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Sharni 02-12-2004 09:27 PM

Larger people
ok....rant ahead..not pointed at anyone here..just need to let off steam

Why is it the majority of ppl automatically assume that because your a big person (obese...fat...or whatever ya want to call it) that you constantly eat junk or enough for 3 ppl!!

Well it fucks me off

I should not be made feel guilty because i buy a pastry or cake....I've had ppl blatently stare or some comment that 'you really dont need that'...well fuck you and the horse ya rode in on!!

A few weeks ago i was having lunch with a collegue...She was having meat with salad....i had a sandwich with lettuce and meat on it...when we finished she had an apple and i had a muesli bar...someone came in and made a comment along the lines of....you shouldn't be eating that...you should be eating the same as *****...a muesli bar for fucks sake...not like i was chowing down on a cream cake!! I was hurt and embarrassed and now avoid eating anything near that person again

How rude....Some people need to learn some fucking manners

I put humour up as a front to cover...but it hurts...ya self esteem takes a massive nose dive...

My comeback to cruel ppl that point out my weight

Yeah well i'm fat...your ugly...I can diet....then walk off

I know i'm big...i dont need others to remind me

Done ranting now...just ignore me *L*

dreamgurl 02-12-2004 09:29 PM

i have nothing else to say but.......... ROCK ON!!! cause it does suck and now it's like if you don't wear a size three you are the hugest ( word?) thing in the world, what happened to the roman times where curves on men or women were sexy not gross.

Lilith 02-12-2004 09:36 PM

Amen sister friend!!!!

Mr. Lil weighs nothing (former marathon runner....metabolism that burns any, and every thing) and my kids are tiny too. I eat extremely healthy but I do buy them treats etc. I have experienced similar rudeness, one incident in particular that I really had a hard time getting past. Funny how we would never consider being so rude as to walk up to someone who was less than attractive and give them tips on make-up or where to find a good plastic surgeon:D

Sugarsprinkles 02-12-2004 10:07 PM

(((((((HUGS))))))) Sharni!!!!

I am so sorry you've encountered such rude assholes!!! You and most of the Pixies that know me well, know I'm far from thin. Like you I DO NOT gorge myself with sweets and junk food. I don't even eat 3 meals a day..........usually something in the morning and then again at dinner. I don't eat a dozen eggs, a whole pound of bacon and an entire loaf of bread in one sitting as some obese people do. I don't eat as healthy as I should, but I'm not constantly stuffing my face with food!!! Would I like to be thinner? FUCK YEAH!!! Do I want to be skinny?? HELL NO!!! I just want to be able to buy clothes easily and have them fit reasonably well.
God Bless my husband, he does not criticize me or harass me about my weight. I wasn't overly thin when we got married, but I sure as hell didn't weigh as much as I do now.
But, I have also been blessed in that I have never once encountered anyone that has laughed at me, or made any rude comments to me about what I'm eating or buying in the grocery store. I hope I never do. I'd either say something sarcastic or a simple "FUCK YOU", which really wouldn't accomplish anything.

Sharni, hon, I'm a good listener, and I sure as hell understand your feelings. So just bend my ear anytime you want. You know I'm online almost all the time. :D Just give me a yell anytime you want!!

naughtyangel 02-12-2004 10:34 PM


Some people are just a waste of space, aren't they? I honestly know where you're coming from. I have a medical condition that affects my insulin, which makes it really difficult to keep weight off. I have to eat healthy and really watch my carb intake, but darn if sometimes I don't feel like just indulging in some chocolate or a bag of chips. Just because I indulge occasionally doesn't mean it's all I eat, and I shouldn't have to feel guilty about it...and neither should you!

I'm lucky, also. My husband has known me since I used to be thin, and he still insists that I'm the sexiest woman he knows ;)

vampeyes 02-12-2004 11:17 PM

I can really feel for you.. being a bbw myself. I never have understood what would possess people to think that they can just open thier mouths and let whatever pop out.. I have had it hapen to me more than once and am quick to tell them to get bent. But it does still hurt. I won't say that I am a saint..I do love chocolate and indulge but of course its all in moderation. I love it when people automaticly assume you want a diet pop or critique what you are eating. Thats when I ask them point blank "what do you think I am on a diet" it usually leaves them speechless. All I can say is that you are a beautiful woman (and I know everyone here would agree). Women need curves - to me that is part of what sexy is all about. I can't say that it doesn't hurt when someone says something rude like that but just know they are in the minority.. women are not Barbies and most never will be.

Hopefully half of what I said makes sense... this subject really gets me so ticked...

Irish 02-12-2004 11:27 PM

Sharni---I know where you're coming from.I work out daily,but most people don't realise that muscle weighs more than fat.Also,I
am diabetic.My Diabetic Dr.,told me that insulin makes you put on
weight.If you go by most charts,in the height to weight ratio,I'm
obese.I asked my diabetic Dr, & he told me-"You're a big guy.
While most say that weight is unheathy,I'd rather that you were
heavy & in shape, then fat." Irish
P.S.As I've said before,the only person, that you can make happy,
is the person that looks back from the mirror!The rest don't know
the circumstances!

jennaflower 02-12-2004 11:35 PM

Ditto.. Ditto.. Ditto... Ditto... Ditto...

Did I say... Ditto? LOL

I can relate.. damn it.. wish I couldn't.. but I can...


SuzyQ 02-12-2004 11:57 PM

What Jenna said......what disturbs me ..is the way some people look at people who are "different" and then sort of snicker and turn away..want to crush them...Handicaped people get it all the time...

Nice Guy 02-13-2004 01:34 AM

I hold an impressive 255lbs on my 6ft frame. I however don't look like I way anywhere near that much (Yes their is such a thing as big boned). But I don't eat junk food or large amounts of food. I'm just generally big. Since I am the way I am, I don't judge larger people that way. Plus I'm kind of fond of the bigger ladies.

Grumble 02-13-2004 04:16 AM

I have to be honest and say that extremely fat people do not turn me on sexually.

However I am not rude to people or would have the gall to comment that they should not eat something.

I myself have a bit of middle aged spread that goes always to my tummy. Like Irish i have diabetes and take a lot of insulin so that increases appetite and some weight gain. I do not exersize enough either but i expect to be doing a lot of pushups soon, quite often in fact, with Curvy laying under me to supervise :D

Curvy is not waif like either. She has some pudding to hold on to and it how I like it .

So I sympathise with you Sharni, you don't deserve to be treated rudely, no one does

Loulabelle 02-13-2004 04:55 AM

I too can relate to this totally......while most people I know do not think of me as being particularly overweight, most of them are really surprised when I tell them how much I weigh.

About a year ago I went to the docs after my car crash, complaining of whiplash pain and broke down in tears when the doctor was particularly unsympathetic. He diagnosed depression (which was pretty accurate) and then placed a patronising hand on my knee and said 'perhaps your weight has something to do with it'. Just what a depressed person wants to hear.

A friend of mine with whom I had a brief fling, also comments on a regular basis, that I could be a lap dancer in a 'specialist' club (in other words, I'm only sexy to those sections of the population who have a 'fat fetish' - odd considering he's seen my pic threads here, and knows how much they are enjoyed by my fellow Pixies.)

Woah - I think my rant was longer than Sharni's! Thanks for starting this thread Sharni, so that we can all have a whinge about intolerant (intolerable?) people. x

dicksbro 02-13-2004 05:00 AM


I agree with you. I struggle and so does my wife ... doesn't change a thing in terms how beautiful I think she is or how much I love her.

Besides, I've seen you're pictures and you're a beautiful lady. In fact, all you Pixie ladies are!

nikki1979 02-13-2004 05:49 AM

oh sharni i get that to i hate it and have been reduced to tears before bc of it. im not HUGE but i am real fluffy (im not allowed to say the f** word anymore i get yelled at) i weigh 70lbs over what the docs say i shud and every time i go tin they tell me "u know the base does have a free gym" FUCKERS i tell them they are more than welcom to watch my child while i go ! i also dont eat alot of junk food. every now n then i do get lazy and get take out. or ill eat some choc (MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM chocccccccccccc) but ive decided that id rather be fluffly and happy than skinny and hungry!!! i refuse to starve myself! tried that once lasted 4 days (worst 4 dizzy days of my life) and by the forth i decied it sucked and went home and ate! fuck the ppl who look down on us they will never know what its like to be heavy or how hard it is to get it off so they can either be nice to me or go to hell!

(ok now MY rant is ove TY for lisening)


OziJuggalo 02-13-2004 09:57 AM

Big ppl rule being 1 my self i hate eating in public places all ways have i got a mate he is as fin as a stick every day he goes to maccas he is a team mate by the way any way i go to maccas once one time on the way home and it was only to get a drink boom cop it every time at training or before the guy some smart arse would say were going to win today fellows cause i put a cheese burger on the try line so give Ian the ball....this from my so called team mates the follow yeah went to a new team and we kicked my old teams arse Pay Back is a bitch

paprclphd 02-13-2004 10:02 AM

I had to put my two cents in on this one -

Ditto to what everyone, especially Sharni, said in the thread.

People are rude and that is something that we all have to get used to - I personally think that I am a pretty hot chick with just a little more cushion for the pushin'. Thank you very much.

Now - off to have a Snicker's bar because I can dammit!!!! LOL!

Lovediva 02-13-2004 10:23 AM

((((((((((((BBW))))))))))))) and ((((((((((((BBM))))))))))))) and I am also proud to say I'm one as well!! And I've learnt to accept that I will never be 120pds. again...so I've aacepted it with open arms..

You only have 1 life to live...so live it to the fullest!! Fuck the rude people! They got worse problems than us if they have to go around being plain old rude.

WildIrish 02-13-2004 10:35 AM

I'd just like to say that every damn one of you are totally sexy in my book...well, oh what the hell! Irish, DB, Grumble, Ozi and Niceguy too! ha ha

Rudeness and ignorance go hand in hand. Inconsiderate and stupid people can't help it...they're destined to prove to the world their lack of IQ and EQ. I get the skinny and balding comments. Does it anger me? Sure, and like you, it hurts me too. I've grown thicker skin over the years but still end up going home angry with myself for not saying all the things that I think up after the fact, but realistically, if I do that then I'm gonna end up issuing them a beat down. I'm better off just saying "Hey thanks...I never noticed my thinning hair before." Maybe I'll add something about being hung like a horse. ha ha That'll give them something to think about!

Enough about me...someone explain why nobody submitted sexy pictures with their posts!

celticangel 02-13-2004 11:24 AM

never mind the narrow minded ignorent folk who think that just cause they have the power of speach that they can use it without the need to switch their brain on!!!

You are a wonderfull person~~~~your beauty is from the inside out! Alisonx

Oldfart 02-13-2004 11:52 AM


It's just another of those cases of people who think they know it all,

and that as a consequence, think that anything that doesn't fit their

particular world view is wrong/bad/whatever.

This judgemental bullshit is part of a wider intolerance our world

is slipping slowly into.

Oldfart 02-13-2004 12:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Something really larger than life for you.

naughtyangel 02-13-2004 12:18 PM

Well now, that ^^^ ought to cheer her up! :D

flutelady 02-13-2004 12:39 PM

People can be such assholes. They can always find something to rib other people about... too short, too tall, boobs too big, too small, too skinny, too fat, not enough makeup, too much makeup... and on it goes.

I spent 28 years being married to a man who is tall, dark and handsome... and who is in excellent physical shape. He looks GREAT, but he does (and did) absolutely nothing for me. Why? Because all of the above is just his GLOVE... what's inside of that glove sucks.

Now, I've got a wonderful man in my life. I love his glove, it's somewhat less than perfect (as is mine... oh man!!), but I love that cushy glove because I adore what's inside of it.

If someone doesn't like me because they don't like what they see, fuck 'em. I've got enough dear friends and I sure as hell don't need "stranger approval".

One more thing, keep this in mind... the plumper the berry, the sweeter the juice.

lazaruslong 02-13-2004 12:58 PM

Unfortunately, I understand exactly what you guys mean.

Im overweight, diabetic (which adds to the weight), not on medicine (no insurance or job), 52 years old, and in need of viagra.

Add all this up and it doesnt create a very pretty (or sexy) picture. Which is one reason i've been a bit hesitant to post too many personal pictures although i'd love to do so. (love to return what ive received from you fantastic folks)

But reading some of the posts to this thread might give me the courage to start taking a few.

I love yall

flutelady 02-13-2004 01:12 PM

Lazaruslong... I think posting would do wonders for you! I think you'll be surprised and pleased by the comments you'll receive.

SuccubusKitty 02-13-2004 01:46 PM

I have never been a small girl, but I carry and have always carried my pounds very well.

I will never forget back in high school my senior year. I weighed a whopping 160 (What I wish I weighed now) and one of those stick people came up to me in the bathroom and asked if I was pregnant. I was mortified. I thought I looked good and that one comment sparked so much self doubt and pain that it took me awhile to get over it.

The way I look at it now is that even though I may not be what "Mainstream Society" says is attractive and pretty, doesn't mean that there aren't people out there that will find me attractive and pretty, or that I am NOT attractive and pretty. I have a husband who says so along with many friends.

I decided long ago that these people who make these comments are really just trying to find a way to make themselves feel better by being mean to someone else and it is still societally okay to pick on fat people. I realized that these people in the long run are very likely insignificant and so I make no excuses to them.

I am 245 pounds now, and I wear tight clothes, low necklines, and I take naked pictures that I happily and freely post on the internet(which I never did before). If anyone decides to tell me something I look them straight in the eye and simply say, "Did you hear me ask for your advice, help, or comments? Because I don't remember doing that." This usually stops them dead cold.

Not to say that I don't wish I weighed less, but I am healthy and that's all that matters. I do yoga and belly dance and lots of sex for exercise. I eat healthily and I keep a good attitude. That's good enough for me. :)

osuche 02-13-2004 01:53 PM

I've lost 60 lbs over the past two years, and (although I could lose more) it's remarkable the difference it has wrought in my life. Not the internal self-confidence (although it has)... but the most important thing is the *absence* of discrimination. I no longer have to wait to get helped by sales clerks, or to get a drink at the bar. In little ways, every day, people signaled to me that I was being discriminated against.

That's the worst part...and I still get it sometimes...since I am certainly NOT a size 4 (more like a proud size 12). So I understand. And it pisses me off too!

(((HUGS))) all

Aqua 02-13-2004 03:34 PM

Wow... Hugs to all our BBW's here. I am appalled to hear that you receive these rude comments. As some of you know, I happen to be very appreciative of women with curves. If you want to read that as "Wow, Aqua likes fat chicks..." fine. Visually speaking, fat is not very defined. My wife is clinically obese, but I do not know one person that would look at her and say she is fat. I like all types of body styles and have dated short girls, tall girls, skinny girls with hardly any boobs, chunky girls with double D boobs, and a variety of sizes in between. It just happens that my preference in body style is curvier. I will say that there is 'too big', but I would certainly never make a rude comment to someone that was so, just the same as I would not make a rude comment to someone that did fit my personal definition of 'attractive'. I just want you wonderful 'larger' Pixies women to know that you have my support, and if you are posting pics you also have my undivided attention. ;)

*Walks off singing, 'I like big butts and I cannot lie...'*

Kissy 02-13-2004 03:52 PM

Very good thread Sharni. Fits my day perfectly. I just had a friend show up unannounced and when I mentioned how excited I was to go to the doctor next week and get ok'd to start excercising after the birth of my son, she says "Yeah I bet you can't wait to loose the weight and wear normal clothes again" !
Here I am in my pj's still. My husband laughed, not to be rude but because he couldn't believe she had said it. I'm not in my sweats because I'm fat, I'm in them because I've had 3 hours of sleep (not all at once) and haven't had a chance yet to go change. After she left my husband reminded me that she doesn't have kids. But I felt both fat and sloppy then. Oh well, there will always be stupid people I guess.:rolleyes: :)

Irish 02-13-2004 04:33 PM

Lazaruslong---Try using the motto,that has always got me by-"A
quitter never wins & a winner never quits."People are initially attracted by looks,but in the long run,it's what's inside that counts
Some of the "best"looking women that I've seen,have a horrible
outlook on everything

gekkogecko 02-13-2004 05:28 PM

Re: Larger people
Originally posted by Sharni
...just ignore me *L*

why would anyone want to ignore you? You're too cute to ignore.

LixyChick 02-13-2004 07:19 PM

I hear ya sista!


When people start pointing out other's shortcomings.....it's usually because they have plenty of their own and in some strange way this makes them feel better about themselves! When it gets extremely insulting....I usually say something like, "What makes your life so perfect that you can go around judging others at a glance"? Stops um dead in their tracks!!!

BTW....you'd be shocked if I told you my weight......but like some have mentioned above.....I happen to carry it well (so far!..whew!)

*walks away singing.......Don't go changing.....to try and please us....you've never let us down before............*

BlueSwede 02-14-2004 02:41 AM

Being a BBW myself, I too know how much those comments are uncalled for but hurt just the same. Screw 'em, Sharni. All anybody has to do is look at the pix you post to know that you are sexy as hell.

musketeer 02-14-2004 03:22 AM

As a BBM I must be lucky as I havn't had any of the comments many of you seem to have but then again for the area I live I'm quite tall (6 foot) and with my hair style I've been told I look intimidating which I find very surprising because I'm as gentle a person as you'd like to meet. But if I ever did have someone make comments like that to me I guess my reply would be a loud and very direct "take a fuck off pill wanker" no matter where it was.

Everybody ahs the right to be themselves with out others judging them. We may be overweight to some, but who are they to decide? I'm not sure how much I weigh to be honest its in the 20 stone region, I don't care I'm simply me and being big is part of being me. If they don't like it there not worthy of being my friend, It's their loss not mine.

kitkate 02-14-2004 03:22 AM

AMEN! I just had a day from hell and reading your post makes me feel at home: people suck and there isn't a thing i can do about it. I too hate hearing the bullshit people say when they think I can't hear or the comments on how much I eat or what I eat. I hate it. And tonight just solidified it. I just think its no ones business. Honestly those people just make me want to show them that even though they think that I couldn't be sexy/successful or whatever other barriers, that I CAN.

I recentrly found out i'm insulin resistant and since I have PCOS, I have to take meds and hopefully drop some weight. I am overweight and I will NEVER be skinny by anymeans. Wouldn't want to if I could! and I'm dropping pounds but for once I'm DOING it for me (mostly so I can have kids someday :) ). I personally think that its fun to confuse thin people at the store when they look at my shopping cart full of veggies, fruit, and splenda. Hehehe....I laughed my ass off at the skinny woman scoffing at me today when she loaded up her cart filled with cheesecake and groundbeef, and noticed my load of yogurt, nectarines and the always tasty cucumber.

I'm lucky and so are you girl! We have friends (like the GREAT Pixie's group) Who love us for who we are! I have a friend who makes it a point to tell me how i good I look every time I see her. It makes me feel alive.

You're beautiful, Sharni. and don't ever change that by letting stupid people get to you. :)

ps- one of my friends once complained that she wanted to be 'fat' (she was 5'9", 105 lbs) Why? Skinny chicks don't have curves :) EMBRACE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(whew I ranted way long...please forgive!- I feel MUCH BETTER!)

musicman 02-14-2004 07:14 AM

if people don't like you for who you are, fuck em - you don't need them anyways

tink0116 02-14-2004 05:25 PM

I know what you mean..i have been made fun of for my weight sense I was about 6 or 7 years old..it never stops hurting my feelings. I dont really eat like a cow either! I try to be quite healthy but Im a curvy woman...and I like it that way so screw the rude ass people in the world that think they have a right to tell anyone what they should and shouldnt be eating or wearing! Such a waist of space.....

Belial 02-14-2004 08:59 PM

I wouldn't call myself fat, but I am about 10-15 kgs heavier than what I should be and don't like anyone seeing my torso.

As for my preference in women, as I'm hug-oriented :p, I'll explain in those terms: I don't like women to be so slender that I'd fear breaking them, nor so large that I couldn't get my arms around them. In general I like women who are a bit bigger than the so-called norm, and a great deal of my pixies faves are around that size. Big hugs to all those needing them because of inconsiderate loudmouths.

Ranger1930 02-14-2004 11:25 PM

Tell it girl i know what ya saying big time...

i get frigg'n annoyed with it too.. believe me i'm currently 6ft 260 lbs but at one point i was almost 300lbs.. but i really don't eat much it just comes from sitting around doing nothing.. and i get sick and tired of family and friends talking shit to me like that too! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH

sorry just had to rage..

Sharni 02-15-2004 01:24 AM

Awwww you lot are the best eh *HUGGERS*

Oldfart: I want that plane *LOL*

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