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Stevo 11-07-2003 08:54 PM

Hiya Tib, things have been hectic, but thankfully the weekend will be much calmer lol, hows you mate?

*pouring myself another double*

Graybread 11-08-2003 04:06 PM

Hey Steve, long time no see.

How things?

Ah, no thanks Wooster, I'm just passing through, don't need a drink today.:(

Stevo 11-08-2003 07:09 PM

*pop's in for another little drink*

Hiya Gray, your right long time, no see lol

Things are going smoothly now, you?

I see Wooster's still keeping a close eye upon things *Laughs*

Graybread 11-08-2003 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Stevo
*pop's in for another little drink*

Hiya Gray, your right long time, no see lol

Things are going smoothly now, you?

I see Wooster's still keeping a close eye upon things *Laughs*

Yup, things are going better.:)

Wooster may be keeping an eye on things, but who is keeping an eye on him?:confused:

Jaylene 11-09-2003 12:01 PM

Jay walks in after a very long night, and dying for a huge Sunday breakfast. I think I'll start with coffee of course, then cheesy grits, bacon, toast, 2 eggs sunny-side up, home fries, and some Tabasco to spice it all up. HHHHMMM...yummy! Anyone care to sit for a spell and join me?

Graybread 11-09-2003 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Jaylene
Jay walks in after a very long night, and dying for a huge Sunday breakfast. I think I'll start with coffee of course, then cheesy grits, bacon, toast, 2 eggs sunny-side up, home fries, and some Tabasco to spice it all up. HHHHMMM...yummy! Anyone care to sit for a spell and join me?

Sure, but I'll just watch you eat.

I'll just have a coffee, with a shot of Jack, please.

Chloe 11-09-2003 02:38 PM

Stumbles in and grabs a coffee

Hello everyone. :dizzy:

Jaylene 11-09-2003 03:07 PM

Sure, but I'll just watch you eat.
I'll just have a coffee, with a shot of Jack, please.

HHMM...one of those days already? Wakingup like a true Irishman I see. *LOL*

Turns and waves to Chloe...we've room for one more here.

Spellcaster73au 11-09-2003 03:08 PM

Enters, walks casually across to the bar and pours a coffee for myself...

Hiya Everyone

Chloe 11-10-2003 01:10 AM

Hi Jaylene and Henry.

Looking for a night cap. Any suggestions?

Jaylene - I just poked my nose into GBs thread about the Twins. It looks like fun.

Spellcaster73au 11-10-2003 02:14 AM

Huggs Chloe.

Not sure on a nightcap but i'm going to have a spirit cocktail.....

lol would love to get my writing going here....

Chloe 11-10-2003 02:22 PM

*Hugs back Henry*

I'll switch that to a coffee......

*takes my coffee to sit with Henry*

Spellcaster73au 11-10-2003 03:22 PM

grabs a coffee for myself and returns to my table.....

Hows your writing going Chloe?

Chloe 11-10-2003 05:49 PM

*clears a spot on the table for Henry's cup and sighs*

I think I have too many things going at once. I'm not a very good juggler.

How about you?

Tivboman 11-10-2003 06:45 PM

*Back after a full weekend*
Hiya, everyone.

Hope you all had a nice weekend?

Woost - a double vodka, please.

Graybread 11-10-2003 07:17 PM

Hiya Tib.

A double Vodka?

Wait Wooster, let me get it.

Be right back with your drink Tib.

(I teach him to keep his mangy mutt on a leash.)

Spellcaster73au 11-10-2003 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Chloe
*clears a spot on the table for Henry's cup and sighs*

I think I have too many things going at once. I'm not a very good juggler.

How about you?

Sorry to hear that Chloe.....lol i have no writing at the moment ,

think i am used up as one too for the time being.....

Hiya Tib and GB...

Graybread 11-10-2003 09:50 PM

Hiya Henry, What's up or is that down under?

Nightfalke 11-10-2003 10:18 PM

*climbs down from his favorite spot in the rafters (which just happens to be right above Lilith's favorite spot to sit so he can look down her shirt ;)) and grabs a seat at the bar*

Bartender. A Black and Tan, if you please. And send another mudslide over to Lilith....hers is running a little low.

Graybread 11-10-2003 11:21 PM

Evening Nightfalke. Don't believe we have met.

I'm Graybread but everyone just calls me Gray of GB.

Or else they just ignore me.:rolleyes:

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Chloe 11-11-2003 12:04 AM

*creeping a bit closer to GB as nightflke descends*

Ummm. Hi, I'm Chloe. Good to meet you.

Nightfalke 11-11-2003 06:13 AM

*smiles to both Chloe and GB*

The pleasure is mine.

*pulls out a hankerchief and blows his nose loudly* On second thought, forget the beer. Got any chicken soup?

*mutters*Stupid cold...

Spellcaster73au 11-11-2003 03:48 PM

Grabs another coffee for myself and heads back to sit at my table...

Maid of Marvels 11-11-2003 04:04 PM

Hiya everyone!

Welcome to the Inn, Nightfalke! Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Chicken soup coming up!

Oh wait... Not sure if I'm still on break or not. *looks around for Tib* Maybe I can skip the break til he shows up -- that guy is far too bossy and cheeky for his own good. ;)

I have to tell you... He has even trained his phones to work for everyone except me! In fact, his answer machine says something about him moving to some remote telephoneless area of the world -- but only if the caller is a funny tawking Yank. *sigh*

I'd replace him, but I want to be sure the Christmas puddings are on the plane first. :D

Tivboman 11-13-2003 06:06 PM

Where is everyone tonight?
*Coming in after two (exhaustive) nights away with VeryBustyPizzaGirl*

Is anyone here? And how come all the lights are off?

Where's MAID!!!??? She was supposed to be looking after the place!!!


Nightfalke 11-13-2003 06:13 PM

Sorry....takin a nap in the booth in the corner.

Damn cold is kicking my arse.

Good chicken soup though...

Tivboman 11-13-2003 06:26 PM

Hi, Nightfalke, and welcome to the Welcome Inn.

I see that Maid has given you one of her special Chicken Soups. I dare say she is sciving again. :rolleyes:

You new to Pixies in general, Falke? How do you find it?

Maid of Marvels 11-13-2003 07:08 PM

Hello to all and sundry
Indeed... to your being with VeryBustyPizzaGirl cause I was with LustyPizzaMAN. So there! You poor, poor boy -- you are so replaced.

Just make sure you send the Christmas pudding. ;)

Hiya, Nightfalke! Still not feeling any better? *sigh*

Tivboman 11-13-2003 07:12 PM

There you are, you sciver. Now get on with some work or there will be no Christmas Pudding for Xmas.

Maid of Marvels 11-13-2003 07:16 PM

Pah! I am on break! I'm a Union girl!

And oh yes there WILL be a Christmas pudding. The delivery fee has already been covered. :p

Tivboman 11-13-2003 08:17 PM


But you only just got in...

Nightfalke 11-13-2003 09:50 PM

Thanks for the welcome.

I'm not really new to Pixies...been lurking around for quite some time.

Damn txgrneyes and Lixy and Lilith made a poster out of me.

*shakes his fist to the heavens* Damn you! ;)

I'm definately new to the Inn, though. And so far *eyes Maid's barmaid's outfit with a keen and approving eye* I'm enjoying the place heartily.

Tivboman 11-16-2003 05:04 PM

Back from a weekend away
Hiya everyone!

Glad you like the Inn, falke. Tell me when you see Maid's sexy outfit though as I never do (she's always bunking off).

Maid of Marvels 11-16-2003 09:04 PM

Talking about "bunking off"... I'm always around. I can't help it if you have been gallavanting around the countryside like a stray dog. :p

You are so replaced. Pah!

Annie Gmah 11-17-2003 03:49 AM

Late again...another job lost where I would make more in tips than salary

Spellcaster73au 11-17-2003 02:45 PM

enters, grabs a coffee for myself and takes a seat at a table in the corner...

Maid of Marvels 11-17-2003 02:54 PM

*coming off break*

Hello and welcome to Pixie's, Annie Gmah! There's a great group of people around here -- even if some are more dangerous than others. (Don't worry, though. Interpol is watching them carefully. ;) )

I'll gladly provide a list of names to get you started if you like. :D

Hiya, Henry. Hoping you're doing well.

Kawfee for me, too. I have some posting to catch up on but I'll be around.

Nightfalke 11-17-2003 05:02 PM

*slips down from his rafter, and flags down Maid*

Heya hun! Can you grab me a Black and Tan while you're up?

Maid of Marvels 11-17-2003 05:55 PM

Hiya, Nightfalke!

Sure can. I haven't had one of those in yonks.

Some time ago, a German friend suggested I try a variation... It was ale and port. Can I say *shudder*? Have you ever had that? Definitely NOT for me.

Nightfalke 11-17-2003 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Maid of Marvels
Hiya, Nightfalke!

Sure can. I haven't had one of those in yonks.

Some time ago, a German friend suggested I try a variation... It was ale and port. Can I say *shudder*? Have you ever had that? Definitely NOT for me.

*shudders* Ew ew ew ew....

That sounds so disgusting.

So anything fun and exciting goin on around here recently?

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