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T-S 06-28-2003 07:11 AM

1. Christine's first item has me aroused
2. Christine's second item has me thinking there must be something she'd like to feed on.
3. Christine's third item has me wondering could I get a flight to where she's going to be on the prowl in time ;) :lust:

Sharni 06-28-2003 08:19 AM

I'm feeling frisky

More like horny

Best upgrade that to as Horny as hell!!

BlueSwede 06-28-2003 08:48 AM

Am exhausted from work and too little sleep; have one more night to go before getting a night off.

Am having some serious crises in my life, so all I want to do is escape into sleep or hide in my closet.

I want to sleep but I'm absolutely starved, too; maybe, like Garfield the Cat, I can just fall asleep in my closet with my face in my breakfast plate.:confused:

LixyChick 06-28-2003 09:24 AM

I'm caring for my aging cat and getting more worried by the day. He's my only "baby" and he's 16 and losing weight and has an eye infection and I'm just so sad about him today. I wish I could make his "golden years" alot more comfortable for him....somehow!

I've got to clean up the very first stain on my brand new carpet today. Hubby had a little too much to drink last night and....well....yuck!

I just don't want to do all that laundry that is just behind that door to my right........but I will.....I know I will!

PantyFanatic 06-28-2003 09:31 AM

Originally posted by LixyChick
....I wish I could make his "golden years" alot more comfortable for him....somehow!.....

Maybe you already have hun? :(

rabbit 06-28-2003 10:45 AM

1) Made a gourmet breakfast for Mrs R this morning...she's been fighting through a bout of depression recently and wanted to give her a nice start to the day.

2) I am helping my 7 year old with her golf game. Chipping lesson right after lunch....

3) I need to cut my grass today and I am not looking forward to it.


LixyChick 06-28-2003 10:54 AM

Originally posted by pantyfanatic
Maybe you already have hun? :(

TY PF! *hugs*

Goddess_X 06-30-2003 11:33 AM

#1 I am soooooooooo happy Pixies is fixed!

#2 Tryin to figure out how to thank Tech Support ;)

#3 Looking forward to catching up on the missed posts at Pixies

Steph 06-30-2003 11:35 AM

1. Pixies is back up
2. I can post again
3. I missed this site terribly!

skipthisone 06-30-2003 12:07 PM

Pixies is back
Stephs av still looks good
Dear god i am addicted to porn

T-S 06-30-2003 12:13 PM

1. Pixies is back
2. Goddess_X av still looks good
3. I didn't know I was such a sex/porn addict

IAKaraokeGirl 06-30-2003 01:02 PM

1. Camp with my five-year old was better than I expected, although I'm not ready to make 3-mile hikes with him a regular occurence.

2. I was able to hide from the mosquitos all weekend.

3. I can't stop smiling today because of how terrific my yesterday was. :)

speedy 06-30-2003 01:06 PM

1 pixies is back

2 i have day off of work

3 enjoying time with friends

Irish 06-30-2003 01:28 PM

SS---Be prepared for the bill from the MRI!I had to get one for my
previous back surgery,last week(the MRI).I got a copy of the bill,that the hospital,sent to my insurance co.$1000+for the MRI.
$400+for the dye that they inject into your arm,+whatever else!
STO---When you talk of picking your nose,just remember that old
Irish Proverb---You can pick your nose.
You can pick your friends.
But,You can't pick your friends nose! Irish

BlondeCurlGirl 06-30-2003 01:30 PM

1. Went to an interview today and was again pissed to see that the job description was misleading.

2. Getting anxious to see Legally Blonde 2... couldn't have guessed that, huh? ;)

3. My two "nieces" are stopping by in a little bit while their mother (my good friend) runs an important errand. After a tense morning, it'll be fun to get down on the floor and play with the 3 y/o.

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