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Tivboman 10-26-2003 08:25 PM

Thanks, Henry. :D

Mmmm, D. Your bu-bottom feels as good as ever. ;)

How is life treating you? and I have missed that giggle of yours.

~d~ 10-26-2003 08:26 PM

*grin* today... right this second... most excellent... good times with good friends...

Spellcaster73au 10-26-2003 08:28 PM

D , teasing is good ;)

No probs Tib.....

~d~ 10-26-2003 08:32 PM

*weg* teasing can be the finest spice of life if you are doing it right...

Tib you have given me the giggle more times than i can count... and i thank you for each and every time

~d~ 10-26-2003 08:45 PM

*soft smile* well as bad as i hate to do it i have to hit the road,.. my house is not getting any cleaner and i have to work tomorrow.... i need house fairies to come take care of that kind of thing...

It was really a pleasure to be here... i have put you on my favorites tib...(like you were never one...ha) so when you least expect me....expect me...have a good night everyone...

getting up i return henrys lighter... take care love.. you are in my thought and prayers... i have lit a candle or two for you...

picking up war of the world...i turn to tib....
Tib... thank you for the invitation.. and do you mind if i borrow this... if i do then i have to come back...

Spellcaster73au 10-26-2003 08:53 PM

Originally posted by ~d~
*soft smile* well as bad as i hate to do it i have to hit the road,.. my house is not getting any cleaner and i have to work tomorrow.... i need house fairies to come take care of that kind of thing...

It was really a pleasure to be here... i have put you on my favorites tib...(like you were never one...ha) so when you least expect me....expect me...have a good night everyone...

getting up i return henrys lighter... take care love.. you are in my thought and prayers... i have lit a candle or two for you...

picking up war of the world...i turn to tib....
Tib... thank you for the invitation.. and do you mind if i borrow this... if i do then i have to come back...

soft smiles....would gladly do the cleaning for you......

Take care of yourself and the lighter will always be here, next to my heart....

Tivboman 10-26-2003 08:59 PM

Goodnight, D. Thanks for popping by (you stayed longer than I had expected and it made my day) and by all means take the book (oh I see you have ;)).

*Getting myself, I stretch and yawn*

Time I get going myself. All the moving has knackered me out (from another site to this one).

Thanks for coming in everyone.

Wooster will man the bar while I am away.

Gnite all.

It's... She! 10-27-2003 01:32 AM

Well, well, well... Look what the dawg dragged in. Where's your sidekick, Tibvolicious One? Hmmm??? I know he must be around here somewhere.

Maggie 10-27-2003 01:58 AM

Hi everyone!
*bouncing in*

Hiya, Auntie She! Is that nasty HIM about? *bark*

*gnaw* *chew* *nibble* Hi, Dad! *innocent waggle*

I'm here to work. My human said I had to keep my eye on you guys. Oh wait! Maybe I wasn't supposed to say that part. *BIG grin* and a *nudge*

And where's my studly bit of fluff? Are you ashamed of him now he's wearing that red bowtie we got for him? *dashing away and pouncing on my duster thingie*

Well gotta go see if I can chase a car during my break. *tossing my head and grabbing my lead*

See ya later, daddy-o! *chomp* *tug* *bark*

Tivboman 10-27-2003 02:25 AM

*Popping in for an orange juice*
Morning, anyone.

*Stopping when I see a woman and a dog standing at the bar*

(It's that woman again. Doesn't she ever leave that poor guy alone?)

Hiya, Maggie *I bend down and pat the dawg*.

Sorry, have to rush.

Maid! Can you take care of these two!

*Dashing out through the door*

Maid of Marvels 10-27-2003 03:15 AM

I could... but I won't. I'm on break. Sorry. :p

Hey, Maggie girl! Hiya, She! HIM is probably hiding under a table somewhere. LOL

Spellcaster73au 10-27-2003 04:40 AM

Enters, helps myself to cup a coffee and takes a seat at one of the corner tables....

Jaylene 10-27-2003 09:15 AM

Jaylene stumbles in after a great night's sleep, hair tussled up, rubbing the sand from her eyes. Pours a coffee for herself, snuggles into a chair, and begins the glorious ritual of waking up. God bless java!

Lilith 10-27-2003 12:22 PM

*lifts her head and wipes the drool from the corner of her mouth, as she hears people bustling about....

one too many mudslides having left her face down on the table.

mumbling incoherently, "Coffee, please, or a bullet..".

Tivboman 10-27-2003 02:11 PM

Coming in after a long day at the day job
Hiya all. I take it that Maid has been looking after you.


Where is Maid?

*Looking over, I see a few hang-overs.*

Jeez! The booze must have been overflowing last night.

*Quietly, I creep over to the bar and make Lilith and Jaylene some coffee*

Maid! *Quietly*

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