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ashkeyana0418 01-12-2004 07:42 AM

(sorry for the delay...family emergency)

Ash smiled as Vaj left and took a long sip of her drink before setting it down slowly and facing Phaedra. She smiled a slow and sexy smile while inching herself closer so that their thighs brushed up against each other. "You really have nothing to worry about...you're quite lovely, you know and Vaj already likes you." She murmured softly, long pale fingers reached out and brushed hair away from her face and then trailed it down the side of her cheek to her neck. The pulse there trilled her to no end, but she forced herself to move on.

"Why don't you come with us Phaedra...It would be so much more..." She paused, seemingly choosing just the right word, "intimate if you came away with us. Vaj and I would love your company little one..."

Sugarsprinkles 01-12-2004 08:35 PM

Phaedra feels Ash's fingers trailing down from her face to her neck. The feeling is a two-edged sword. Her body responds involuntarily.... her nipples hardening as a dampness spreads between her legs. It also gives her a cold chill. A cold chill of aprehension but she ignores it as she hears Ash telling her that Vaj likes her. "Me? He likes ME? What could he possibly see in me?, she asks Ash. Phaedra was so thrilled that not only had she been noticed by Vaj, but he actually LIKED HER! She wasn't going to do anything to spoil this. Better judgement be damned!!

"Why don't you come with us Phaedra...It would be so much more..." She paused, seemingly choosing just the right word, "intimate if you came away with us. Vaj and I would love your company little one..."

"Oh yes!! I'd love to join you all." Words that would echo in Phaedra's head and heart for a long time to come. She really had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she was hoping it would be more exiciting than the boring suburban life that her parents wanted for her. Little did she know............

ashkeyana0418 01-13-2004 07:47 AM

"Mmmm...good girl" Ash purrs, leaning forward just a little, her face intimately turned to the girls neck. She inhails and almost sighs, her tongue snaking out to lick the tender pale flesh there. She feels Phaedra tense a moment as she nibbles on the colum of her neck, but the girl only arches it to the side for greater access.

Smiling against her skin, Ash sends Vaj a mental signal that they are ready to join him when he is ready to leave. While their eyes meet from across the room, Ash slides a hand down between Phaedras thighs and slowly trails her fingers up.

Ash grazes her teeth along the girls neck, then licks it. "Mmmm...you are a tasty little thing...come now...lets join him and be off."

Prophet Reality 01-13-2004 10:40 PM

From the doorway I watch Ash and Phaedra. I can feel that Ash is restraining herself. As soon as she gets the answer we wanted, I signal Brenna. I signal to Ash that I will be in the car waiting for them. I exit the coffee house and walk slowly to the car. Brenna hops out and walks around to open the door for Vaj.

"We will be having a guest after all my dear. Ash has convinced her, of course. So after we get to the house start the research. I smell that you got some food, very good M'dear." He leans forward and kisses Brenna. As kisses her deeply, his hands roam all over her back and rest on her ass. He squeezes and massages her ass and then releases the kiss and her. "Maybe you and I should take care of business as soon as we get home. Phaedra I think can be entertained by Ash for a while."

Southern Charm 01-16-2004 12:43 AM

Vaj walks toward the car as Brenna steps out and walks around to open the door for her 'boss'.

"We will be having a guest after all my dear. Ash has convinced her, of course. So after we get to the house start the research."

"Yes, sir," she says watching him slowly approach her. His slow, deliberate saunter, almost hypnotizing her as he draws nearer.

"I smell that you got some food, very good M'dear," he purrs as he reaches her. Slowly, he leans forward placing his soft, cool lips to hers. As the depth of the kiss increases, she melts into him placing her arms around his neck and surrenders to his power over her. His hands roam across her back to rest on her ass. Lust swimming through her body, from their entangled kiss, to his powerful hands, to the aching center of her passion, she feels the heat pulsing between her legs.

Just as abruptly as his kiss begain, it ended and Brenna was left feeling empty and wanting. Inside she was begging for more.

"Maybe you and I should take care of business as soon as we get home. Phaedra I think can be entertained by Ash for a while."

Through hooded, passion-filled, crystal blue eyes, she watched his mouth curl around the words and fantacized about all the places it COULD be. Her breath, still heated and full of passion, she quietly breathed, "Yes, m'lord," as Vaj takes his seat in the car.

Prophet Reality 01-17-2004 09:21 PM

Vaj sits in the limo and waits for Ash and Pheadra to exit the coffee house and join him in the limo so that they can go home. He knows that his tease with Brenna has her simmering in lust and wanton. He thinks of all her supple curves, her tantalyzing smells, and delicious taste. His member starts to harden slightly and he tempts the thought to have her join him in the back while they wait for the others to join them. As he scans Ash's thoughts, he detects that they are close to exiting.

ashkeyana0418 01-20-2004 02:37 PM

(Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, but I didn't get notified by Pixies that messages had been written! SORRY!!!!)

Taking Phaedra's hand in her own, Ash stands and tugs her up. She seems a little dazed, with still a twinge of nerves, but mostly excitement. Smiling at her, she reminds her to pick up her book and pen so that they may leave.

She watches as the girl fumbles and then finally gets a hold of her things and again, taking her hand, Ash leads them away from the crowds and outside where she spots the limo. Her mind links with both Vaj and Brenna, reporting how eager their new playmate was as she opens the door and ushers her cute little bottom in. Behind them, the door shuts and Ash slides down next to Vaj. "Ready when you are..." She purrs out, eyeing Phaedra and licking her lips eagerly...

Sugarsprinkles 01-21-2004 08:15 AM

The next thing she knew, Ash was holding her hand and pulling on her to hurry so they could leave. She was barely able to gather her pen and notebook of her poetry, Ash was so insistent. They wound their way through the crowded coffee house and finally made it outside. Ash led Phaedra to a long black limo with windows tinted so dark they appear black.
Ash opens a door and pushes Phaedra in, gets in herself and shuts the door. Phaedra looks around to find Brenna and Vaj already there, in the back of the limo, very close together.
Vaj looks up as Ash and Phaedra get in and smiles at Phaedra.
It gives Phaedra a chill. Somehow she senses there is more to Vaj than she first thought, and it makes her very nervous. Her gut instinct is to leave and leave now........before it's too late. But too late? Too late for what? What has she gotten herself into? As thoughts of fear and confusion are swirling in her mind she suddenly feels an eerie sense of calm come over her, as if Vaj has mentally wrapped his cloak around her, mesmerizing her.
She senses the motor start and the limo pulls away.

Prophet Reality 01-22-2004 10:41 PM

Vaj is sitting in the limo when the door opens and Ash pushes Phaedra inside. Ash then hastily enters and closes the door. Vaj can sense that Phaedra is suddenly scared and nervous. Before she can grasp what might happened, he lets his power seep into her. Watching her relax, he tells Brenna to drive them home. He watches Phaedra for a few minutes and realizes that Ash is just buzzing with sexual energy. He leans over and kisses her deeply and passionately. While doing so, he gently nips her tongue and sucks her prescious vitae from the wound before it quickly heals. Before he knows it Ash is all over him, with Phaedra watching in amazement.

ashkeyana0418 01-23-2004 08:43 AM

Vaj was definitly a drug...someone you could get yourself lost in and Ash had known that from the first day he had found her and then taken her under his wing. Preoccupied with their new 'guest', Ash hadn't expected his kiss, but as soon as his lips touched hers and he tasted her vitae, she lost herself in the dizzying passion that took hold.

With a little growl of pure lust, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed herself over onto his lap, straddling his body. She could sense Phaedra's shocked gaze on the two of them as they continued to kiss. Vaj's hands slid up her pants and cupped her bottom. Eagerly Ash ground her pelvis down against his and moaned, throwing her dark head back. That action pushed her breasts forward into Vaj's face, straining for attention against her blouse...

Prophet Reality 01-24-2004 11:08 PM

Enjoying the reaction from Ash, Vaj allows himself the pleasure of her scent and vitae. His hands roam all over her body and then she thrusts her breast into his face. Not wanting to waste a minute, Vaj uses his sharp teeth to tear her blouse open and starts to lavish his attention all over her succulent breasts. Always fascinated with her smooth skin, he takes extra pleasure in letting his rough tongue slide over her smooth flesh. Enjoying the taste of her flesh, he nips the flawless skin and again tastes her vitae.

Sugarsprinkles 01-25-2004 11:25 AM

Phadra sat stunned, not knowing what to make of the sight before her. She tried not to stare but she couldn't tear her eyes away. Naturally she'd seen couples together before, but she'd never seen anything like this. After all, she was a virgin, and had never been exposed to such outright animal lust as Vaj and Ash were exhibiting.
It frightened her, but at the same time it excited her. She sensed a dampness collecting between her legs and started to squirm in her seat. She felt very warm, warm to the point of unbuttoning the first couple of buttons on her blouse. Her reactions to Vaj and Ash's near-animalistic sexual activity was not unnoticed by Vaj, nor was it ignored by Brenna.

ashkeyana0418 01-25-2004 02:49 PM

Ash lets out a little purr/growl of pure delight. Her body feels on fire for more of Vaj's touch that she has almost forgotten about Phaedra...almost but not quite. The young woman's scent reaches her Vaj ravages her breasts and skin, licking and suckling and nipping at her.

Arching, Ash turns her head, angling her body so that she can have a view of the lovely little one staring so intently at the boy of them. She knows Vaj can smell her...pure innocense and sexual energy that fuels both their desires even more.

Breaking away from Vaj, she sits back on his lap facing Phaedra and smiles a seductively, reaching forward, showing off her beautifully firm, bare breasts to Phaedra as goes for her buttons. "Let me help you with these." She breaths, moaning as Vaj slips a hand between her thighs and presses against the junction of her thighs....

Sugarsprinkles 01-25-2004 06:51 PM

Phaedra is nearly speechless, still shocked by Vaj and Ash. But she can't control her body's reaction. Her body gives off so much heat she has to unbutton her blouse.

Breaking away from Vaj, she sits back on his lap facing Phaedra and smiles a seductively, reaching forward, showing off her beautifully firm, bare breasts to Phaedra as goes for her buttons. "Let me help you with these." She breaths, moaning as Vaj slips a hand between her thighs and presses against the junction of her thighs....

Instinctively she pulls away from Ash and tries to close her blouse. She really hadn't realized she'd unfastened it. But Ash persists, virtually trying to rip Phaedra's blouse completely open. Phaedra turns to look at Brenna, a plea for help in her terrified eyes.

Prophet Reality 01-26-2004 09:53 AM

Releasing to the animal lust of Ash, Vaj does not hesitate any further. He can sense the virginity of Phaedra in the back with them, and knows that Brenna is watching while she drives. He can even smell her wetness and kows that she drives with one hand. As Ash turns in his lap to face Phaedra, Vaj's hands slide between her legs. He can feel the heat and moisture of her lust. He presses hard on her covered treasure and hears her moan in delight. He watches as she persists to remove Phaedra's blouse, driving Vaj's own passions higher. Finally, he pulls his hand away and pushes his power to his fingers to create small razor sharp talons. He replaces his hand and quickly rips the cloth away from Ash's sex. Willing his hands to return to normal, he starts to rub anew.

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