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Sugarsprinkles 03-05-2004 09:52 PM

As Phaedra's orgasm subsided and she began to relax Genevieve asked her if she wanted to learn more. "Learn more?" Learn more what? What else was there to learn? She wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer to that question. She'd already experienced more in the last 48 hrs than she had in all her previous years. Phaedra looked into Genevieve's eyes. It seemed to Phaedra that Genevieve could see right into her soul and could read her most secret desires. It was no use to try to refuse. She was afraid to say "yes" but somehow felt compelled to, as if she had no will of her own in the matter.
"Yes, Genevieve.........I want to learn! Please teach me, teach me everything you can..........I'm ready."

vampeyes 03-07-2004 06:59 PM


Phaedra's eagerness to learn more about pleasures of the flesh pleased Gernevieve immensly. Genevieve laid the drawer of sex toys on the bed in front of Phaedra and had to smother a laugh at the look on Phaedra's face. It seemed the girl was caught somewhere between intruige and horror. "Well my dear I think I will let you choose where we go next. What kind of toys would you like to play with?" She waited patiently wattching the girl touch and caress some toys while seeming to be afraid of others. It was fun to watch the emotions play across Phaedra's face. It took her back to a time when she was naive about sex although she couldn't ever imagine being as naive as this girl.

Sugarsprinkles 03-07-2004 09:14 PM

Genevieve placed a drawer full of all sorts of unusual things, things Phaedra had never seen before, on the bed between herself and Phaedra. There were handcuffs, chains, feathers, blindfolds and clamps. What on earth did those have to do with sex, Phaedra wondered. There were dildos, vibrators, anal plugs, even a strap-on dildo. Phaedra had no clue what any of these things were. She was curious though. She wanted to touch everything and look at them all more closely but wasn't sure if she should. Genevieve nodded at Phaedra, giving her permission to touch. Phaedra picked up some anal beads, held them up to the light, admiring the way they glistened and then put them back. She opened a small bottle of flavored body oil, sniffed it and put it back. She started to touch a dildo, but before she reached it she pulled her hand back as if afraid it would move or bite her. She looked at Genevieve, her eyes full of wonder and asked "What are all these things?? I've never seen such things before. They won't hurt me will they? And what have feathers and blindfolds and handcuffs got to do with sex?? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm very confused."

vampeyes 03-10-2004 08:51 PM


Genevieve smiled at Phaedra as she asked her more of her many questions. "What are all these things?? I've never seen such things before. They won't hurt me will they? And what have feathers and blindfolds and handcuffs got to do with sex?? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm very confused."
"Well, first off collectively they are called sex toys. And they can hurt you if they are used with forse but we are using them for pleasure. As far as feathers and blindfolds.... haven't you ever read any sexy storys? Its an awesome feeling to be restrained in some ways during sex. Your other senses are extremly heightened. And its ok to ask questions. If you don't know then you must find out. So lets see maybe we should start off with the nice restraints over there. We won't use the blindfold.. just yet. Now lay here in the center of the bed near the headbord" Phaedra moved to the center of the bed as instructed. "Now just spread out your arms. Yes just like that" Genevieve rather enjoyed the sight of the girl laying arms splayed and spread eagle on the bed. Her body was totally exposed to anyones view. Gen quickly took one of Pheadra's wrists and placed it in the velcro cuffs of the restratints. She had briefly considered using cuffs with the girl but didn't want to scare her or expose her to too much too quickly. Surely Vaj would like to teach the girl some of the finer points of sex play himself. Genevieve looped the other end of the restraint on the post of the bed and then leaned over to tie the other side. Sitting back on her haunches for a moment she looked over Phaedra's body and the way she looked tethered to the bed. A very delectable sight indeed she thought to herself.

Sugarsprinkles 03-10-2004 10:23 PM

Phaeadra felt foolish asking such naive questions, but after all how was she to learn anything if she didn't ask? Genevieve was so gentle and patient with her explanation and Phaedra was grateful that she didn't laugh at her questions. Phaedra would have been simply mortified if Gen had laughed at her. She listened carefully to Genevieve's explanations and descriptions of the unusual items, or "sex toys" as Genevieve called them. She was not only eager to learn but very eager to please Genevieve and she knew by letting Gen show her what all the "sex toys" were all about she would please her. So she let Gen put the velcro cuffs around her wrists and then fasten them to the bedposts. She was totally naked, lying spread-eagle and completely exposed to anyone that may have entered the room but instead of being ashamed or embarassed it only excited Phaedra. She didn't expect to react this way. Phaedra was surprised to see her nipples getting hard and poking straight up and equally surprised to feel a warmth and wetness permeate her young, virgin pussy. She looked up at Genevieve, wondering if Gen could see the reaction being restrained was causing.

vampeyes 03-12-2004 10:05 PM


Genevieve watched Phaedra become accustomed to the restratints and enjoyed watching her body's reaction to them. Phaedra's nipples were hard and tight and looked very inviting. A sexy musk radiated from Phaedra's pussy and made Genevieve's mouth water. Gen placed herself between Phaedra's legs so that she could not close them. She took a small vibrator and turned it on low before placing it on Phaedra's clit. Genvieve watched the surprise flicker across Phaedra's face before the look of passion and pleasure replaced it. "Do you like that?" Genevieve already knew the answer to the question of course but hoped to make Phaedra more at ease with being vocal about her pleasure.

Sugarsprinkles 03-13-2004 01:42 PM

As Phaedra lie there completely restrained and sexually aroused, she could see the desire in Genevieve's eyes. As Genevieve moved between her legs, Phaedra wondered what was in store for her. She'd already experienced so many new things in the short time she'd been with Vaj and his companions. She saw Genevieve take out what she thought she remembered Gen calling a "vibrator". Gen turned a small knob on the end of it and it began to hum. Phaedra strained at her bonds to get a better look, but before she was able to raise up enough to see, Genevieve placed the humming vibrator on her clit. Suddenly her clit was throbbing from the little toy...the sensations like nothing she'd ever dreamed of. She sucked in a deep breath as Genevieve asked "Do you like that?" Phaedra couldn't answer as a deep low moan from her very depths broke from her lips. Her hips involuntarily rose from the bed and then lowered again as Genevieve massaged Phaedra's clit with the vibe. Her pussy seemed to have a mind of it's own and suddenly, it began to spasm and pulse giving Phaedra the most exquisite orgasm she'd had so far. As she could tell Phaedra was about to cum Genevieve tossed the vibrator aside and covered Phaedra's pussy with her hungry mouth.

vampeyes 03-15-2004 11:29 PM


Genevieve watched Phaedra's body tense with her impending orgasm. It was so sensual and very exciting to see the changes takinng place in the young woman. Genevieve quickly bent down to lick the juices flowing from Phaedra's hot pussy. She licked Phaedra's small clit in tight circles. Genevieve knew that if she kept licking Phaedra in this manner that she would quickly cum again but she wanted to teach the girl so many other things. She raised up and watched Phaedra's face change obviously dissapointed that she had stopped. Genevieve waited for Phaedra's body to calm down a bit before showing her the next toy they were going to play with. Genevieve knew that Phaedra would probably not know what to make of this new vibe. She twirled it all around showing Phaedra its shape and then turned it on to show her how not only the base vibrated but the little rabbit on the side did as well. Genevieve sat back and waited for the questions that she knew were inevitable.

Sugarsprinkles 03-16-2004 01:47 PM

Phaedra was nearly delerious from the the way Genevieve was licking her little clit when suddenly Gen stopped. It was such a shock going from near ecstasy to nothing. She looked at Genevieve, surprised and thoroughly disappointed.....almost to the point of tears. She wanted to ask "why?" but held back to keep from crying. Once she'd calmed down Genevieve took another item, or "toy" as she called them and showed it to her. It was elongated and had a small protrusion. Genevieve turned a small knob on the end and it began to hum and she could see the little protrusion wiggling. Naturally, this too, was new to Phaedra. She didn't know what to make of it or just exactly what it was supposed to do. Genevieve appeared to read the questions in Phaedra's eyes but she deliberately waited until Phaedra verbalized her questions.
"Gen.....w....what.........what is that? What's that little wiggly thing on the side??? And what are you going to do with it?"

vampeyes 03-17-2004 11:53 PM


Instead of explaining to Phaedra what the rabbit vibe did she decided to just go right to showing the girl. She traced her way up the girls thighs slightly scratching on the way. When she reached Pheadra's drenched pussy she pulled the lips apart and enjoyed the sight of the hard clit that she seen there. Genevieve placed the tip of the vibe at Phaedra's swollen opening and slowly pushed the tip inside. As Gen started to push te vibe inside she turned up the level of the vibrations little by little until she had the vibe in as far as she dare go lest she break the girls hymen. Genevieve had the vibe on high by time she had it at least halfway buried in Phaedra's tight pussy. She barely had to move it before she felt the girls legs start to clench around her hand. While the young girl bucked out her strongest orgasm yet Genevieve started to feel the effects from being up all night and half the day. She slowly slid her way up Pheadra's body and undid her restraints. "Well my dear I think you have learned a lot tonight and maybe we should take a small nap." As soon as Genevieve lay down next to Phaedra her head was filled with thoughts of Vaj.

Sugarsprinkles 03-18-2004 04:03 PM

Phaedra never dreamed of all the things she'd experienced in the short time she'd been with Vaj and Ash and now Genevieve. She had never known such pleasure....Ash first and then Genevieve had shown her and taught her wonderful things...all of which were responsible for orgasms that most women would kill for. All of this, as wonderful as it was, had exhausted Phaedra. She was a bit relieved when Genevieve suggested a nap. Snuggling down next to Genevieve, Phaedra fell into a fitful sleep, her mind replaying images of the past couple of days. Eventually she fell into a deeper, almost trance-like state her mind also filled with thoughts of Vaj.

Prophet Reality 03-18-2004 11:40 PM

Vaj slept the sleep of the undead. Fleetingly through the day he got glimpses of dreams from his guests with him in them. He would smile and know that some of those dreams may cum true.

Finally, he felt the rays of Ra the Sun God start to lower and Luna rise. As Vaj's body grew strong and awakened he sent out his probing thoughts to scan his domain. He felt Ash still deep in her sleep. Her age still presided even with his strong flowing through her now. He felt the thoughts of Genevieve and Phaedra flowing and both of them wanting to feel him pleasure them. His member stiffened at those thoughts and he smiled.

He quickly removed his soiled clothes and dressed in light clothes. He pulled the silk pants on with nothing under them and then a light weight velvet shirt. Vaj strode from his chambers and felt the warmth of his guests in his home. He went to the kitchen and made a small meal of meat and cheese and grabbed a bottle of wine with glasses. He went to the room of Genevieve and Phaedra and knocked on the door.

vampeyes 03-21-2004 01:08 AM


Genevieve's dreams were interrupted by a knocking sound. As she gradually awoke and processed where she was she realised that it was someone at her door. "Yes" She called out adjsuyting the blankets so that she covered hers and Phaedra's naked flesh. She was curios as to who was on the other side of the door but sure she was about to find out.

Prophet Reality 03-23-2004 11:36 PM

Vaj stood before they're door. He could smell their sex and their orgasms. And the smell only made things worse for him. He gently rapped upon they're chamber door and waited for someone to answer. Gen replied "Yes" Vaj opened the door to see Gen covering herself and Pheadra.

vampeyes 03-25-2004 09:11 PM


Gen lay on the bed snuggling with Phaedra under the blankets when Vaj walked in. Immediately she admired his body and the regal way he carried himself. She felt like she couldn't tear her eyes away from him and all else was forgotten. She lay there impatiently waiting to hear what he had to say.

Prophet Reality 03-25-2004 10:37 PM

After Vaj entered the room, he could tell that Gen was watching him. He felt like she was expecting something of him. So he looked at her and smiled wide. Showing his bright white teeth and fangs. "Good evening M'dear! I hope you slept well? I have brought you something to replenish your strentgh."

vampeyes 03-26-2004 09:59 AM


As she watched Vaj it seemed like an etenity before he smiled at her. It always amazed Gen that such a small gesture from him could start her blood boiling. "Good evening M'dear! I hope you slept well? I have brought you something to replenish your strength." As always it took a second for Genevieve to find her voice and respond to him. "It was a short but good rest. And you know I am just realising that I am famished... I am sure that Phaedra is as well. Will you be joining us then or shall we dress for dinner?"

Prophet Reality 03-27-2004 11:58 PM

It always amazed Vaj that he could make Gen fumble and stumble by just smiling, and not even using his powers on her. He sets the small tray of food down and stepped away. "Well if it is a meal you seek then we shall have to fend for ourselves. Due to the untimely loss of my ghoul. And as you may or may not recall dressing is always optional here in my home. But please rouse Pheadra while I go to Ash and attend to her needs."

vampeyes 03-28-2004 10:40 PM


As Vaj stepped from the room Genevieve rolled over to face Phaedra. She looked so peaceful sleeping there Gen almost hated to wake her. But since it was evening she knew it was time Phaedra was up and about lest she miss some of the fun. Genevieve kissed the girl on her cheek as she gently shook her. "Wake up sleepy head.." As Phaedra started to open her eyes Gen gave her a moment before gesturing to the ood tray beside the bed. "Vaj has brought us some food. Are you hungry?"

Sugarsprinkles 03-30-2004 01:01 AM

After what seemed like only few minutes, Phaedra wakes to Genevieve shaking her and kissing her on the cheek. She rubs her eyes, looks around to find a tray full of sumptious delicacies, and a beautiful crystal pitcher full of an amber colored liquid. I ask Gen to please pour me a glass and I'm pleasantly surprised to find it's ice cold apple juice. It tastes delicious, especially since my mouth is so dry from my nap.
Genevieve and Phaedra are famished and make quick work of the pastries and fresh fruits.
Phaedra, ever the curious one, peppers Genevieve with questions asked in rapid fire succession "Where's Vaj? Are we ever going to get out of this bedroom? Do you know where Ash is? I wonder what Vaj has planned for us...........do you have any idea, Gen? What should I wear??"

vampeyes 03-30-2004 10:05 AM


After they had thier fill of food and drink Phaedra started with the questions again. It was all Genvieve could do to keep from chuckling. It seemed that sex was the only thing that kept this girl quiet. "Where's Vaj? Are we ever going to get out of this bedroom? Do you know where Ash is? I wonder what Vaj has planned for us...........do you have any idea, Gen? What should I wear??" After taking a breath Genvieve started " Okay okay, calm down little one. Vaj was here just before I woke you. Before you ask no you didn't miss anything. He w\has went to awaken Ash. As far as what Vaj has planned for us. I think that is a question only he can answer. And last but not least you can wear or not wear whatever you like or feel comfortable in. You can go nude or you can look in the wardrobe and find just about any type of clothing that you can imagine."

Sugarsprinkles 03-31-2004 05:59 PM

Phaedra, senses Genevieve's exasperation with her, "I'm sorry, Gen. I don't mean to be such a pest. It's just all this is so new to me. I'm excited by what I've experienced....you've been so wonderful to me, but I'm nervous and scared too. I'm so intrigued by Vaj, but he scares me too. I don't know what it is about him, but I know I just don't want to displease him. I just get this feeling that he wouldn't be very pleasant to be around if he was really angry."

Phaedra climbs out of the bed and goes to the wardrobe searching for what she thinks would be just the "perfect" thing to wear to please her host. She pulls out a shirt and jeans....no, that won't do. Next a diaphonous negligee....pretty pastel blue, plunging neckline, floor length. "Hmmmm.........Hey, Genevieve! What do you think of this" Gen nods, but not very enthusiastically. So Phaedra continues looking. She looks at all sorts of outfits but keeps coming back to the blue negligee. The more she looks at it the more she realizes it's not a negligee, but a very beautiful gown. So, hoping it will please Vaj, this is what she chooses and puts it on. It fits her perfectly, emphasizing the right curves and hiding the ones that Phaedra isn't quite so proud of. She models it for Genevieve, twirling and spinning around the room like a little girl playing at Cinderella.

Prophet Reality 03-31-2004 11:12 PM

Vaj walks away from their bedroom as he hears Gen awaken Pheadra. A smile crosses his face as the questions pour out of Pheadra. Finally, Vaj arrives at Ash's room and gently knocks on her door. He scans the room and knows that she is still inside. "Hello My Dear Companion. Ra has left the sky and it is time to walk the night."

ashkeyana0418 04-05-2004 04:12 PM

Ash stirs from her slumber at Vaj's voice and smiles, stretching her body like a cat, back arching, limbs extending. She watches her companion smile, a familiar glint in his eyes as he scans her nude form on top of rumpled black silk sheets. The contrast of her pale skin against the material is both beautiful and shocking, but matched her dark tresses to perfection.

"Mmmmm...I'm famished!" She purs softly and rises, unashamed of her body as she slips off the bed and walks around Vaj, slinger fingers dancing over his body and a sly smile playing on her red lips. "I can't wait for the thrill of the hunt tonight...I think I have a little of bit up...energy to work out..."

Prophet Reality 04-07-2004 10:32 PM

As Ash walked around Vaj, his pulse increased and a hunger did fill his body as well. Due to his great age, he rarely needed to hunt anymore. But there were times when he did still need the thrill of the hunt. He decided that while the other ladies dressed and ate, that he and Ash could quikly fulfill their needs as well. Ash, did after all need to hunt every few days to sustain her body.

"M'dear precious one, please dress and meet me in the garden. I will let our guest know that we need to step out for an hour to fulfill our own hunger. And then I shall take us to an appropriate feast." He then leaned down and kissed Ash squarely and fiercly on her lips. As he did so, he bit his tongue and deposited his aged blood on her tongue and felt her shiver with desire and need.

With his supernatural speed he raced to his room and changed into appropriate clothes of leather and then raced to the room of his guests. He let his mind scan theirs and determined that they were awake and dressed. He knocked on the door. When he got a response, he entered and appraised the dress that Pheadra had on and smiled lustily.

"Very nice choice Pheadra. Ash is need of certain nurishment, so we must beg your forgiveness for an hour as we fulfill this need. Please help yourself to whatever is in the house. I pulled out another bottle of wine that is chilling, there is plenty of food that you can choose from. Again we beg your forgiveness and will return ready for your company."

With that said, Vaj raced down to the garden where Ash was waiting and wrapped his arms around her delicate waist. He kissed her again, and willed them into the air. He set a course and destination within his mind and enjoyed the pleasure of Ash as they flew.

ashkeyana0418 04-08-2004 07:12 AM

Ash loved the freedom of flight. The feel of Vaj's strength and excitement always left her breathless and eager for more. She hung onto him with a sensuous smile, throwing her face to the wind and letting it whip through her long hair.

His speed and powers landed them in a dark alleyway. Ash sensed that she had been here before and grinned. Vaj still held onto her waist nudging her to the front and side of the building. It was a popular area for hookers and John's who wanted a little sex for pay, trying to remain discreet.

"Naughty Vaj," she murmured teasingly in his ear, "preying on innocent hookers."

Her laughter was silent to others, but flittered through his head. He flashed her a dashing smile and pulled her body up to his, kissing her again, their tongue dancing. She bit him, suck in his blood and moaned with desire, her long legs wrapping around his waist. His cock already stood, straining against his pants and like a wantom kitten, she rubbed herself against it...

Prophet Reality 04-08-2004 09:26 PM

Vaj knew that Ash would remember the alleyway and the hookers and their prey. As the scent of their blood and energies and thoughts filled the air, Vaj reacted to Ash's teasings. His cock grew quickly as he willed blood to the organ. An ability of any Vampyre, no matter how old and powerful. As Ash rubbed herself against him, he slid a hand down between them and freed his member and felt it rub against her bare pussy. He pushed his cock into her wetness and felt her grip him with need and passion. Vaj then sent out his thoughts to the nearest hookers and willed them to approach.

As they approached, Vaj made them think that he handed each of them $500 to do what he wanted. The hookers, thanking they had hit the big score, obeyed. He had one fall to her knees to suck his cock as it entered and exited Ash's wanton pussy. The other hooker was to kiss and suckle Ash's now bare breasts. As the women did as they were told, Vaj fucked Ash as violently as they both wanted and needed. The hookers soon joined in more and both were at Vaj's cock and Ash's pussy. Soon Vaj felt his seed move and he released it inside of Ash. Then he pulled out and watched the hookers lick and clean Ash's used pussy. They then moved to Vaj's cock and Ash.......

ashkeyana0418 04-11-2004 07:31 AM

Found herself watching with apt interest as the hookers eagerly cleaned off Vaj's cock and brought it back to life. They moaned and purred, oblivious to Ash's happy grin that exposed her fangs, glittering in the night.

Vaj smiled back to her and slipped long fingers through the hair of one hooker, urging in her to suck his cock while Ash walked around to the other woman. She wrapped her arms around the girls waist and began to kiss her neck, channeling feelings pleasure through the woman's mind until she was pushing back, rubbing her body and moaning.

They were so easy to manipulate, not real challenge. But Ash was enjoying herself...especially when she licked the girls pale delicate neck and then sank her fangs into her soft flesh. She squealed and gasped, feeling the first star bursts of her orgasm take over and trembled in Ash's arms as she drank and drank deeply...

Prophet Reality 04-12-2004 09:42 PM

Vaj watches Ash take the hooker from behind and start to drain her of her vitae. As the hooker shacks and moans with her orgasm, Vaj sends thoughts to the hooker servicing his cock. He then reaches down and pulls her up and then onto his cock. She slams down onto it and grinds her enlarge clit into his pelvis. As he thrusts up into her, he kisses her neck and as her orgasm is triggered by Vaj's thoughts, he sinks his large fangs into her neck. As thrashes and flings herself against Vaj in pleasure. The whole time draining her of fluids. As she gets close to the end, he feels the all to familiar tug at her mind to release ehr energy and Vaj releases his hold on her and lets her slump to the ground as though she is sucking his cock again. Ash moves her drained hooker over in a way that looks natural and they step into the shadows slightly and then hide the evidence of them being present from everyone's minds and then prepare the bodies to look as though they were killed by their pimp. Vaj grabs Ash' vibrant body and again lifts her in the air with ease and make haste back to the manor.

ashkeyana0418 04-13-2004 09:08 AM

Back at the manor, Ash purred contently, her arm casually drapped around Vaj's waist as they strolled into their home. "I think I enjoyed that evening snack...I suppose we should see what our two guests are up to." She murmured thickly and smiled sensually, brushing back her hair and patting it into place...

Sugarsprinkles 04-14-2004 08:15 PM

Re: Vaj
Originally posted by Prophet Reality

....... raced to the room of his guests. He let his mind scan theirs and determined that they were awake and dressed. He knocked on the door. When he got a response, he entered and appraised the dress that Pheadra had on and smiled lustily.

"Very nice choice Pheadra. Ash is need of certain nurishment, so we must beg your forgiveness for an hour as we fulfill this need. Please help yourself to whatever is in the house. I pulled out another bottle of wine that is chilling, there is plenty of food that you can choose from. Again we beg your forgiveness and will return ready for your company."

Phaedra was just beside herself when Vaj complimented her choice of dress. Jumping up and down like a child, "Gen, did you hear that?? Did you??? He said 'Very nice choice Phaedra.' He liked it! He likes me!! OH MY GOD, Gen!!! He likes me!!!"

Phaedra's ample breasts were bouncing up and down as she jumped around the room and Gen had to resist reaching out to touch them. After all she didn't know how soon Vaj would be back and she didn't want to be busy with Phaedra if there was even the slightest chance of being with Vaj once again. After all isn't that what she came back to him for? Certainly she loved playing with the young girl, but she wanted Vaj and wanted him badly. She wanted to be with him any way he would have her, and she was just dying to see him with Phaedra. Phaedra was after all still a virgin to male/female sex and Gen wanted to be present and maybe even participate when Vaj deflowered her.

Genevieve, leaving her thoughts and coming back to reality, tried to calm Phaedra down. "Phaedra.......don't get so excited. It was just a passing comment. Don't read more into it than there is. Listen, Vaj said there is a chilling bottle of wine and some more food. Let's go down to the kitchen and see what he left for us."

She takes Phaedra by the hand and leads her thru the darkened halls, knowing every twist and turn by heart. Phaedra kept wanting to look in every room they passed by. She actually opened one door. She stood in that doorway stunned. In the room she saw tables with straps, chairs with restraints, chains on the wall, and things whose uses she couldn't begin to fathom. Gen jerked her away and shut the door. She didn't want Phaedra to know too much too soon, afraid she'd try to run if she had any clue what lie ahead of her.

After a bit they finally got to the kitchen. There were platters of all sorts of foods waiting for them. So much food that they both wondered how many people Vaj was actually feeding. They filled their plates and poured themselves each a glass of wine and began to eat. They were still eating when Vaj and Ash returned.

vampeyes 04-19-2004 07:43 PM


As she and Phaedra were eating she wondered how long it would be before Vaj returned. She hoped that he would not be too full from his feeding to play with them. She absently reached out and began to stroke Phaedra's leg with her foot the desire for sexual contact still burning hot within her.

Prophet Reality 04-20-2004 09:45 PM

Vaj followed Ash into the manor and quickly scanned his property to discover the women in the kitchen and finishing a meal. He knew that they would need some time before he could start playing with them. He sent his thoughts to Ash to let her know that he wanted to deflower Pheadra this night and he wanted her and Gen in the room as well so that they could all play together. As the thoughts sank into Ash's mind, he could sense her pelasure with his plans. They slowly walked into the kitchen, making sure to make a little bit of noise so as not to frighten them. He saw that Gen and Pheadra had started without them and he smiled as he sensed that they wanted to play as much as he and Ash did.

vampeyes 04-22-2004 09:48 PM


As Genevieve sat there rubbing Phaedra's leg letting her mind wander she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up on end. She got that feeling like she was being watched. She turned slowly and seen that Vaj and his beautiful companion had returned to the house. Fire sparked in her belly instanty as she gazed into Vaj's eyes. "Welcome home my lord. I hope that you sated your appetite." she managed to say to Vaj.

Prophet Reality 04-24-2004 12:13 AM

"Greetings Geneieve. Yes I am sated in a way, yet hungy in another. And how are you Pheadra? I hope you found enough to eat. For I feel that tonight will be a long night indeed. Shall we adjourn to much more comfortable rooms?"

Vaj then steps up to Pheadra and takes her arm gently. He squeezes gently and then guides her into the study. There is a large wooden desk, several high back leather chairs and 2 very long couches. He walks over to one of the couches and sits Pheadra down before him. He looks into her eyes and can see the pure desire and lust within them. He slides his thin fingers through her hair down to her face and gently raises her to that they can kiss...

Sugarsprinkles 04-25-2004 08:03 PM

Phaedra's mouth was full of food when Vaj inquired as to her well being and she was unable to answer. She felt foolish and hoped he wouldn't think her rude. Those concerns faded when he suggested they all adjourn to the study.

When Vaj took Phaedra by the arm his fingers felt like ice and a shudder went right through her. But she had wanted to feel his touch right from the start so she ignored her instincts. He guided her into his study. She looked around quickly and was impressed with the extra long couches. Vaj sat Phaedra down on one of the couches and she looked into his eyes.......still a bit turned on from Genevieve teasing her in the kitchen. But there was more in her eyes than that. She desired him.....wanted to feel his lips on hers......wanted to feel his touch.........wanted to be possessed by him.

He leaned down, tilted her face up and kissed her. As his lips touched hers another cold chill ran through her and she nearly passed out.

ashkeyana0418 04-26-2004 06:34 AM

Ash smiled slightly as she watched Vaj lead the young Phaedra away and then cast silvery eyes on Genevieve. She could feel the woman's excitement and vaguely wondered, as she had in the past, if Vaj had always sent woman's panties on fire. The question had never actually been asked to her companion, but she sensed that he knew already what she sometimes thought. Rarely was there anything truly private between the two of them.

"How are you tonight, Genevieve?" Ash finally spoke, her sharp eyes studying the woman's beautiful features curiously...

vampeyes 04-27-2004 10:08 PM


As she watched Vaj kissing Phaedra and her reaction to him Genevieve could feel her own excitement growing. It was almost as thrilling to watch Vaj as it was to be with him.
"How are you tonight, Genevieve?" Ash finally spoke, her sharp eyes studying the woman's beautiful features curiously...
Ash's stronly feminine voice broke through Gen's thoughts and a strange new shiver ran up her spine. Genevieve turned to regard Ash and found the beautiful woman staring at her. " I am well. How are you?" Genevieve found herself staring at Ash and was amazed at how the woman could look so strong yet so soft and sweet at the same time.

Prophet Reality 04-28-2004 06:06 PM

As Vaj kisses Phaedra deeply, he can sense her emotions swim in delight and confusion. He blocks out the confusion and then gently lifts her and sets her on one of the big couches. He breaks the kiss and looks her in the eyes. "Nothing to fear M'Dear. I will not hurt you, unless you ask me too."

Vaj then starts to kiss her face and lets his hands roam all over her body. He feels her nipples harden as he pinches and rolls them through her dress. He place his leg between her legs and pushes it up until he is touching her pussy. He can feel the heat through his pants and makes his cock stir. He then sends out his thoughts to Ash and feels her starting to move toward Gen and her thoughts are filled with pleasure and fun for the both of them.

Sugarsprinkles 04-28-2004 06:23 PM


Suddenly all the fear and confusion seemed to drain from Phaedra leaving only excitement to finally be with Vaj and the desire to be possessed by him.

Her nipples harden quickly as he pinches her nipples and runs his hands over her plump body. She begins to breathe deeper and faster while arching her back, lifting her breasts up to his touch. As he pushes his knee against her pussy, she instinctively begins to hump herself against him. Phaedra reaches out and tries to pull Vaj's face down to her ample breasts......anxious to feel his mouth on them......anxious to feel his mouth all over her body.

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