have a friend who can also fulfill my sexual needs on frequent occasions!

Tess 01-19-2003 09:32 PM

Hot... Very Hot... great writing, Fzzy! I'm printing this one out for later...

fzzy 01-19-2003 10:03 PM

Thanks for your nice comments H@rd Rock .... and welcome to Pixies!

Glyndwr 01-20-2003 05:24 AM

Lucky Mark!!!!

Nice writing, it made me lean far forward in my chair also ;)

kleclere 01-20-2003 06:40 PM

Fzzy another very hot and sexy story. Hope there is more to come. Enjoying the work in progress.

fzzy 01-20-2003 09:47 PM

Oh wow!!!!! comments from 2 of my favorite men - feel the sunshine of happiness lighting up my day!

Thanks Glyndwr ... always love hearing your comments!!

and Thanks to you Kleclere - you say the nicest things!!

Sea Chelle 01-21-2003 09:11 AM

I'm so going shopping for that vibe *wicked grin*, and a "friend" to watch me use it. Loved this one!

GusAspar 01-21-2003 09:41 AM

You've made my dreams again, Fzzy!

me_carl 01-21-2003 12:05 PM

Oh Baby! The more posts I read the more I like you. That is sooo very HOT!

fzzy 01-22-2003 12:05 AM

LOL Chelle -- hope you find it ... didn't really go looking to see if one exactly matched the description I gave, but was certain there must be one pretty close somewhere in all those adult shops!!! Glad you liked the story and thanks for taking time to let me know!

GusAspar - thanks!! wow - so glad you liked another of my stories!!!

Me_Carl .... thrilled you enjoyed the story ... and thanks so much for taking time to let me know!!!

Dartanian 01-22-2003 09:00 AM

Thank You fzzy!

This is one of my fantasies also, as yet unfulfilled.

I definitely "enjoyed" your story.

fzzy 01-22-2003 10:49 PM

Dartanian - I'm so happy you enjoyed the story .... hope you find just the right person to live that fantasy with!!!! ... In the meantime, glad you could share my fantasy with me! And, welcome to Pixies!!!!!

Bronzedozzy 01-24-2003 08:31 PM

Well Miss Fizzy,

the best bit of one handed reading I've done in quite a while....twice!...LOL...somebody stop me!!!!!!!!!!

If ever it's too much for Mark, I'm quite happy to understudy anytime.....The lucky stiff!!..as it were.

Kendall 01-25-2003 06:57 PM


your understanding of the male condition is amazing.. mission accomplished, all of my strings were pulled



fzzy 01-25-2003 11:48 PM

Bronzedoz.... Thanks, glad you got so much enjoyment out of the read!!! -- understudy ... hmmmm, well I guess I'll just have to keep that in mind if my "Mark" decides he's tired of me! LOL!!!

Kendall, Thank you .... hadn't intended to pull any strings, but as long as I did, sure hope that's a good thing!!! and thanks for letting me know. :)

RandyGal 01-26-2003 01:53 AM

As usual fzzy....holy COW that was a good one! :D

I've had a dry few weeks so this was a welcome addition to my last few evenings. *giggle*

Thanks for your sexy hot stories m'dear.

fzzy 01-26-2003 10:11 PM

RG - glad you're back --- hope you had fun in your dry few weeks away! Thanks for your wonderful words, always love to hear from you!!!!

Hitchhiker 01-29-2003 06:15 PM

Not bad not bad at all. Although its nice to watch and not touch at all. Try it ,you can always touch in round two then take more time over all the contact; and guys don't forget the ladies like to watch too, trust me I know!

fzzy 01-30-2003 03:49 AM

Hitchhiker - thanks for taking the time to comment .... suggestions are always welcome. :)

LixyChick 01-30-2003 07:35 AM

fzzy........Wow! Excellent story! I have a lot to work on to get to this caliber! Just incredible!

Unregistered 01-30-2003 04:51 PM

Wow, can i watch next time?

fzzy 01-30-2003 11:08 PM

thank you Lixy ... what a very nice compliment you pay me, just by taking the time to express it - and even better with such a nice thought .... :)

Unregistered ... I let anybody read my stories, but I have to know a bit more about someone before they get to SEE - LOL!!! Thanks for reading and taking the time to express your appreciation!!!!

fzzy 02-23-2003 01:45 PM

FYI - For anyone reading this story ... there is a part 2 ... called Friggin for Friend, Mark

Aussiescribbler 02-24-2003 12:48 AM

Wow! What a hot story, fzzzy!

So, is Mark going to return the favour and let you watch him?

fzzy 02-24-2003 12:55 PM

Thank you Aussiescribbler .... hmmmm I think me watching him would have to be a story HE tells! :) But ... well who knows that Mark man seems to pop up now and then! LOL - thanks for dropping by and letting me know you liked the story!

Unregistered 02-28-2003 05:53 AM

my... my.. sensational.. loved every word of it.. have read many but never posted a reply.. believe me this one prompted me to!

fzzy 02-28-2003 03:37 PM

Why thank you unregistered .... glad you liked the story ... wish you would take the time to register .... Pixie folks are quite friendly! Thanks for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed the read!!!!

shyabusa 03-11-2003 05:48 PM

I don't think I could find a bad story if I tried. Everything you write is orgasmic. If I could only find myself a friend like the one you wrote about. Oh that would be heaven... I think I'll have to start searching! This story has sparked my imagination...

Off to go read part 2... Something tells me this one is going to only get even more delicious!!

Thankyou for another wonderful story. :D

Shyabusa :cool:

fzzy 03-11-2003 06:46 PM

LOL Shyabusa ..... so glad you are enjoying my stories .. I love to hear your comments .... and especially enjoy that my fantasy has sparked your imagination! :D

Staar 04-03-2003 02:22 PM

What can I say more than what has already been said.... love this story, very hot! :) Staar

ShadowRaven 04-03-2003 07:24 PM

Very exciting and enjoyable......going to be rereading it for awhile I think. Also loved the librarian one too. You are an excellent writer, your stories get me hard almost instantly. Thanks. :D ;)

fzzy 04-03-2003 09:10 PM

thanks staar for stopping by and for the bump up, really glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks ShadowRaven for your positive comments ... and there's actually a separately written sequel to this one you might also enjoy ... I'm glad my stories have a strong impact for you! :)

shyabusa 04-07-2003 06:52 PM

Everybody loves your stories. I know I do. Just wanted to stop by and give some more kind words.
Oh yeah, I really love this one. Starts off sexy and just keeps getting sexier!

Thanks for all of the good reads.

fzzy 04-07-2003 11:05 PM

LOL shyabusa ---- so glad you enjoy the story and so glad you take the time to say so! thanks for all your kind words!!

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