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scotzoidman 04-23-2006 02:19 AM

Ordering a combo meal at the Sonic drive-in with a DIET COKE...the order taker immediately offers to add a slice of CHEESECAKE for dessert (I think, "oh sure, that will more than make up for the lack of sugar in my drink...next time I'll just order a diabetic coma 'to go' " )...the carhop brings my order, I give her a $5 & 2 pennies for a $4.92 tab, & the little airhead tries to give me 8 cents change because she doesn't have a cash register in front of her to tell her what the correct change should be...I drove off thinking again of the deporable state of education these days, & how as a cashier in the old days, I had to know how to calculate change (& even sales tax at times) IN MY HEAD...

dicksbro 04-23-2006 04:39 AM

Yeah, what ^^^^ said. It is scary. :(

PantyFanatic 04-23-2006 09:13 AM

Yes. Like when you hand them a $20, a singles and three pennies for a $5.78 sale. They try to give you back everything but the $20 until you tell them to just ring it up, then they turn and look at you like you tricked them or did black magic when they hand you a $5, a $10 and a quarter. Something here IS scary …………… and sad :rolleyes:

imaginewithme 04-23-2006 11:29 AM

^^^those three making me think too hard made me cringe...

*runs away and hides*

dicksbro 04-23-2006 03:30 PM

Getting a call from my son's best friend informing us that his father just passed away. :(

rabbit 04-23-2006 07:09 PM

My son hitting a golf ball that ricocheted off the garage...missing a window by inches.

Sharni 04-23-2006 07:10 PM

My new pup...and her new i'm gonna bite ya (and i do mean BITE) if ya go near the wire fence...and me newly discovering her having chewed Scooby's bed into little foam pieces

*Sigh* The biting is the biggest thing....if she dont cut it out she'll have to go

rabbit 04-23-2006 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by Sharni
My new pup...and her new i'm gonna bite ya (and i do mean BITE) if ya go near the wire fence...and me newly discovering her having chewed Scooby's bed into little foam pieces

*Sigh* The biting is the biggest thing....if she dont cut it out she'll have to go

Be patient with her...buy her some chew toys and rawhides and let her take it out on those instead. She'll learn.


Sharni 04-23-2006 07:18 PM

Patient my ass....she has 1 month...these are not just nips...just launches herself at you and BITES

She's not a small dog...shes large and gonna get larger with teeth that go with it....i have kids and biting is not acceptable

I think a lot of it has to do with her parents being gaurd dogs....she has picked up their 'let em in the yard but dont let em out' attitude

The kid climb the fence to go next door (not meant to but they do *LOL*)...she will let them come over the fence into our yard....but she attacks and bites when they try to go over it to leave the yard

rabbit 04-24-2006 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Sharni
Patient my ass....she has 1 month...these are not just nips...just launches herself at you and BITES

She's not a small dog...shes large and gonna get larger with teeth that go with it....i have kids and biting is not acceptable

I think a lot of it has to do with her parents being gaurd dogs....she has picked up their 'let em in the yard but dont let em out' attitude

The kid climb the fence to go next door (not meant to but they do *LOL*)...she will let them come over the fence into our yard....but she attacks and bites when they try to go over it to leave the yard

OK...sounds serious. What's her breeding?

Fangtasia 04-24-2006 08:49 PM

Bull Mastiff x Rotweiller (could be Great Dane but they say Rottie *L*)

imaginewithme 04-25-2006 02:11 PM

Little one ready to get out of bed at 5:45 this morning

Pita 04-25-2006 07:21 PM

Slicing my finger on the box of Saran wrap. :eek:

bare4you 04-25-2006 08:47 PM

The memories of how much that hurts since I've done it countless times myself ^^

Steph 04-26-2006 01:17 AM

Listening to a dumb co-worker paint his lazy ass into a corner

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