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Prophet Reality 12-13-2003 11:49 PM

A Vampyre's Tale
Greetings all I am Vaj. We have conversed briefly in the past, and shared a small tale from my past. Of recent I have traveled the lands of old and found a fledgling that was abandoned by her Sire. Later it was discovered that she was not abandoned, but orphaned. I agreed to help her with her adjustments and quickly we became friends and companions. This is our tale and adventure upon return to the place I consider my Home. So join us in this tale and enjoy what we have to offer.

Prophet Reality 12-16-2003 01:49 PM

Vaj stepped into Muddy's Coffee house. He knew that a new poet/songwriter was to perform tonight. Supposedly he was from Romania and was familiar with tradition Gypsy music. It had been too long since Vaj heard music from his people. As soon as he stepped in Barret waved at him and invited him to the back office.

They entered the office and Barret closed the door. "My friend, there is a young lady here that is looking for a Vampyre. She is in the corner, I think you can find her. Just please remember the rules of the house. And the performer is due any minute as well. So where is Ash tonight?"

Sugarsprinkles 12-16-2003 02:40 PM

Phaedra sat in the corner, writing her attempts at poetry in a notebook she always carried with her. She happened to look up and saw Vaj walk through the room. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She had never seen anyone like him before. He seemed to exude power and sexuality. She prayed to whatever God or Goddess there may be that he would notice her. She just had to get his attention. But just how she didn't know.

ashkeyana0418 12-17-2003 09:56 AM

Ash dusted off her boots, stomping them firmly on the ground to remove the dirt she had stepped through earlier that night. Standing outside Muddy's Coffee House - she knew that Vaj was already inside, sensing his presence. A small smile creased her soft red lips as she remembered their meeting...purely a chance meeting that soon developed into a close friendship. She owed him everything and quickly became his loyal companion.

Slipping through the doors of the Coffee House, Ash shrugged off the cape covering the silky strands of her raven black hair and cast curious silver eyes around the room. It was rather packed tonight, she noticed. Probably people wanting to hear the newest musician that was going to be performing. Slipping gracefully through the room, she found their habitual seat in the darkest corner of the room and sat, snagging a stirring straw and bending it into little artsy shapes. Letting her mind drift, she spoke to Vaj silently, letting him know she had arrived.

Prophet Reality 12-17-2003 11:32 AM

"She has jsut arrived and in her corner as usual. I think I will join her and see if I can find this creature you told me of. No don't tell me anymore. You know how I enjoy the hunt these days." Vaj stands and then pulls out a small bag, he places it on the desk. "For the Queen. Please make sure she gets it."

Vaj returns to the main room and can see the muscian take his place. He carries a violin, a guitar, and a small drum. This should be exciting indeed. Vaj scans the crowd and detects a couple of prospects.

'Ash M'dear... have you hunted yet?'

ashkeyana0418 12-17-2003 05:40 PM

Ash smiled and tilted her head back to look at Vaj as he came to their table and sat down next to her. "Mmmm...indeed I have." She murmured, licking her lips in remembrance of the sweet blood that flowed from her victims neck and into her body. "He was rather tasty. Sure he won't remember a thing by the morning."

She chuckled to herself, wrapping the red straw she had bent out of shape around a slender finger, the soft skin looking paler than usual. "So...what was going on out back?" She asked him softly, her eyes returning to the room, wandering and searching.

Southern Charm 12-18-2003 02:44 AM

Who is this guy? The Gypsy Liberace? Brenna says to herself out loud as she walks in the door of the now crowded coffee house. It had only taken her 10 minutes to find a place to park, 5 blocks from the storefront. She had driven Vaj to the door, dropped him off, and spent the next half hour making her way back to where she left him.

Her eyes immediately found him as she removed the hood of her long coat, pulling her long, blonde hair free from its confines. She was a stark contrast to these dark, night people of whom she now found herself a part of. As she removed her coat and slung it over her arm, she noticed he was seated with Ash.

Ahh, Ash, dark and mysterious, beautiful as she was dangerous. Brenna couldn't help but look on the couple in conversation and feel a twinge of jealousy. Ash evoked a strange mix of emotions within her. Jealousy, envy, friendship, attraction....

Ash was a beautiful creature; strong, intellegent, cunning, and completely loyal to her new friends, but Brenna secretly fought with the feeling of rejection and that Ash had stolen "her" Vaj.

She makes her way to the table to join her friends and enjoy the nights entertainment as best she can while attenting to the needs of her 'employer'.

Sugarsprinkles 12-18-2003 09:15 AM

Phaedra tried hard not to stare at Vaj and his companions. The women were both so beautiful. How she envied their beauty and the fact they were so close to "him!" She felt so ugly and insignificant compared to these lucky women. He'd never notice her........not as plain and ugly as she is, she thought to herself.

She went back to her writing, while continuing to watch them, and wonder just exactly who they were and what they were doing in this coffee bar. And wishing she could someday be part of their little group.

Prophet Reality 12-21-2003 12:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
"Barret wanted to tell me about the young lady over there writing. The one that is looking at us and wanting to join us." Ash and Brenna both look at her when she looking elsewhere. "Brenna love, would you please invite her over. And please, don't be jealous, you are and will always be My favorite." While Vaj is talking to Brenna he slides his hand over her thighs to where they meet and gently presses where he loves to be with her. Between her legs.

As Brenna slowly rises and walks away Vaj leans over to Ash, "My dear, you need to be a bit more careful in your hunts. You left a little bit on your lower lip. Here let me get it." He leans over and kisses her deeply and sucks the little bit of blood off her lip. "Very tasty indeed."

ashkeyana0418 12-21-2003 06:59 AM

Ash moaned softly and kissed Vaj back, giving him just as much passion and then purred, leaning back into her seat and licking her bottom lip to taste him instead of the blood he had cleaned off of her. Meeting his eyes, she gave him a soft and sexy smile. "I'll do better next time."

Shifting a little, she leaned forward, linking her hands on the tabletop to try and still her nervously working hands. It was a habit she had always been told was irritating. Constantly having to fiddled with objects, to keep her hands busy, although...not everyone complained.

Her eyes drifted to Brenna, watching the tall, blond headed beauty walk towards the new girl scribbling on a writing pad. For a second her eyes just wandered over Brenna and silently wondered why she felt her twinges of jealousy. She had sensed it many times in the short while they had known one another, which baffled Ash. They were a unique pair...one radiated light, while the other silent dark shadows. Tapping fingers against fingers, she continued to watch, snapping her mind back to the present and surveying the girls reaction to Brenna's interuption. She felt her initially pang of fear chuckled to herself, not missing a beat...not the widening of her painted eyes or the slight tremble in her hands as her pen faltered.

Southern Charm 12-22-2003 11:52 PM

"Brenna love, would you please invite her over. And please, don't be jealous, you are and will always be My favorite." Vaj purrs as his cool hand carresses her thigh and floats higher. All thoughts flutter from her head and she becomes maliable and willing to his touch, her eyes glazing over for an instant and then gone again as she realizes she has been given instructions...and Vaj's instructions were never to be ignored or questioned.

As if she knew exactly what she was going to say, though she didn't, Brenna raised from her seat and walked purposefully, yet aloofly to the girl's table.

"Excuse me?" she said with an engaging smile, "but my friends and I happen to see you writing in your little book," she sat down next to her, "and we're all dreadfully curious to its contents."

Not recieving an immediate response, she continues, "I'm sorry, forgive me, my name is Brenna. May I buy you a drink?" she asks, putting her hand atop her new companions to steady its trembling, never breaking eye contact or losing her dazzling smile.

Sugarsprinkles 12-23-2003 03:41 PM


Not recieving an immediate response, she continues, "I'm sorry, forgive me, my name is Brenna. May I buy you a drink?" she asks, putting her hand atop her new companions to steady its trembling, never breaking eye contact or losing her dazzling smile.

Phaedra was at once both startled by Brenna's approach and in awe of her. In awe because Brenna possessed all the attributes Phaedra envied. Brenna was tall, slim and blonde whereas Phaedra was short, plump and dark haired. In awe, too, because Brenna was with "him."

At first she was unable to speak, her mind a complete jumble of emotions. Excitement that "they" noticed her and even more because it seemed they wanted her company. Nervous because she didn't know what to expect. And for some reason she couldn't explain, she also felt a dampness between her legs.

Brenna put her completely at ease when she touched her hand. There was a magical, electrical connection when Brenna looked into her eyes. She was mesmerized but finally managed to mumble a response. "Oh, thank you...just some black coffee please." She struggled to gain her composure, feeling completely awkward in the presence of such beauty. "I'm really sorry, I couldn't help staring, but the man with you is so compelling. I feel so drawn to him, but I don't know why."

Prophet Reality 12-25-2003 11:21 PM

Watching Brenna with the young lady Vaj extends his abilities and can hear what is being said. He smiles and nods. He looks over to Ash, "We may have a new playmate tonight my dear. Do you approve of her? And she will not be drained, but played with. I need a release."

ashkeyana0418 12-26-2003 07:54 AM

Ash smiled and turned her straying gaze to Vaj, leaning more towards him now. "MMmm...I think she'll do just fine...anything that pleases you Vaj." She purred, slipping a pale, delicate hand onto his thigh. Starting at his knee, Ash traced the firm muscle up, inching closer and closer to his pending arousal, but stopping and then teasingly running her fingers back down.

"I hope the little one is up for some play." She murmured, her body already tingling with anticipation. Squeezing her thighs together, she licked her lips and squeezed his thigh lovingly.

Prophet Reality 12-28-2003 01:18 AM

Loving the tease that Ash is, Vaj returns the favor, but does not stop. His hand slides up her thigh right to her pussy and starts to tease and play with her immediately. Watching her wiggle and try not to let anyone see what is happening under the table. Vaj is glad that she always picks the darkest areas.

ashkeyana0418 12-29-2003 06:43 AM

(Happy New Year Everyone!!!)

Ash let out a little contented moan of pleasure as Vaj's hand slipped up her thigh and pressed against the junction between her legs. Her pants were tight and each caress was delicious! The friction of the material against her sensitive pussy only making it all the better. She wiggled, to get a little closer and let her eyes drift half shut, trying her hardest to look composed as she watched Brenna and the other girl and the patrons around them.

"Vaj..." She murmured, biting her bottom lip as he bumped against her clit and shivered. Her normally pale flawless skin was looking a little flushed and her chest rose and fell a little faster. "Vaj...you're distrating me..." She purred, slipping her hand over his and pushing it more firmly against her clit until the first waves of true pleasure hit. Her body tensed as she sighed and briefly closed her eyes.

Prophet Reality 01-04-2004 01:12 AM

Finally Brenna stands from the table and walks over to Vajand Ash. "she is inawe of you Sir, but she is shy and not sure what to do."

Vaj looks to Ask and smiles. "Brenna, go get the car. Have it outside in 30 minutes, and be prepared to take all 3 of us to the house. And make sure there is food for a couple of days for our guest. What is her name by the way?"

"Her name is Phaedra."

Prophet Reality 01-04-2004 01:17 PM

After Brenna walked away, Vaj looks into Ash's eyes and sees the lust subsiding. He pushes a finger into her wetness one more time, but this time he pulls the finger out and sucks it dry. He flicks his tongue over the tip of his finger and whispers, "We shall continue later, at the house."

He slowly rises and makes his way over to Phaedra and is careful to not make any quick movements to give away his nature. He stops at her table, looks down at her and smiles seductively. "So you are scared to come to my table, well maybe you will be more comfortable at your own. My name is Vaj! It is an immense pleasure, (he draws pleasure out lustfully) to meet you."

Sugarsprinkles 01-05-2004 01:19 AM

For the first couple of moments Phaedra only stares at Vaj, wide eyed and nervous. Finally coming to her senses, she smiles at him, "I'm so very pleased to finally meet you, V--V-Vaj. My name is Phaedra. Please, won't you join me? I've just met your friend, Brenna. She's very nice................and very attractive (she lowers her head just a tad, but enough to indicate she feels considerably less attractive)

Prophet Reality 01-06-2004 10:15 PM

"Now.. now My dear.You are much better looking then you think." Vaj leans over and lifts Pheadra's chin to look into her eyes. "So what are you writing Pheadra? Do you like tonight's music?"

Prophet Reality 01-06-2004 10:24 PM

~Thinking loudly to Ash......~ 'She has a low self esteem... we will have to work extra hard on her. But I think that the rewards will be worth it.'

~Thinking to Brenna...~ 'I like her Brenna... find out all you can on her once you drop us off. We should be out front in about 25 minutes or so. If you need more time to get some more food, that is okay, we can wait outside a bit.'

Sugarsprinkles 01-06-2004 10:26 PM

Phaedra blushes at his compliment. Her eyes lock on his...........almost as though hypnotized. He stares at her intently as she replies, "I'm just writing some poetry......it's probably not very good, well, not as good as a lot of what I've heard here anyway. Yes, the music is very good. Kind of depressing, but still good."

Prophet Reality 01-06-2004 11:29 PM

"I would love to read some of your poetry some time. I love poetry. In fact some of the Poets that have performed here, I have sponsored and hepled them get published. So do you live within the city ir one of the many suburbs?"

Sugarsprinkles 01-07-2004 12:27 AM

"I'd be honored to share my poems with you. Are you sure you'd want to read such pitiful attempts as mine? They're usually rather dark and depressing." Phaedra squirms a bit nervously in her seat. She's stunned that he'd want to read her writings. Stunned, and secretly thrilled. How she's dreamed of having a conversation with him such as this! She feels more drawn in than ever as she continues: " I had no idea you sponsored some the the poets here. And you really want to read mine...?? I can't believe it!"
She suddenly realizes she's babbling and apologizes, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go on like that. I tend to run off at the mouth when I get nervous. Now what was your other question? Yes....where do I live................well.......my parents live out in one of the far Northern suburbs, but I spend a lot of time staying with friends"

ashkeyana0418 01-07-2004 07:13 AM

Ash smiles at Vaj's observation and straightens herself, leaving the table to refill their drinks and grabbing one for the new girl. Slipping through the crowd, she smiles at a few men that glance her way, then strolls purposefullly towards the duo still talking. As she reaches the table, Phaedra looks up, her eyes a little wide with nerves and excitement. Ash smiles easily and sets down their drinks, "I thought you might a little something...I know I always feel more relaxed after a nice glass of wine." She then looks up at Vaj with a sexy smile, "Vaj darling, why don't you sit down. You're giving the girl a crick in her neck."

Prophet Reality 01-10-2004 10:14 PM

"Yes I do so love to sponsor fresh poets. And don't worry, I tend to make people nervous." Vaj noticed Ash get closer with their drinks and...

Phaedra looks up, her eyes a little wide with nerves and excitement. Ash smiles easily and sets down their drinks, "I thought you might a little something...I know I always feel more relaxed after a nice glass of wine." She then looks up at Vaj with a sexy smile, "Vaj darling, why don't you sit down. You're giving the girl a crick in her neck."

"As always you are right. Phaedra, please allow me to introduce My Companion, Ash. May we sit and talk some more. Or if you'd like we could go somewhere more relaxing and quiter?"

Sugarsprinkles 01-10-2004 10:46 PM

"As always you are right. Phaedra, please allow me to introduce My Companion, Ash. May we sit and talk some more. Or if you'd like we could go somewhere more relaxing and quiter?"

Phaedra extends her hand to greet Ash. "Thank you for the wine, Ash, and it's nice to meet you.
Turning her attention back to Vaj "Yes, by all means, I'd love to for you both to join me. I've seen you here before and never expected to to meet you. I'm really very excited." Realizing she's beginning to babble, Phaedra stops, takes a few sips of the wine Ash brought her, and tries to compose herself.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to monopolize the conversation."
Phaedra would like to continue the conversation at the club but somehow she "knows" that she should agree to go along with Vaj and his companions.
"We can stay here, but if you'd rather go somewhere else, that would be fine too."

Prophet Reality 01-10-2004 11:00 PM

"Well whatever would make you feel comfortable. After all, we are virtual strangers. But I do need to go talk to a friend. Why don't you ladies talk it over and let me know what you decide."

Vaj looks at Ash and sends his thoughts to her ~ 'Get closer to her and start making moves on her. I think she would go with no problem then.'~

Southern Charm 01-10-2004 11:21 PM


In exactly 30 minutes, Brenna is parked just in front of the coffee house, as directed. The trunk filled with all the finest food and drink for their new guest that Vaj and Ash have already, no doubt, wrapped around their fingers. She smiles and thinks about the other places their new companion may be wrapped before this night ends. She lets her imagination roam to what could be in store for the evening as her hand roams down her tummy and between her legs, lingering for a moment.

"She certainly is a yummy little thing isn't she?" she asks outloud to no one, smiling to herself again. She peeks through the front door of the coffee house from the warmness of the car, but doesn't see them. "C'mon you guys, work your magic and lets get rollin," she says under her breath, lowering her rearview mirror to check her hair and make-up one last time. She readjusts it and peeks back through the door.

Prophet Reality 01-10-2004 11:31 PM

Vaj senses Brenna's impatience. As he sends his thoughts out to his Ghoul, he can tell that she is excited as Ash and himself. He gets close to the door and talks to one of the employees and watches Ash. At the same time he sends his thoughts out to Brenna, but they are thoughts of what he is going to do her later. Images of ropes, flowers, restraints, toys, and hot wax!

ashkeyana0418 01-12-2004 07:42 AM

(sorry for the delay...family emergency)

Ash smiled as Vaj left and took a long sip of her drink before setting it down slowly and facing Phaedra. She smiled a slow and sexy smile while inching herself closer so that their thighs brushed up against each other. "You really have nothing to worry about...you're quite lovely, you know and Vaj already likes you." She murmured softly, long pale fingers reached out and brushed hair away from her face and then trailed it down the side of her cheek to her neck. The pulse there trilled her to no end, but she forced herself to move on.

"Why don't you come with us Phaedra...It would be so much more..." She paused, seemingly choosing just the right word, "intimate if you came away with us. Vaj and I would love your company little one..."

Sugarsprinkles 01-12-2004 08:35 PM

Phaedra feels Ash's fingers trailing down from her face to her neck. The feeling is a two-edged sword. Her body responds involuntarily.... her nipples hardening as a dampness spreads between her legs. It also gives her a cold chill. A cold chill of aprehension but she ignores it as she hears Ash telling her that Vaj likes her. "Me? He likes ME? What could he possibly see in me?, she asks Ash. Phaedra was so thrilled that not only had she been noticed by Vaj, but he actually LIKED HER! She wasn't going to do anything to spoil this. Better judgement be damned!!

"Why don't you come with us Phaedra...It would be so much more..." She paused, seemingly choosing just the right word, "intimate if you came away with us. Vaj and I would love your company little one..."

"Oh yes!! I'd love to join you all." Words that would echo in Phaedra's head and heart for a long time to come. She really had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she was hoping it would be more exiciting than the boring suburban life that her parents wanted for her. Little did she know............

ashkeyana0418 01-13-2004 07:47 AM

"Mmmm...good girl" Ash purrs, leaning forward just a little, her face intimately turned to the girls neck. She inhails and almost sighs, her tongue snaking out to lick the tender pale flesh there. She feels Phaedra tense a moment as she nibbles on the colum of her neck, but the girl only arches it to the side for greater access.

Smiling against her skin, Ash sends Vaj a mental signal that they are ready to join him when he is ready to leave. While their eyes meet from across the room, Ash slides a hand down between Phaedras thighs and slowly trails her fingers up.

Ash grazes her teeth along the girls neck, then licks it. "Mmmm...you are a tasty little thing...come now...lets join him and be off."

Prophet Reality 01-13-2004 10:40 PM

From the doorway I watch Ash and Phaedra. I can feel that Ash is restraining herself. As soon as she gets the answer we wanted, I signal Brenna. I signal to Ash that I will be in the car waiting for them. I exit the coffee house and walk slowly to the car. Brenna hops out and walks around to open the door for Vaj.

"We will be having a guest after all my dear. Ash has convinced her, of course. So after we get to the house start the research. I smell that you got some food, very good M'dear." He leans forward and kisses Brenna. As kisses her deeply, his hands roam all over her back and rest on her ass. He squeezes and massages her ass and then releases the kiss and her. "Maybe you and I should take care of business as soon as we get home. Phaedra I think can be entertained by Ash for a while."

Southern Charm 01-16-2004 12:43 AM

Vaj walks toward the car as Brenna steps out and walks around to open the door for her 'boss'.

"We will be having a guest after all my dear. Ash has convinced her, of course. So after we get to the house start the research."

"Yes, sir," she says watching him slowly approach her. His slow, deliberate saunter, almost hypnotizing her as he draws nearer.

"I smell that you got some food, very good M'dear," he purrs as he reaches her. Slowly, he leans forward placing his soft, cool lips to hers. As the depth of the kiss increases, she melts into him placing her arms around his neck and surrenders to his power over her. His hands roam across her back to rest on her ass. Lust swimming through her body, from their entangled kiss, to his powerful hands, to the aching center of her passion, she feels the heat pulsing between her legs.

Just as abruptly as his kiss begain, it ended and Brenna was left feeling empty and wanting. Inside she was begging for more.

"Maybe you and I should take care of business as soon as we get home. Phaedra I think can be entertained by Ash for a while."

Through hooded, passion-filled, crystal blue eyes, she watched his mouth curl around the words and fantacized about all the places it COULD be. Her breath, still heated and full of passion, she quietly breathed, "Yes, m'lord," as Vaj takes his seat in the car.

Prophet Reality 01-17-2004 09:21 PM

Vaj sits in the limo and waits for Ash and Pheadra to exit the coffee house and join him in the limo so that they can go home. He knows that his tease with Brenna has her simmering in lust and wanton. He thinks of all her supple curves, her tantalyzing smells, and delicious taste. His member starts to harden slightly and he tempts the thought to have her join him in the back while they wait for the others to join them. As he scans Ash's thoughts, he detects that they are close to exiting.

ashkeyana0418 01-20-2004 02:37 PM

(Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, but I didn't get notified by Pixies that messages had been written! SORRY!!!!)

Taking Phaedra's hand in her own, Ash stands and tugs her up. She seems a little dazed, with still a twinge of nerves, but mostly excitement. Smiling at her, she reminds her to pick up her book and pen so that they may leave.

She watches as the girl fumbles and then finally gets a hold of her things and again, taking her hand, Ash leads them away from the crowds and outside where she spots the limo. Her mind links with both Vaj and Brenna, reporting how eager their new playmate was as she opens the door and ushers her cute little bottom in. Behind them, the door shuts and Ash slides down next to Vaj. "Ready when you are..." She purrs out, eyeing Phaedra and licking her lips eagerly...

Sugarsprinkles 01-21-2004 08:15 AM

The next thing she knew, Ash was holding her hand and pulling on her to hurry so they could leave. She was barely able to gather her pen and notebook of her poetry, Ash was so insistent. They wound their way through the crowded coffee house and finally made it outside. Ash led Phaedra to a long black limo with windows tinted so dark they appear black.
Ash opens a door and pushes Phaedra in, gets in herself and shuts the door. Phaedra looks around to find Brenna and Vaj already there, in the back of the limo, very close together.
Vaj looks up as Ash and Phaedra get in and smiles at Phaedra.
It gives Phaedra a chill. Somehow she senses there is more to Vaj than she first thought, and it makes her very nervous. Her gut instinct is to leave and leave now........before it's too late. But too late? Too late for what? What has she gotten herself into? As thoughts of fear and confusion are swirling in her mind she suddenly feels an eerie sense of calm come over her, as if Vaj has mentally wrapped his cloak around her, mesmerizing her.
She senses the motor start and the limo pulls away.

Prophet Reality 01-22-2004 10:41 PM

Vaj is sitting in the limo when the door opens and Ash pushes Phaedra inside. Ash then hastily enters and closes the door. Vaj can sense that Phaedra is suddenly scared and nervous. Before she can grasp what might happened, he lets his power seep into her. Watching her relax, he tells Brenna to drive them home. He watches Phaedra for a few minutes and realizes that Ash is just buzzing with sexual energy. He leans over and kisses her deeply and passionately. While doing so, he gently nips her tongue and sucks her prescious vitae from the wound before it quickly heals. Before he knows it Ash is all over him, with Phaedra watching in amazement.

ashkeyana0418 01-23-2004 08:43 AM

Vaj was definitly a drug...someone you could get yourself lost in and Ash had known that from the first day he had found her and then taken her under his wing. Preoccupied with their new 'guest', Ash hadn't expected his kiss, but as soon as his lips touched hers and he tasted her vitae, she lost herself in the dizzying passion that took hold.

With a little growl of pure lust, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed herself over onto his lap, straddling his body. She could sense Phaedra's shocked gaze on the two of them as they continued to kiss. Vaj's hands slid up her pants and cupped her bottom. Eagerly Ash ground her pelvis down against his and moaned, throwing her dark head back. That action pushed her breasts forward into Vaj's face, straining for attention against her blouse...

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