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ashkeyana0418 02-13-2004 04:49 PM

Stunned by the news, Ash hurried down the hallway and stairs, to the front of the mansion. She owed Vaj everything and it were an enemy, she would fight to the death with no second thoughts. With curious thought of Brenna, Ash stood infront of the door and heard first the chime of the doorbell, then a knock at the door.

Tightening a robe, she opened the locks and flung the door open, standing defensively, her silver eyes sharp and alert as they came in contact with the stranger's.

vampeyes 02-13-2004 09:57 PM

As Genevieve pulled up outside of the house she hesitated....All she could think was that he must be back... he had filled her dreams constantly for the last week. Weak with excitement yet nervousnesshe sat in the car staring at the mansion. What if he really wasn't there and it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. What if he was there and he no longer desired her?.... No she couldn't bear the thought of that. As she finally got out of the car and walked to the door she had to fight the urge to turn back. Quickly she rung the doorbell so that there was no running away. After a few minutes there was still no answer so Genevieve began to knock on the door. Just when she thought no one was going to answer the door flew open and in the doorway stood not Vaj like she had hoped and dreamed but someone else. A small stab of jealousy ran through her as she studied the beautiful creature who answered the door. The way her dark hair flowed down her back it almost looked like a waterfall in the dark of night. Genevieve stared into her eyes and knew that she must be one of Vaj's kind.. maybe even a mate and the jealousy grew stronger. It was almost a full minute before she could find her voice to ask about Vaj. "I..I...ummmm is Vaj at home?" As she waited for the woman to answer she thought about what she had actually said...ugh how lame could she actually be to have said that but too late now all she could do was stand there waiting for a response.

Prophet Reality 02-14-2004 01:56 AM

As Vaj collected his thoughts, he know that he would lay her to rest in a very lush ceremony and appropiatee mausoleum for her service to him. She had acted without thought to save his life numerous times, it was the least that she deserved. As he cleared the thoughts and excepted them, he scanned Ash's thoughts as to the person at the door. As soon as her image became clear, he know who it was. He quickly dressed in velvet shirt and silk pants and speed to the entryway. As his senses confirmed the image, he sent to Ash that she was an old blood doll from his prior visit. Ash allowed Genevieve to enter the house as Vaj stepped up and took her into his arms. "It is good to see you again my pet. I was afraid you would not remember me. This is my new companion Ash. She is very special, and different then my previous companion. Please join us?" Vaj turns to Ash, and sends out. 'What happened with Pheadra?'

ashkeyana0418 02-14-2004 07:20 AM

Ash stepped away and closed the door, watching the two hugged and tried to smile politely, but thoughts of Brenna kept interrupting. "She's resting in my room." Ash replied and then flickered her gaze back to the new girl. "Please excuse me." She said softly and left, leading herself to the kitchen.

With the two left behind for now, Ash went to find their lost golden companion and frowned sadly when she found her. She was as glorious naked as she was clothed and although Ash had always slightly envied the girl, now she missed her.

Drawing a deep breath, she quickly cleaned up the kitchen so their new guest would be happy coming in there as well as any room and collected Brenna, lifting her dead weight with ease and carefully taking her up to her quarters.

She scanned for signs of Phaedra waking and found none as she walked down the hall and made it to Brenna's own bed. Gently she lay her down and covered her nakedness with a pale silk sheet. "Rest in peace Brenna." She murmured and then walked back down to see to Vaj and his 'blood doll'.

vampeyes 02-14-2004 09:59 PM


Before the dark haired beauty before her could answer Vaj came up behind her and she stepped aside. As Vaj came into view all of Genevieve's fears melted away. The warm deep voice that she remembered greeted her and called her his pet and her insides turned to jelly. As Vaj took her into his arms she felt that wonderful mixture of calm, hapiness and sexual excitement all rolled in one and she knew she had made the right decision in coming back to him.

Sugarsprinkles 02-15-2004 01:11 PM

Phaedra began to rouse from her sleep. She felt groggy, almost as if she'd been drugged. Her mind kept playing back images of the night before. The coffee bar........writing poetry.......the tall fascinting man with the white hair and mesmerizing voice..........the two beautiful women, one raven haired and one blonde.....a car ride........then arriving at a dark, imposing mansion......and then OH MY GOD!! The dark haired woman was seducing her!! She wasn't sure if it was all a dream or if it was real.
She struggled to open her eyes. When she finally opened them she was still in the beautifully appointed room and she knew it all must have been real. She began to wonder just where it was that they had taken her and where everyone was.
Phaedra climbed out of the huge, velvet-curtained, 4-poster bed and looked for her clothes. She found them all ripped and torn, laying in a crumpled heap on the floor. She saw a beautifully carved wardrobe in the corner and opened it hoping there might be something she could wear. It was filled with gorgeous dresses and gowns, much more beautiful than anything she'd expected to find. She looked thru them and seeing they were all different sizes chose what appeared to be her size. It was a royal blue silk gown with silver trim, it had no waistline..it flowed freely over her curvy body. She felt like a princess as she twirled and studied herself in the mirror.
Once she was dressed she tiptoed out into the hallway just in time to catch a glimpse of Ash carrying what looked to her like a sleeping Brenna. Once she was sure Ash hadn't seen her she crept down the grand staircase and then to a small room near the huge wooden front door. She saw him at the door at first talking to, then embracing a woman with long flaming red hair. "Who is she?", Phaedra wondered, and "Why do they seem so happy to see each other?" Her mind was filled with questions as she tried to remain unseen and unheard.

Prophet Reality 02-17-2004 02:10 PM

As Vaj and Genevieve re-unite, Vaj feels Ash move the body of Brenna. He is momentarily saddened again, but then lets it all go. As he lavishes kisses on Genevieve, he then senses Phearda enter the room. He turns Genevieve around and looks over her body. "The year has treated you well. You have developed some more. I am very pleased with your body my sweet. How did you find me again?" Vaj then looks around and sees Pheadra in the other room, "You may enter my child, we will not hurt you. In fact this is a pet of mine from when I was here last. Do come in and introduce yourself."

Sugarsprinkles 02-17-2004 03:15 PM

Phaedra creeps a little closer, hoping that Vaj is not angry with her for snooping. As he beckons her closer she relaxes a bit. She walks out where she can see and be seen. Phaedra looks at the visitor and holds out her hand to greet her and introduces herself. "Hello, it's very nice to meet you. I'm new here, my name is Phaedra." Phaedra turns to Vaj the unspoken question in her eyes "your 'pet'? What does that mean?"

vampeyes 02-17-2004 10:04 PM


As Vaj plyed her with kisses Genevieve could feel her body temperature rising. When he pulled his lips away from hers a small whimper lodged in her throat. She felt herself almost go to tears as he pulled his body from hers but then he spun her around to admire her body. She was delighted once again as he told her that he liked how her body had matured. Genevieve felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster. Thats what she most loved and loathed about Vaj his ability to manipulate her feelings so easily. It took her a second to realize that Vaj had asked her a question about how she had found him again. "I don't know really.. it seemed like for the past week every time I closed my eyes you were there calling to me. I felt like I had to come to you. I hope it was the right thing to do." Again the questions started to creep into her mind. It unnerved her that normally she was a confidant young woman but with Vaj she always doubted herself. Before she could elaborate further a quietly beautiful young woman walked in the room. She intoduced herself as Phaedra. "Pheadra is both a beautiful and unusual name. My name is Genevieve." As Genevieve spoke to Phaedra she took in the young womans beauty.

Prophet Reality 02-18-2004 12:10 PM

Vaj watched Genevieve look over Phaedra, Vaj stepped up to Phaedra and gave her a gentle hug. "My dear sweet thing, I fear you may have gotten yourself into more than you bargained for. I guess now is as a good a time as any. I believe I told Genevieve rather quickly as well. You are in a house with Vampyre's. We will not harm you, unless you as k us too. Genevieve was my 'pet' for a time. She allowed myself and another to drink from her until I had to leave. My companion stayed for a short time, but she too left and we have not heard from her since. But Genevieve seems to have a tie to me that is stronger than I realized and I think more then she bargained for as well. But I will offer you the same as I did her. You may leave at anytime. I will have Ash or even Genevieve return you to your home." Vaj paused and walked over to Genevieve, wrapped his arms around her lithe body and hugged her close.

"Genevieve choose to stay, so you two can talk. I need to rest, my night has been traumatic, and the sun is past it's rise. I will be in my room, please stay the day in safety and when I arise, we can talk about your decision. Good day ladies." Vaj kisses Genevieve passionately and then steps away. He approaches Phaedra and bows deeply before her and kisses her hand. He walks away, confident that all will work out. He sends his thoughts to Ash, 'Genevieve and Phaedra will be staying the day. Thank you for taking care of Brenna, we shall make arrangements for her burial when we awaken tonight. Sleep well my friend and companion.'

Vaj enters his room, lies on his bed and enters in a mediatative state and sets his wards around his room and his house. Then he slips into a deep and troublesome sleep.

ashkeyana0418 02-18-2004 04:12 PM

Ash smiles as she 'hears' Vaj in her mind and nods to herself. Having peaked in on their guests, she was confident in leaving them alone. Quietly she returned to her room, having made sure that Brenna was secure and her bedroom locked to all guests.

Slipping into her room, she slipped off her robe and crawled under protection of her dark room and thick blankets. Closing her eyes, she bids Vaj goodnight and then lets herself drift off into the dark abyss...

(busy with school - sorry for the delay)

Sugarsprinkles 02-18-2004 07:51 PM

After Vaj bid them "Good Day" and retired to his room, Phaedra turned her attention to Genevieve. She was taken with Genevieve's beauty and especially her long, flaming red hair and she tried hard not to stare. Phaedra's mind was a whirlwind of questions but she knew standing in the doorway was not the proper setting to begin to ask those questions.
"Why don't we go up to the room Ash took me to last night and we can talk." Phaedra reached out and took Genevieve's hand and led her up the stairs to her room.
Phaedra opened the door to the magnificently appointed room. Once the were inside she took Genevieve's coat and hung it in the wardrobe. Phaedra climbed up on the 4 poster bed with the purple and cream curtains and patted the bed indicating to Genevieve to join her. As soon as Genevieve sat down the questions just poured out of Phaedra...."How did you meet Vaj? Are they really Vampyres? What did he mean you let them 'drink from you'? What did they do to you when you were with them? Did they hurt you? Where have you been and what on earth made you come back to him? And why does he call you his 'pet'?"

vampeyes 02-19-2004 12:03 AM


As Phaedra led Genevieve to her room she took the time to study the young woman at her leisure. She was what most people would call chubby but Genevieve always did appreciate a woman with curves. My. my Genevieve thought to herself this girl definitely has potential and I'll bet she doesn't even know it yet. Behind all that black dye and heavy makeup Gen could tell that she would grow into a volutuos beauty more reminiscent of times past. If she allowed herself to blossom that is. Before long the two of them were in the bedroom that the young woman had been given. Phaedra patted the bed next to her inviting Genevieve to sit with her. As soon as Gen sat down Phaedra started to fire questions at her. "Hold on, hold on. We have all day to talk. Hmm now where to begin, you asked about Vaj and I. I was at a night club late one night and some rogue vampyres decided to feed en masse. Vaj saved me from either death or slavery. Yes Vaj is really a vampyre. I have never met his companion before but as soon as I saw her I got the feeling that she was of Vaj's kind. What else did you want to know?" Genevieva waited for her new friend to digest what she had just told her.

Sugarsprinkles 02-19-2004 12:25 AM

Phaedra tried to digest what Genevieve told her. Vampyres??? There really are such things?? Damn....who'd have ever believed that?
"You must have been very frightened the night Vaj found you and saved you. But I'm still confused. What kind of things did they do to you when he brought you here?..............And what did he mean when he said they 'drank from you'?"

Just the words " She allowed myself and another to drink from her" conjured up all sorts of things in Phaedra's over-active imagination. Genevieve could see the fear growing in Phaedra's eyes and she tried to comfort and reassure her.

Prophet Reality 02-19-2004 11:00 PM

Vaj drifted to sleep and allowed his thoughts to wander. He heard Ash send 'Goodnight', and he replied back, with thoughts of deep erotic subjects. He felt the ladies enter into the room and the question poor out of Pheadra to Gen. He know that they grow close through out the day, and was not worried. Who knows, they could become very close and he knew that Ash would love that as much as he would.

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