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-   -   Is a Constitutional Amendment necessary or what? (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19085)

HarleyRider6769 03-03-2004 04:23 AM

Originally posted by lakritze
Truth is that liberals have never met the truth and had the "flaws" of our thinking pointed out by the right wing.Our views have been totally MISREPRESENTED by the right. If you want to kow what liberals think about any given subject,ASK A LIBERAL...Not LIEmbaugh,Reagan,Bush (papa or baby) or anybody else that has an interest in telling you lies. As for the Bible,how do you interpret what is left up to so many interpretations?You only have to see what this current administration is doing throughout the world to see how far they are from the teachings of Jesus.As for gays,I have no problem with them.Many of my friends past and present are gay.Like the civil rights movement and the woman's liberation movement before them,gays only want to be reassured that they won't become a scapegoat for an ever increasing Fascist bunch of lying SOB's in the future.GOD IS NOT A REPUBLICAN...but can I say the same for the politics of the devil?
I have asked Liberals thier views On subjects From Gun control to Welfare and I have seen the flaws in their logic . and Pointed them out . We could discuss it here But I am afraid we would upset some people . If you would like you can Email me ..same name @ hotmail and I would Love to engage in a excange of Ideas . We Both may come away with a better understanding .

HarleyRider6769 03-03-2004 04:27 AM

Originally posted by GingerV

My comment was in reference to how the entire conversation was going in circles.

Buy hey, Harley wants to take it personally and get nasty about it. That's his/her option....but it's definately my cue to leave the thread.

I'm off to perv....send any beer claims to me PM.
Please Tell me when or How I got Nasty ? I have been told before I am Insensitive But don't see any place I was out of line or Nasty.

Lilith 03-03-2004 06:32 AM

Sure thing~ check your PMs!

south 03-03-2004 09:42 AM

Of man and Nature....
If you love the sinner but hate the sin....where is the sin in loving?
I support the NRA!!!
I detest Rush!!
If we try to label everything we are going to need a new dictionary to figure exactly what to call all the shades of gray.

BamaKyttn 03-03-2004 08:07 PM

okay damn I'm stopping at page 7 of nine b/c I'm damn pissed off at that harley dude.

HarleyRider: you cited the bible...... YAY for you, stand for something or you will fall.... into the pits of hell or somethin like that.

it's really too bad that the bible can't be updated like our constitution you know because some shit is outdated, (btw hope you know that jesus wasn't a christian, and he also didn't speak in thee and thou even though King James says he did......) The main reason I feel that the story tellers included the sodom tale... and the whole masturbation is a sin ( which it is..... the bible does say not to spill your seed upon the ground.....) is because they didn't want The People to die out. look at homosexuality as a semi effective birth control.

The bible says don't fuck within you gender
The bible says don't fuck animals
The bible says don't spill your seed on the ground like heathens ( I guess that only applies to men ehehehehe)

It was only to keep the race alive. like others have said before me evolve, progress. And don't hide behind a bunch (not being anti-semetic or whatever) of drunk jews oral traditions in a story book.

Always contraversial and about to finish reading the thread

Ranger1930 03-03-2004 11:11 PM

I don't want to get into this but i must add in light of my own interests... i am againest gay and lesbian marriages.. not because of religion but because i think it is socialbly not acceptable.. a man and a woman are MEANT to be together its Obvious.. now if you dont want to be with the other sex that is your choice and no one has the right to be againest you on it.. but that doesnt mean we have to like it.

And just to clear it up no Jesus was not christian, Christianity was founded on the beliefs he formed in other peoples minds.. Jesus himself was jewish. oh bama hon.. you are semi right he didnt say thee our thou because he didnt speak english he spoke hebrew like the rest of the people living in jerusalem.

was thinking about this earlier tonight. i think it was a bad idea on Bush's part to annouce this idea so close to reelections he is obviously going to lose alot of votes becase of this.. And of course it will never get passed so i don't see why anyone is worried.

personally Lilith i think this topic needs to be closed in the good interests of everyone at this site...

Irish 03-03-2004 11:43 PM

As I have said before,anytime that anything to do with politics or
religion,is discussed,it always causes bad feelings,between the
members,because others views differ from your own.Therefore,
again,I suggest,not bringing up these subjects.
"Anger is the wind,that blows out the light of the mind"
I originally joined pixies for relaxation & to get away from it all.
Lately it is turning into one BIG argument.Whatever happened to
helping each other? Irish
P.S.Just my $.02.

BamaKyttn 03-04-2004 11:38 AM

but Irish we are helping! >big grin<

Ranger I was being a smartass babe you know how I am. I'm just showing my catholic education! I don't want to get "married" I just want a legal union. hell a common law union is good enough for me! I was taught he spoke aramaic..... oh well old nuns make mistakes...

WildIrish 03-04-2004 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Scarecrow
Come on ppl its all about the MONEY, big companies do not want to pay for the benifits and the government does not want the SS or income tax break burden.

That's absolutely true. And they won't pay it. They'll pass it along to us in the form of reduced benefits and layoffs. Not saying it's right, just what will happen.

Blaming the "liberal media" is as expected during Conservative years as blaming the "vast right wing consipiracy" is during the Liberal years, don't you think? The truth is somewhere in between.

Loulabelle 03-04-2004 01:36 PM

For the record - The Bible also says 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone', so perhaps those who try to live by the Bible, should think twice before judging others for their 'sins'.

Also, as BamaKyttn hinted, the Bible was written by people, not God, and I'm sure, as in every other historical account, it was influenced by politics, social issues and other forms of bias.

Also, by the way, the Ancient Romans and Greeks were bisexual as a matter of course (hmm....weren't they around at approximately the same time as Jesus?) however they frowned on exclusive homosexuality as it did not result in the procreation of children. This seems to tie in well with the rules about conanism, contraception etc.

All I can say is thank God, there are a lot of people in the world who do not follow the Bible to the letter, otherwise, there would be a huge population explosion, and STDs of all kinds would be rife.

End of rant. :)

Aqua 03-04-2004 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Irish
I originally joined pixies for relaxation & to get away from it all.
Lately it is turning into one BIG argument.Whatever happened to
helping each other? Irish
P.S.Just my $.02.

I hear you Irish, and I agree. Lately most of my posts have been in threads heavy with debate. Mostly this one. It's not what I come to Pixies for so I'm heading over to the threads that lift me and lay light on my heart. There are plenty of other places on the web for heated debate. Right now, I think I'll start perusing the 4 L's of Pixies... Lilith, Lou, Lixy, and LSharni. :p (Ok, I cheated... so sue me.... :D How could I not include Sharni?)

south 03-04-2004 02:26 PM

I now pronounce you ..... fill in the blanks
I am starting to be sorry that I asked the question.
However as of this post there has not been a concrete reason given for the need to defend marriage.
Naturally we have inferred that the issue is about sex be it a man with a man or a woman with a woman. It is my experience that marriage is really more about partnership. There is the old joke about the first year of marriage where you stick a bean in a jar for every time you have sex during the first year and after that remove a bean and the expectation is that you most likely will not empty the jar. While this may be extreme, most anyone who is married will agree that after a while sex is not the driving force for the relationship.
So really what is this defensive stuff all about?

Here is an additional comment, which I pose only because I don’t like the descriptor “marriage” for Homosexual unions. What are the components of a homosexual marriage to be formally called…. Husbands? Wives? Spousal Units?

Lilith 03-04-2004 02:34 PM

I call my husband my partner sometimes.

Irish 03-04-2004 04:21 PM

This shows why everyone should follow.the Irish Bible.
As of May 1,I will be married for 39yrs & there are still alot of beans in my jar! Irish
Aqua---I'm starting to agree with you!I have discussed that,with
my wife many times!

having_fun 03-04-2004 04:23 PM

My 2 cents worth
Wow, I never realized that there were so many people at pixies that were soooooo far out in the left wing.

Folks, this really is a no-brainer....

a) Marriage is by definition the union between a man and a woman. If we are going to allow gay couples to change the meaning of the word marriage, I want the meaning of children changed to include pets, so I can claim them on my taxes.

b) Discrimination is illegal, and unjust. Therefore, as proposed a civil union will hold the same legal weight as marriage. It will provide for and force your employer to give your benefits to your significant other, and also provide legislation for divorce, to include division of properties, and alimony.

c) How in the world did this issue become a Bush bashing. He stated his opinion, which I agree with. I might point out that an overwhelming percentage of Americans feel the same way.

d) It appears to me that the root of this issue is not when or how gay couples will get equal treatment regarding significant others, but an election year issue to get people stirred up in hopes of taking some of the votes away from Bush. Each American should drop to their knees and thank whomever they believe in, for George Bush being our President at this time in history. If many of those far left wingers had their way, Gore would be the Pres, and we would have a president more interested in tree hugging, bowing to foreign nations, and one world government, than keeping the sorry assed liberals safe to do all the bitching they want.

e) It seems to me that the true fight should be to gain equal rights under the law, regardless of what the lawmakers choose to call it. The resources, and efforts of thousands of gay rights activists should be redirected away from the marriage issue, and focused on the equal rights issue.

F) Aqua, I’m not sure which America you live in, but here in the good ole USA, the major media outlets, TV, Radio, and Newspapers are almost all extremely liberal. Next, according to leading economists across the country, the economy and unemployment is on a 7 year effect cycle. That means that what happened 7 years ago has the greatest impact on the current status of economics and unemployment. Next, No WMD have been found… ha ha… Because of liberalism, Bush was forced to wait 2 years before actually getting to look for them, all the time we were telling Sadam we were coming looking for them. Now in my humble opinion, he could have really hidden them well in 2 years. But the liberals always seem for forget that point.

WildIrish 03-04-2004 04:50 PM

<--- ducks!

Lilith 03-04-2004 04:56 PM


Am I in the right game???

skipthisone 03-04-2004 05:18 PM

Anyone in this thread want to do me bad?

WildIrish 03-04-2004 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Lilith

Am I in the right game???

How could you goosing me not be right?

south 03-04-2004 05:46 PM

Thread Hijacking(?) Off....
take this thread to OZ! or I'll click my heels!!
There is no place like home, there is no place like home.
....another “Friend of Dorothy”?

Ranger1930 03-04-2004 06:17 PM

No one Ever said you should listen to the media in America.. as most everyone will agree thats the root of this countrys biggest problems.. listening to other people bitch and moaning about something. personally i think if people spoke what they felt was their views and what they truely felt instead of listening to some jack ass who barely knows what the hell he or she is talking about and just agreeing.. there wouldnt be so many damned retarded issues..

im sorry to go off like that.. but if your going to sit here and say we need to listen to what they fucking TV tells us we need to do... your very wrong..

shit if i listened to what the TV told me to do this winter i'd havel ike 10 gallons of bad milk in the fridge 50 gallons of water in the basement and i' be buried up to my knees in Bread.. Eliza and lixy can both agree with me on that one heheh.. god damn idiot meterologists think they know how the weather will affect me =/

Sharni 03-04-2004 08:20 PM

Re: Is a Constitutional Amendment necessary or what?
Originally posted by south
Should same sex domestic partners be made to have the same rights and responsibilities that we as a society hold to heterosexual couples?

To answer this original question

Yep for sure!

As to my reasoning behind that...well as people seem to be getting a wee bit heated about it...i'll just be keeping that to myself :)

Loren 03-05-2004 02:53 PM

Re: My 2 cents worth
Originally posted by having_fun
Wow, I never realized that there were so many people at pixies that were soooooo far out in the left wing.

Left wing?? I'm libertarian, not liberal.

Folks, this really is a no-brainer....

Yes, it's a no brainer--it should be permitted.

a) Marriage is by definition the union between a man and a woman. If we are going to allow gay couples to change the meaning of the word marriage, I want the meaning of children changed to include pets, so I can claim them on my taxes.

Marriage is between two people who love each other. No change.

b) Discrimination is illegal, and unjust. Therefore, as proposed a civil union will hold the same legal weight as marriage. It will provide for and force your employer to give your benefits to your significant other, and also provide legislation for divorce, to include division of properties, and alimony.

It's a *STATE* measure. As such it can't affect federal rules. If civil unions were all we had, my wife and I would not be together today.

c) How in the world did this issue become a Bush bashing. He stated his opinion, which I agree with. I might point out that an overwhelming percentage of Americans feel the same way.

Certainly not an overwhelming number.

d) It appears to me that the root of this issue is not when or how gay couples will get equal treatment regarding significant others, but an election year issue to get people stirred up in hopes of taking some of the votes away from Bush.

I don't think it started out as anything to do with the election, it's simply when it wound it's way through the courts. Bush, however, is using it as a means of bashing the Democrats.

F) Aqua, I’m not sure which America you live in, but here in the good ole USA, the major media outlets, TV, Radio, and Newspapers are almost all extremely liberal.

I'm not aware of *ANY* major media outlet that's extremely liberal. They vary from middle of the road to quite conservative.

The only liberal media I've seen is alternative stuff.

Loren 03-05-2004 02:54 PM

Flashback time, 1912:


A proposed constitutional amendmant banning inter-racial marriage.

FussyPucker 03-08-2004 09:34 AM

Originally posted by HarleyRider6769
Being Gay is a Life choice , If you Believe In God and the Bible it says that It is an Abomanation In the Eyes Of God....Now why would God create something that is an Abonation to Himself ?
As I have said I am not a Religious Person , But I do Follow the Bible as Best I can.
Sorry to bring this topic back up to the top but I thought I'd just make a couple of points on the above quote......using a bit of science rather than using a book that could very well be the best selling piece of fiction ever written.

In a recent study of sheep.....yes sheep.....scientists wanted to find out if there was any physical difference between homosexual sheep and 'straight' sheep. It turns out that about 8% of domestic rams demonstrate homosexual tendencies I don't think it's a "life choice" and I'm sure if a 'God' created humans then he/she might have had a hand in sheep too.........anyway back to the results of the tests....

It turns out that sheep with a penchant for boy-on-boy action have smaller ovine sexually dimorphic nuclei (oSDNs) than their straight counterparts. these are nerve cells found in the hypothalamus and amoung other things are responsible for sexual behaviour. The sheep that prefer a good hard shag with a ewe have larger oSDNs packed with more neurons.

The guy leading the study (professor Charles Roselli) said:
"This particular study, along with others, strongly suggests that sexual preference is biologically determined in animals, and possibly in humans. The hope is that the study of these brain differences will provide clues to the processes involved in the development of heterosexual, as well as homosexual behaviour."

Yes I know it's taking a bit of a leap to get from gay sheep to gay humans.

I guess there are two ways to interpret the information:
1. You're born gay and as you grow up your brain alters accordingly reducing the size of oSDNs.

2. You're not born gay but you become gay as you grow up because you have smaller oSDNs than a 'straight' person.

I'm sure those lovely men in the bright white coats will let us know more when they find out.

As for me..........I'm all for same sex marriages.

Ask yourself this.......
Why should a man and a woman be allowed to marry?
Do you suddenly become able to have children if you marry?
Does it suddenly stop you being able to 'be' with someone else?
Does it suddenly make you 'better' than everyone who isn't married?

or maybe....
It gives you some tax benefits. (well I think it used to here not so sure now)
It makes it easier to decide on the surname of your child(ren).
It makes a statement about how you feel about your partner.
It makes it easier to get rid of guys/girls trying to pick you up in a bar ("Sorry hun, I'm married!")
It's a great excuse for a party and a long sex filled holiday.

Well that's enough from me on this subject :D Apologies for typos and speeling mistakes I'm working and doing a crossword right now :D:D

WildIrish 03-08-2004 09:40 AM

Did someone say sheep? :D

FussyPucker 03-08-2004 09:48 AM

.....yes sheep..... :D

WildIrish 03-08-2004 09:54 AM

Now there's something we can all get behind!

FussyPucker 03-08-2004 10:01 AM

We will if I can have a hand in it!

eliza261 03-08-2004 03:07 PM

i agree with paprclphd

nikanik 03-08-2004 04:07 PM

Thank you fussy. Maybe now this will be the end of this thread. I know I have had my say in the matter but we should be like family and just say fuck the differences and love each other any way

Oldfart 03-08-2004 11:56 PM

Lord hasn't this rattled a few cages.

Marriage is a formal union of loving people, with different connotations

between cultures. Islam allows 4 wives, Solomon had 1000 and

someone else allows polyandry (multiple husbands).

If same sex marriages had the same divorce, spousal support,

child support (for IVF or adopted kids), and all the other obligations

cast during a heterosexual marriage, why not?

We don't have to like our neighbours, just be civil and keep the


I suspect we have a few rabble rousers pouring volotiles on the

fire just to keep the heat going.

Pixies is the most inclusive place I know, with a real sense of demanding

a "fair go" for all, regardless of race, gender, sexual preference

and if any of the discussion members of this thread are unhappy

with this, then maybe they're just in the wrong thread.

BTW, when these smoke-screen issues are brought forward

by the pollies, ask what they are hiding behind it. You won't like it.

Lovediva 03-09-2004 08:51 AM

Comical inter-mission :D

Daddy Long Legs

A father in San Antonio watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was.
Suddenly, she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.

"Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.

"They're mating," her father replied.

"What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked.

"That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.

"So, the other one is Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.

"No," her father replied. "Both of them are Daddy Longlegs. "

The little girl thought for a moment, then she stomped both spidersflat and said, "Well, it might be okay in California, Vermont, and Massachusetts, but we're not having any of that crap in Texas!"

Scarecrow 03-09-2004 05:45 PM

TY Diva, for a very good laugh.

Oldfart 03-10-2004 04:27 AM


Is that anything like a Canadian Goose?

south 03-18-2004 09:34 AM

I will re-tell that one for sure.

scotzoidman 03-18-2004 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Oldfart
BTW, when these smoke-screen issues are brought forward

by the pollies, ask what they are hiding behind it. You won't like it.
Once again, my old friend cuts right thru the BS to to the heart of the matter...I don't have to ask, the day they announced Bush's proposed amendment on the local news, it was preceded by news of a nearby manufacturing plant closing, putting hundreds of my fellow Tennesseans out of work...magicians call it deverting the audiences attention, don't they?

On a lighter note, I was amused by a statement someone made on V-H1 that years from now, straight people won't want to get married anymore because it's just so "gay".... :)

WildIrish 03-18-2004 01:56 PM

Originally posted by scotzoidman
magicians call it deverting the audiences attention, don't they?

Like bombing an aspirin factory the day Monica testifies. ha ha

Oldfart 03-18-2004 10:26 PM

Hey Scotzoidman,

Good to see you in the forums.

About bloody time, too.

FussyPucker 03-24-2004 08:46 AM

What an excellent idea!
U.S. county bans all marriages
By Teresa Carson

PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) - In a new twist in the battle over same-sex marriage roiling the United States, a county in Oregon has banned all marriages -- gay and heterosexual -- until the state decides who can and who cannot wed.

The last marriage licences were handed out in Benton County at 4 p.m. local time on Tuesday. As of Wednesday, officials in the county of 79,000 people will begin telling couples applying for licenses to go elsewhere until the gay marriage debate is settled.

"It may seem odd," Benton County Commissioner Linda Modrell told Reuters in a telephone interview, but "we need to treat everyone in our county equally."

State Attorney General Hardy Myers said in a statement that he was "very pleased" with Benton County's decision. "It is my sincere hope that legal process will provide clarity for each of Oregon's counties."

The three County commissioners had originally decided to start handing out gay marriage licenses this week but on Monday reversed that decision amid a growing firestorm of lawsuits across the country, and decided instead to put a temporary halt to all marriages.

Rebekah Kassell, a spokeswoman for Basic Rights Oregon, a pro-gay marriage group, told Reuters; "It is certainly a different way for county commissioners to respect their constitutional obligation to apply the law equally to everyone.

"We appreciate that they are willing to say they are not going to participate in discrimination."

....rest of story here.... http://uk.news.yahoo.com/040324/80/epbw5.html

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