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Sugarsprinkles 02-15-2004 01:11 PM

Phaedra began to rouse from her sleep. She felt groggy, almost as if she'd been drugged. Her mind kept playing back images of the night before. The coffee bar........writing poetry.......the tall fascinting man with the white hair and mesmerizing voice..........the two beautiful women, one raven haired and one blonde.....a car ride........then arriving at a dark, imposing mansion......and then OH MY GOD!! The dark haired woman was seducing her!! She wasn't sure if it was all a dream or if it was real.
She struggled to open her eyes. When she finally opened them she was still in the beautifully appointed room and she knew it all must have been real. She began to wonder just where it was that they had taken her and where everyone was.
Phaedra climbed out of the huge, velvet-curtained, 4-poster bed and looked for her clothes. She found them all ripped and torn, laying in a crumpled heap on the floor. She saw a beautifully carved wardrobe in the corner and opened it hoping there might be something she could wear. It was filled with gorgeous dresses and gowns, much more beautiful than anything she'd expected to find. She looked thru them and seeing they were all different sizes chose what appeared to be her size. It was a royal blue silk gown with silver trim, it had no waistline..it flowed freely over her curvy body. She felt like a princess as she twirled and studied herself in the mirror.
Once she was dressed she tiptoed out into the hallway just in time to catch a glimpse of Ash carrying what looked to her like a sleeping Brenna. Once she was sure Ash hadn't seen her she crept down the grand staircase and then to a small room near the huge wooden front door. She saw him at the door at first talking to, then embracing a woman with long flaming red hair. "Who is she?", Phaedra wondered, and "Why do they seem so happy to see each other?" Her mind was filled with questions as she tried to remain unseen and unheard.

Prophet Reality 02-17-2004 02:10 PM

As Vaj and Genevieve re-unite, Vaj feels Ash move the body of Brenna. He is momentarily saddened again, but then lets it all go. As he lavishes kisses on Genevieve, he then senses Phearda enter the room. He turns Genevieve around and looks over her body. "The year has treated you well. You have developed some more. I am very pleased with your body my sweet. How did you find me again?" Vaj then looks around and sees Pheadra in the other room, "You may enter my child, we will not hurt you. In fact this is a pet of mine from when I was here last. Do come in and introduce yourself."

Sugarsprinkles 02-17-2004 03:15 PM

Phaedra creeps a little closer, hoping that Vaj is not angry with her for snooping. As he beckons her closer she relaxes a bit. She walks out where she can see and be seen. Phaedra looks at the visitor and holds out her hand to greet her and introduces herself. "Hello, it's very nice to meet you. I'm new here, my name is Phaedra." Phaedra turns to Vaj the unspoken question in her eyes "your 'pet'? What does that mean?"

vampeyes 02-17-2004 10:04 PM


As Vaj plyed her with kisses Genevieve could feel her body temperature rising. When he pulled his lips away from hers a small whimper lodged in her throat. She felt herself almost go to tears as he pulled his body from hers but then he spun her around to admire her body. She was delighted once again as he told her that he liked how her body had matured. Genevieve felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster. Thats what she most loved and loathed about Vaj his ability to manipulate her feelings so easily. It took her a second to realize that Vaj had asked her a question about how she had found him again. "I don't know really.. it seemed like for the past week every time I closed my eyes you were there calling to me. I felt like I had to come to you. I hope it was the right thing to do." Again the questions started to creep into her mind. It unnerved her that normally she was a confidant young woman but with Vaj she always doubted herself. Before she could elaborate further a quietly beautiful young woman walked in the room. She intoduced herself as Phaedra. "Pheadra is both a beautiful and unusual name. My name is Genevieve." As Genevieve spoke to Phaedra she took in the young womans beauty.

Prophet Reality 02-18-2004 12:10 PM

Vaj watched Genevieve look over Phaedra, Vaj stepped up to Phaedra and gave her a gentle hug. "My dear sweet thing, I fear you may have gotten yourself into more than you bargained for. I guess now is as a good a time as any. I believe I told Genevieve rather quickly as well. You are in a house with Vampyre's. We will not harm you, unless you as k us too. Genevieve was my 'pet' for a time. She allowed myself and another to drink from her until I had to leave. My companion stayed for a short time, but she too left and we have not heard from her since. But Genevieve seems to have a tie to me that is stronger than I realized and I think more then she bargained for as well. But I will offer you the same as I did her. You may leave at anytime. I will have Ash or even Genevieve return you to your home." Vaj paused and walked over to Genevieve, wrapped his arms around her lithe body and hugged her close.

"Genevieve choose to stay, so you two can talk. I need to rest, my night has been traumatic, and the sun is past it's rise. I will be in my room, please stay the day in safety and when I arise, we can talk about your decision. Good day ladies." Vaj kisses Genevieve passionately and then steps away. He approaches Phaedra and bows deeply before her and kisses her hand. He walks away, confident that all will work out. He sends his thoughts to Ash, 'Genevieve and Phaedra will be staying the day. Thank you for taking care of Brenna, we shall make arrangements for her burial when we awaken tonight. Sleep well my friend and companion.'

Vaj enters his room, lies on his bed and enters in a mediatative state and sets his wards around his room and his house. Then he slips into a deep and troublesome sleep.

ashkeyana0418 02-18-2004 04:12 PM

Ash smiles as she 'hears' Vaj in her mind and nods to herself. Having peaked in on their guests, she was confident in leaving them alone. Quietly she returned to her room, having made sure that Brenna was secure and her bedroom locked to all guests.

Slipping into her room, she slipped off her robe and crawled under protection of her dark room and thick blankets. Closing her eyes, she bids Vaj goodnight and then lets herself drift off into the dark abyss...

(busy with school - sorry for the delay)

Sugarsprinkles 02-18-2004 07:51 PM

After Vaj bid them "Good Day" and retired to his room, Phaedra turned her attention to Genevieve. She was taken with Genevieve's beauty and especially her long, flaming red hair and she tried hard not to stare. Phaedra's mind was a whirlwind of questions but she knew standing in the doorway was not the proper setting to begin to ask those questions.
"Why don't we go up to the room Ash took me to last night and we can talk." Phaedra reached out and took Genevieve's hand and led her up the stairs to her room.
Phaedra opened the door to the magnificently appointed room. Once the were inside she took Genevieve's coat and hung it in the wardrobe. Phaedra climbed up on the 4 poster bed with the purple and cream curtains and patted the bed indicating to Genevieve to join her. As soon as Genevieve sat down the questions just poured out of Phaedra...."How did you meet Vaj? Are they really Vampyres? What did he mean you let them 'drink from you'? What did they do to you when you were with them? Did they hurt you? Where have you been and what on earth made you come back to him? And why does he call you his 'pet'?"

vampeyes 02-19-2004 12:03 AM


As Phaedra led Genevieve to her room she took the time to study the young woman at her leisure. She was what most people would call chubby but Genevieve always did appreciate a woman with curves. My. my Genevieve thought to herself this girl definitely has potential and I'll bet she doesn't even know it yet. Behind all that black dye and heavy makeup Gen could tell that she would grow into a volutuos beauty more reminiscent of times past. If she allowed herself to blossom that is. Before long the two of them were in the bedroom that the young woman had been given. Phaedra patted the bed next to her inviting Genevieve to sit with her. As soon as Gen sat down Phaedra started to fire questions at her. "Hold on, hold on. We have all day to talk. Hmm now where to begin, you asked about Vaj and I. I was at a night club late one night and some rogue vampyres decided to feed en masse. Vaj saved me from either death or slavery. Yes Vaj is really a vampyre. I have never met his companion before but as soon as I saw her I got the feeling that she was of Vaj's kind. What else did you want to know?" Genevieva waited for her new friend to digest what she had just told her.

Sugarsprinkles 02-19-2004 12:25 AM

Phaedra tried to digest what Genevieve told her. Vampyres??? There really are such things?? Damn....who'd have ever believed that?
"You must have been very frightened the night Vaj found you and saved you. But I'm still confused. What kind of things did they do to you when he brought you here?..............And what did he mean when he said they 'drank from you'?"

Just the words " She allowed myself and another to drink from her" conjured up all sorts of things in Phaedra's over-active imagination. Genevieve could see the fear growing in Phaedra's eyes and she tried to comfort and reassure her.

Prophet Reality 02-19-2004 11:00 PM

Vaj drifted to sleep and allowed his thoughts to wander. He heard Ash send 'Goodnight', and he replied back, with thoughts of deep erotic subjects. He felt the ladies enter into the room and the question poor out of Pheadra to Gen. He know that they grow close through out the day, and was not worried. Who knows, they could become very close and he knew that Ash would love that as much as he would.

vampeyes 02-20-2004 11:23 PM


After Phaedra had a moment to digest what she had already been told she started to question Genevieve agin. "What kind of things did they do to you when they brought you here? Phaedra asked. "Well. How do I put this in a way you will understand? Many things went on here on my last visit. There was a frenzy of sexual activities and other things but you must not be frightened little one. It was a wonderful experience. One which I hope to repeat. As far as Vaj and his companion drinking from me it is exactly what it sounds like. Vaj is a vampyre and he does need blood. When he drank from me he took just what he needed and it did not hurt me at all. In fact it was quite sensual. He usually drank from me while we were in a sexual situation and I must say it's a sensation not too unlike a mind blowing orgasm when he drinks from you. And I must say that I always felt so much closser to him afterwards. It's a very different feeling but nothing to be afraid of. I don't think Vaj would ever harm mr and I am sure he would not harm you either. After waiting a minute for Phaedra to take all of this new information in she asked "are you tired? If you are we could take a nap while we wait for Vaj to awake. If you are frightened or uncomfortable I would be happy to stay here with you"

Sugarsprinkles 02-20-2004 11:50 PM

Phaedra tried to assimilate what Gen had just told her. But the more questions Gen answered it seemed the more Phaedra had.
"No, I'm not really tired. I just woke up when you and Vaj found me downstairs. But I would really like it if you'd stay with me. This house is so big and and so frightening when Vaj isn't around. He's a bit scary, but then he has this way of calming me with just the sound of his voice."
Gen nodded in agreement.
"I still have a couple of questions, if you don't mind. I'm still dying to know why he calls you his 'pet'. And why on earth did you come back to him?"

vampeyes 02-21-2004 12:22 AM


Phaedra asked Genevieve more questions about Vaj calling her pet and why she came back. Genevieve tried to explain things to Phaedra without telling her too much. "Well as for Vaj calling me his pet it is just a silly nickname ... nothing more. As to why I came back I really missed Vaj horribly, and also evertime I closed my eyes to go to sleep I would have visions of Vaj.. of him calling me. It was almost as if I had to come back." Even as Genevieve tried to explain why she had came back to Phaedra she really didn't understand it herself.

Sugarsprinkles 02-21-2004 09:28 AM

"Wow......you really had visions of him and he was calling you to come to him?" Phaedra, young and immature as she was, thought this was incredibly romantic. She didn't consider that this was an example of the strength of the power Vaj held over Genevieve, even though they'd been separated for so long. And she really had no idea what she'd let herself in for by choosing to stay with these vampyres, even though Genevieve tried to explain it to her. Phaedra was just glad to have someone to talk to....to answer her many questions.....to soothe her fears........and to be her friend.
"I'm really so happy to have you here with me, Genevieve. It feels like we've known each other forever even though we just met."
Gen agreed, "Yes, it does feel that way." as she gently ran her well-manicured hand up and down Phaedra's back in a soothing motion.
"I'm still a bit shaken by what's happened to me since I've been here. Would you mind holding me? I feel so much safer with you."

vampeyes 02-22-2004 07:39 PM


Even as the young Phaedra asked Genevieve to hold her she could feel her thoughts sliding places that she knew they should not be. She just nodded in assent not trusting herself to say anything and leaned forward to take the young girl in her arms. As Genevieve took the girl in her arms to soothe her she began to rock her in a gentle mother type fashion and place small kisses on the top of her head.

Sugarsprinkles 02-24-2004 09:00 AM

As Genevieve took Phaedra in her arms, Phaedra began to relax. Being rocked as though she were in her mother's arms calmed her fears, at least momentarily. Phaedra's head rested on Genevieve's chest, as she closed her eyes she inhaled of Genevieve's scent. Phaedra couldn't put her finger on the fragrance but it was truly intoxicating. She looked up to ask Gen the name of this most unusual fragrance. As she did turned her head up, Genevieve was looking down, about to place another gentle kiss on Pheadra's head and for an instant their eyes met. Before Phaedra could move away Genevieve kissed her full on the lips.

ashkeyana0418 02-24-2004 11:16 AM

Ash and Vaj's relationship was like no other that she had ever experienced. Although he was not her sire, he was in fact her lover, friend and savior. The one that gave her new life and love. Both deeply respecting and caring for one another and yet also respecting their own lives and choices. Through this special bond, Ash was always keenly aware of Vaj at all times, even in sleep and was conscious of the fact that his mind was troubled.

Through the fog of sleep, Ash reached out to him, their minds connecting. The soothing sense of her cool fingertips brushed against his forehead as she chased away his sorrow and pain and smiled at him through their dream state. "What troubles you, my Master?"

Prophet Reality 02-24-2004 11:31 AM

As Vaj sleep, a small part of his mind kept tabs of the activity of the girls in Pheadra's room. He felt the passion rise in Pheadra and the questions and temptations in Gen's thoughts.

As he thoughts ran rampart he felt the cool and seductive touch of his newest and most fervent lover Ash. She was young, but so willing to learn and willing to explore and travel with Vaj. His last companion of the same name, was willing to explore but did not want to travel and more with him. Their link was stronger than any of his childer and he was very grateful for that. "What troubles you, My Master?". "Thoughts of nights remembered and people lost to me. Places seen and deeds done. Time spent with you."

ashkeyana0418 02-24-2004 11:37 AM

"Time spent with me should be pleasant to think of." She teased him softly, a sweet seductive laugh ringing through his head. Then, soft feathery kisses grazed his skin. "What can I do for you, Vaj? Show your pupil what she can do for you? I'm eager to learn..." She told him.

Prophet Reality 02-24-2004 11:59 AM

"What can I do for you, Vaj? Show your pupil what she can do for you? I'm eager to learn..." Ash told him.

"Does my pupil truly wish to please me?"

ashkeyana0418 02-24-2004 12:01 PM

"But of course...I always wish you please you, Vaj." She purred back, eager to know what he had in mind...

Prophet Reality 02-24-2004 12:26 PM

"But of course...I always wish to please you, Vaj."

Vaj looks over the image of Ash and sees her remove her clothes for him. He admires her lithe body and instructs her to turn around before him. As she turns, she bends over so that he can see her tight ass that she knows he loves to play with. Vaj reaches out and grabs her ass. He pulls her to him and bends her over. She bends at the waist, her hair falls to the floor and Vaj leans in. He places kisses all over her ass and then he spreads her legs apart. As she moves with his hands, he starts to flick his tongue over her exposed pussy.

ashkeyana0418 02-24-2004 12:44 PM

She gasps softly, loving the feel of his tongue sliding over her pussy lips and slit all the way up to flick against her clit. Her bare flesh is soft, void of all hair, her scent warm and exotic, entoxicating even his senses.

Reaching between her legs, Ash's eager hands make contact with Vaj's equally naked form and begins to stroke every inch of flesh she can reach. Panting and moaning over his sweet assault, she closes her eyes and smiles, gliding her finger tips over his taught body...

Prophet Reality 02-24-2004 12:58 PM

The feel of her soft clean skin awakens his senses even more. As he licks and sucks her pussy and cit, his hands slide all over body. His arms long enough to reach all of her in this position. As he sucks hard on her clit and nibbling on it, his hands encircle her tits and start to kneed and massage them. Harder and harder his hands squeeze.

ashkeyana0418 02-24-2004 02:30 PM

Ash gasps and moans loudly, canting her pussy to his eager mouth while shoving her breasts more fully into his almost rough hands. "Yeeeeesss..." She purrs with delight and feels her pussy twitch with pleasure, "Ooooh yes Vaj!"

Prophet Reality 02-24-2004 02:51 PM

Hearing Ash sets Vaj aflame and he goes wild.... His hands pull and pinch Ash's tits. He starts to bite at her pussy lips and clit. His cock is hard and throbbing in her hands as she starts to stroke it wildly. Then Vaj stands and pushed his cock roughly into Ash's pussy.

ashkeyana0418 02-24-2004 03:01 PM

She screamed and gripped his cock with her muscles, tossing her head back and arching like a cat. His sexy growl fired her senses, one hand gripping her hip, while the other grabbed a handful of silky hair and jerked her head back, bowing her body and slamming into her hot tight depths.

She cried out his name, whimpered and moaned, surrendering to his savage desires...letting his frustrations, pain and sorrows release in pent up sexual frustrations. "Oh yes! Oh yes! OOOooh!" She wailed, shuddered and came hard, coating his beautiful dick with her juices...

Prophet Reality 02-25-2004 02:41 PM

Vaj pounded into Ash. Grabbing her silky hair and moaning in desire. As her orgasm crashes through her body and covers Vaj's cock, he pulls out of her tight depths and feels her juices flood out with him. He urges still flowing through him, and not fully satiated from his earlier time with Brenna... Vaj does what he enjoys the most. He lines his cock up and rubs it all over Ash's dripping pussy. Getting sufficiently lubed, Vaj then slides his cock up and into Ash's tight ass. Her scream fills his chamber and vibrates through him. Her body shudders and shakes. Vaj waits a few minutes for her to stop and then starts to methodically fuck her tight ass. His hands twin through her luscious hair and pulls her onto him harder and harder. She is screming and moaning and then her body shakes again and grabs his cock... just as he needed... and his cum shoots into her tight ass.

ashkeyana0418 02-26-2004 10:03 AM

Exhausted, sore and yet fullfilled and sated, Ash collapses, her body slumping forward and bending as Vaj holds onto her hips still. His steeling grip bruises her skin, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Moaning softly, she feels him slip from her body and turn her about, kissing her lips softly. She smiles at him and runs long fingers through her hair. "I hope my Master is pleased...sleep better now Vaj." She murmurs and slips out of his mind and back to her own rest for the remains of the night...

vampeyes 02-26-2004 08:19 PM


As Genevieves lips touched Phaedras she was unsure if she should take this farther or not knowing the girls fragile state of mind. Gen's conscience tugged at her almost as much as her loins but in the end the sexual urges won out. She snaked her tounge out to taste Phaedra's bottom lip. A small groan escaped her lips as she tasted the sweetness of the girl. Gen's hand reached down to caress Phaedra's firm breasts and she felt the nipples hardening which excited her even more. As Phaedra leaned into the kiss Genevieve decided to push it further and pushed her tounge into Phaedra's welcoming mouth. She sucked Phaedra's tounge into her mouth and ran her own up and down it. Gen's nails began to lightly scrape across Phaedra's nipples through her shirt. Genevieve felt herself getting hot and wet. She pulled away from Phaedra to look at the girl and see if there was passion in her eyes as there was her own.

Sugarsprinkles 02-26-2004 10:15 PM

As Phaedra felt Genevieve's lips on her own she couldn't help but surrender to her. Genevieve made her feel so safe, so secure, and yes.....even loved. Phaedra's body responded independent from her common sense which questioned how she could possibly be loved by someone she only just met. She was enjoying Genevieve's attentions and wanted more. As Gen pulled away to look at her, the look in Phaedra's eyes answered Genevieve's unspoken question. "Yes....YES........go on!!", Phaedra's eyes cried out. She was breathing harder, her pulse was racing, her nipples hardening as Genevieve's fingernails scraped across her full, young breasts. Phaedra wove her fingers through Genevieve's long, red hair, pulling Gen's lips closer. Phaedra could feel the heat and wetness growing between her legs. Phaedra began to squirm, moaning and whimpering....pressing herself against Genevieve, wanting all pleasures that Genevieve's kiss and caress were promising.

Prophet Reality 02-28-2004 11:04 PM

As the pleasure flowed through Vaj's mind, he remembered it was all a part of his and Ash's mind link. Unforunately not real and physical. But Vaj was so aroused and so hard, that he almost rose to go to Ash's bed. But he knew that she was deep into the eternal sleep of the nightwalkers. He let his thoughts travelthrough the house and found Gen and Pheadra deeply involved in discovering each others bodies. His arousal increased and he knew that when he awoke, someone was going to get fucked good.

vampeyes 03-01-2004 09:37 PM


As Phaedra pressed herself into Genevieve she knew that the girl was willing to go further. Gen slowly moved her hands down from Phaedra's breasts and slid them down her ribcage onto her thighs. She began to massage the girls thighs working her way from her knees to juncture of her waiting pussy. Genevieve drew her lips away from Phaedra's and kissed down her chin nipping and licking her way down her neck. Phaedra sighed as Genevieve took her right nipple into her hot moist mouth. Genevieve began to swirl her tounge around the tight nipple and tug at it gently with her teeth. Gen took her time wanting to slowly build Phaedra's desire.

Sugarsprinkles 03-01-2004 09:59 PM

As Genevieve seduced Phaedra, Phaedra's desire continued building. She couldn't control her feelings. The heat from Genevieve's mouth on her breast sent shocks of electricity thru her. Her pussy began to tingle and she could feel the wetness building between her legs. Phaedra moaned, pushing her breast deeper into Genevieve's mouth. Phaedra could barely control herself, she reached out and began to try to undress Genevieve. She wanted more and she wanted it now................

vampeyes 03-01-2004 10:10 PM


As Phaedra reached ot to try and undress Genevieve her passion seemed to go into over drive. She was unsure if she could take it slow any more. She started to yank Phaedra's dress over her head almost tearing the beautiful fabric in her haste to see the young womans body fully exposed to her. Gen threw the dress onto the floor and unhooked her bra and pulled her panties off without much ceremony. As she girl started to shiver from the cold Genevieve pushed her back onto the bed and raised herself above her. Genevieve planted a quick kiss on Phaedra's lips and then slid her body down between her legs. Genevieve raised her eyes to take one last look st Phaedra just to make sure she was not going too far. Not seeing anything but passion in Phaedra's eyes Gen pressed small kisses to the beautiful mound in front of her. As Pheadra began to moan Genevieve started licking the outside of her lips with small strokes up and down driving the girl crazy with desire.

Sugarsprinkles 03-01-2004 11:19 PM

Phaedra's attempt to undress Genevieve gave Genevieve the signal she needed to know she didn't need to hold back any longer. The next thing Phaedra knew she was stark naked and Genevieve was sliding down her body. She saw Genevieve look up at her and she looked back willing Genevieve to see the permission in her eyes. Her wish was granted and before she drew another ragged breath, she felt Genevieve's hot, wet tongue sliding up and down her swollen pussy lips. Phaedra's legs opened seemingly of their own accord granting Genevieve total access and control of her body. The feel of Gen's tongue was electric, sending shock waves all through her body. Phaedra's juices were flowing hard and dripping down Genevieve's chin. Phaedra gripped the bedsheets, screaming and tossing her head from side to side. Her moans of ecstasy could be heard throughout the house, all the way to Vaj's chambers.

vampeyes 03-02-2004 10:44 PM


As Phaedra's moans of excitement echoed through the air Genevieve reached her fingers between Phaedra's legs to spread her lips open to her waiting tounge. She took a moment to gaze at the glistening fruit before her before snaking her tounge out to flick at Pheadra's clit. She heard Pheadra's sharp intake of breath before she started to lick up and down those lucious lips. Phaedra's juices overflowed and Genevieve did her best to try and lick every drop of precious fluid from her. Sensing that Phaedra was nearing orgasm Gen slowly slid her finger into Phaedra marveling at how wet and tight the young woman was. As Genevieve fucked Phaedra with her finger she started to slide her tounge around her clit in leisurly circles.

Sugarsprinkles 03-02-2004 11:49 PM

Phaedra felt Genevieve spreading her lips open, exposing her sex to Gen's lust filled eyes. She was embarassed but too excited to be able to stop even if she wanted to. Genevieve was completely unaware she was only the second person to gaze upon Phaedra's most private place and to taste her love juices. It took her by surprise when Phaedra orgasmed so violently. Phaedra's body began to convulse. Without realizing what she was doing she locked her legs around Gen's head. As Pheadra's juices gushed from her, Genevieve wasn't sure if she'd suffocate first, or drown in the young woman's salty-sweet juices. Phaedra lost all self control, crying out at the top of her lungs. Her primitive screams of ecstasy were so loud they roused both Vaj and Ash from their unearthly slumber.

Prophet Reality 03-04-2004 11:20 PM

As Vaj sank into the deep dark of near death sleep he heard a scream through the house. As he sent his thoughts out to investigate, he discovered Gen working on Pheadra. They're throughts were clear and pleasure was running rampant. Then Vaj thought to send out to Gen, 'Have her please you... teach her how to please others. There are toys in the drawer next you, use them with her.' Then Vaj lost the eternal battle and slipped back into deep unconsiousness.

vampeyes 03-05-2004 09:21 PM


As Phaedra's orgasm shook the house Genevieve's head was filled with Vaj's voice. He told her that there were toys in the nightstand and that she should take things farther. She looked at Phaedra and asked "How do you feel my dear? Do you think that you would like to learn more?" While Genevieve waited for Phaedra's response she slowly moved to the edge of the bed to find the toys.

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