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ashkeyana0418 12-29-2003 06:43 AM

(Happy New Year Everyone!!!)

Ash let out a little contented moan of pleasure as Vaj's hand slipped up her thigh and pressed against the junction between her legs. Her pants were tight and each caress was delicious! The friction of the material against her sensitive pussy only making it all the better. She wiggled, to get a little closer and let her eyes drift half shut, trying her hardest to look composed as she watched Brenna and the other girl and the patrons around them.

"Vaj..." She murmured, biting her bottom lip as he bumped against her clit and shivered. Her normally pale flawless skin was looking a little flushed and her chest rose and fell a little faster. "Vaj...you're distrating me..." She purred, slipping her hand over his and pushing it more firmly against her clit until the first waves of true pleasure hit. Her body tensed as she sighed and briefly closed her eyes.

Prophet Reality 01-04-2004 01:12 AM

Finally Brenna stands from the table and walks over to Vajand Ash. "she is inawe of you Sir, but she is shy and not sure what to do."

Vaj looks to Ask and smiles. "Brenna, go get the car. Have it outside in 30 minutes, and be prepared to take all 3 of us to the house. And make sure there is food for a couple of days for our guest. What is her name by the way?"

"Her name is Phaedra."

Prophet Reality 01-04-2004 01:17 PM

After Brenna walked away, Vaj looks into Ash's eyes and sees the lust subsiding. He pushes a finger into her wetness one more time, but this time he pulls the finger out and sucks it dry. He flicks his tongue over the tip of his finger and whispers, "We shall continue later, at the house."

He slowly rises and makes his way over to Phaedra and is careful to not make any quick movements to give away his nature. He stops at her table, looks down at her and smiles seductively. "So you are scared to come to my table, well maybe you will be more comfortable at your own. My name is Vaj! It is an immense pleasure, (he draws pleasure out lustfully) to meet you."

Sugarsprinkles 01-05-2004 01:19 AM

For the first couple of moments Phaedra only stares at Vaj, wide eyed and nervous. Finally coming to her senses, she smiles at him, "I'm so very pleased to finally meet you, V--V-Vaj. My name is Phaedra. Please, won't you join me? I've just met your friend, Brenna. She's very nice................and very attractive (she lowers her head just a tad, but enough to indicate she feels considerably less attractive)

Prophet Reality 01-06-2004 10:15 PM

"Now.. now My dear.You are much better looking then you think." Vaj leans over and lifts Pheadra's chin to look into her eyes. "So what are you writing Pheadra? Do you like tonight's music?"

Prophet Reality 01-06-2004 10:24 PM

~Thinking loudly to Ash......~ 'She has a low self esteem... we will have to work extra hard on her. But I think that the rewards will be worth it.'

~Thinking to Brenna...~ 'I like her Brenna... find out all you can on her once you drop us off. We should be out front in about 25 minutes or so. If you need more time to get some more food, that is okay, we can wait outside a bit.'

Sugarsprinkles 01-06-2004 10:26 PM

Phaedra blushes at his compliment. Her eyes lock on his...........almost as though hypnotized. He stares at her intently as she replies, "I'm just writing some poetry......it's probably not very good, well, not as good as a lot of what I've heard here anyway. Yes, the music is very good. Kind of depressing, but still good."

Prophet Reality 01-06-2004 11:29 PM

"I would love to read some of your poetry some time. I love poetry. In fact some of the Poets that have performed here, I have sponsored and hepled them get published. So do you live within the city ir one of the many suburbs?"

Sugarsprinkles 01-07-2004 12:27 AM

"I'd be honored to share my poems with you. Are you sure you'd want to read such pitiful attempts as mine? They're usually rather dark and depressing." Phaedra squirms a bit nervously in her seat. She's stunned that he'd want to read her writings. Stunned, and secretly thrilled. How she's dreamed of having a conversation with him such as this! She feels more drawn in than ever as she continues: " I had no idea you sponsored some the the poets here. And you really want to read mine...?? I can't believe it!"
She suddenly realizes she's babbling and apologizes, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go on like that. I tend to run off at the mouth when I get nervous. Now what was your other question? Yes....where do I live................well.......my parents live out in one of the far Northern suburbs, but I spend a lot of time staying with friends"

ashkeyana0418 01-07-2004 07:13 AM

Ash smiles at Vaj's observation and straightens herself, leaving the table to refill their drinks and grabbing one for the new girl. Slipping through the crowd, she smiles at a few men that glance her way, then strolls purposefullly towards the duo still talking. As she reaches the table, Phaedra looks up, her eyes a little wide with nerves and excitement. Ash smiles easily and sets down their drinks, "I thought you might a little something...I know I always feel more relaxed after a nice glass of wine." She then looks up at Vaj with a sexy smile, "Vaj darling, why don't you sit down. You're giving the girl a crick in her neck."

Prophet Reality 01-10-2004 10:14 PM

"Yes I do so love to sponsor fresh poets. And don't worry, I tend to make people nervous." Vaj noticed Ash get closer with their drinks and...

Phaedra looks up, her eyes a little wide with nerves and excitement. Ash smiles easily and sets down their drinks, "I thought you might a little something...I know I always feel more relaxed after a nice glass of wine." She then looks up at Vaj with a sexy smile, "Vaj darling, why don't you sit down. You're giving the girl a crick in her neck."

"As always you are right. Phaedra, please allow me to introduce My Companion, Ash. May we sit and talk some more. Or if you'd like we could go somewhere more relaxing and quiter?"

Sugarsprinkles 01-10-2004 10:46 PM

"As always you are right. Phaedra, please allow me to introduce My Companion, Ash. May we sit and talk some more. Or if you'd like we could go somewhere more relaxing and quiter?"

Phaedra extends her hand to greet Ash. "Thank you for the wine, Ash, and it's nice to meet you.
Turning her attention back to Vaj "Yes, by all means, I'd love to for you both to join me. I've seen you here before and never expected to to meet you. I'm really very excited." Realizing she's beginning to babble, Phaedra stops, takes a few sips of the wine Ash brought her, and tries to compose herself.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to monopolize the conversation."
Phaedra would like to continue the conversation at the club but somehow she "knows" that she should agree to go along with Vaj and his companions.
"We can stay here, but if you'd rather go somewhere else, that would be fine too."

Prophet Reality 01-10-2004 11:00 PM

"Well whatever would make you feel comfortable. After all, we are virtual strangers. But I do need to go talk to a friend. Why don't you ladies talk it over and let me know what you decide."

Vaj looks at Ash and sends his thoughts to her ~ 'Get closer to her and start making moves on her. I think she would go with no problem then.'~

Southern Charm 01-10-2004 11:21 PM


In exactly 30 minutes, Brenna is parked just in front of the coffee house, as directed. The trunk filled with all the finest food and drink for their new guest that Vaj and Ash have already, no doubt, wrapped around their fingers. She smiles and thinks about the other places their new companion may be wrapped before this night ends. She lets her imagination roam to what could be in store for the evening as her hand roams down her tummy and between her legs, lingering for a moment.

"She certainly is a yummy little thing isn't she?" she asks outloud to no one, smiling to herself again. She peeks through the front door of the coffee house from the warmness of the car, but doesn't see them. "C'mon you guys, work your magic and lets get rollin," she says under her breath, lowering her rearview mirror to check her hair and make-up one last time. She readjusts it and peeks back through the door.

Prophet Reality 01-10-2004 11:31 PM

Vaj senses Brenna's impatience. As he sends his thoughts out to his Ghoul, he can tell that she is excited as Ash and himself. He gets close to the door and talks to one of the employees and watches Ash. At the same time he sends his thoughts out to Brenna, but they are thoughts of what he is going to do her later. Images of ropes, flowers, restraints, toys, and hot wax!

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