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FallenAngel5 03-25-2004 05:38 PM

Guilty, got my first ticket a couple months ago.... damn Canadians. :D

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Sharni 03-27-2004 03:04 AM


Ever been charged with an offence?

dicksbro 03-27-2004 06:04 AM

Not Guilty

Have you ever accidently done something that made you feel really foolish in public?

Sharni 03-27-2004 06:13 AM

Yes...very embarrassing

Have you ever done something then wished the hell ya hadnt?

dicksbro 03-27-2004 06:18 AM

Guilty as charged. LOL. Many times. :(

Have you ever went for a walk ... got tired ... and wish you had brought a bike?

Sharni 03-27-2004 06:32 AM

*LOL* yep

Ever driven ya car somewhere..and forgotten and walked home?

dicksbro 03-27-2004 06:38 AM

OMG ... LOL ... were you watching? Fortunately it wasn't far. The kid's grade school was only about two blocks from our house and I'd drove up to go to one of their functions. Left early, walked home ... and when the car wasn't in the drive, remembered it.

Ever went to take a bite of something to eat, only to realize you weren't holding any food? :)

Sharni 03-27-2004 06:50 AM

LOL yep (Ive done the car thing too DB LMAO...only i walked about 3 klm)

Ever gone to take a drink and missed ya mouth?

smithy020 03-27-2004 06:37 PM

yeap, damn near ruined my new suit!

ever went round the shop got everything u need put it all thru the tills them reliesed u had no way to pay for them?

Sharni 03-27-2004 06:40 PM

Yes...aint it a bastard!!

Have you ever laughed so much ya wet yaself?

smithy020 03-27-2004 06:41 PM

only a small drip,

Have u?

Sharni 03-27-2004 06:43 PM

Yep lol

Have you ever had a bath in a horse trough (ahhh bike rally days)

musicman 03-27-2004 06:44 PM


have you ever gone hot air ballooning?

smithy020 03-27-2004 06:44 PM

nope, but i did once have to wash in the sea for 4 days, AH running outta money.

ever had sex in a public swimming pool?

Sharni 03-27-2004 06:49 PM

Nope...messed around plenty in them *LOL*

Have you?

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