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Tivboman 04-20-2004 04:44 PM

*Waking up*

She's finally back???


Okay, Gray. Let's get the witch, I mean Maid, onto the seat.

*Hiding her crullers (who else but a witch would eat that stuff) and kawfee (sounds disgusting)*

Maid of Marvels 04-20-2004 04:45 PM

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Graybread 04-20-2004 10:04 PM

Stuffing down the last of the crullers and gulping my kawfee.

“Oh Maaaaiiid…………..your throne is ready your hinnyness.”

“Just have a seat………..this won’t hurt a bit,(chuckle) I promise.”

“Don’t mind these straps, there just to keep you on your throne.”

Maid of Marvels 04-20-2004 10:36 PM


But I'm on break... Besides, I'm making bean soap... erm... SOUP. BEAN SOUP.

I spoze it can wait. :D

Tivboman 04-21-2004 07:24 PM

That's it, Maiddie. That's a gude girl.

*Helping Maid onto the seat*

Let Mr Graybread tied you down so you won't fall off. We don't want you to hurt yourself would we?


Now don't be afraid. Think of those annual showers you sometimes have. This is similar but so much more refreshing.

(Whisper: Ready when you are, Gray. ;))

Bestrafer Engel 04-28-2004 03:54 PM

I say proceed with the dunking!!:jedi: :hot:


*where did that come from?*

Tivboman 04-28-2004 04:53 PM

You heard the man.

Orf wif 'er head!!!!

Maid of Marvels 04-29-2004 05:46 PM


Gray's not around to do the dunkin' so you're out of luck. :p

*crossing my legs and finishing my kawfee*

Tivboman 04-30-2004 07:04 PM

I rest my case
So you have given poor Gray the Evil Eye have you?

Just because he dared to stand up for what he thought was right and true.


Can I be the only one left to stand up the the tyranny of the evil entity known as "Maid of Marvels"???

Is there anyone that can help???

Bestrafer Engel 05-03-2004 02:14 PM

Re: I rest my case
"I will come to thy aid against this comely tyrant know as Maid of Marvels."

*Picks up Maid by the collar of her uniform with one hand and hoists her up to his eye level.*

"Now beautiful but evil wench you shall pay for your crimes...may you be reborn...purified."

"Where is she to be dunked?"

Tivboman 05-03-2004 04:25 PM

Thank you, friendly Engel
Here *pointing to chair hanging over large pond with man-eating sharks in it*

Just strap her in and I will do the dunking.


Bestrafer Engel 05-06-2004 08:15 PM

Re: Thank you, friendly Engel
Originally posted by Tibvo
Here *pointing to chair hanging over large pond with man-eating sharks in it*

Just strap her in and I will do the dunking.


Why not this cauldron

*gestures over to a truly enormous cauldron filled with seemingly innocent water.*

'Tis filled with water blessed by a priest. i think 'twould be ideal for this i think. what better way to ensure the cleansing of a spirit than this?

*so saying he ties Maid securely to a chair*

#whisper#If the circumstances were other than they are, this could become quite interesting Maid#

Maid of Marvels 05-07-2004 03:03 AM

Oh, brother!!
*eyeing up the cauldron*

This gives a whole new meaning to home maid soup, doesn't it?

I just wanna know one thing. How did this even start? I only turned him into a newt once and he was cured.

Woe is me. *sog* *weep* *wail* and *moan*

Bestrafer Engel 05-08-2004 12:04 PM

*wicked thoughts*
Originally posted by Maid of Marvels

This gives a whole new meaning to home maid soup, doesn't it?

Woe is me. *sog* *weep* *wail* and *moan*

*after securing Maid to a chair i proceed to dunk her in the cauldron, only up to her chin*

Graybread 05-17-2004 06:29 PM

After watching Maid bob in the cauldrin for a bit.

"Hey, she's wearing a 'Mae West', no fair.

Oh wait, that not a Mae West, it's Maid's own built in life vest.":rolleyes:

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